tree: 3b90df823a5a25279bbcdf8d43f7d7248d5dc73b [path history] [tgz]
  1. config.pb.go
  2. config.proto
  3. config_helpers.go
  4. config_helpers_test.go
  5. data.pb.go
  6. data.proto
  7. data_helpers.go
  8. data_helpers_test.go
  9. function.pb.go
  10. function.proto
  11. gen.go
  12. pb.discovery.go
  13. platform.pb.go
  14. platform.proto
  15. platform_helpers.go
  16. platform_helpers_test.go
  17. proto_gae.gen.go
  19. tricium.pb.go
  20. tricium.proto
  21. tricium_helpers.go
  22. tricium_helpers_test.go

Tricium API .proto files

This directory includes the protocol buffer service and message definitions for the public API of Tricium.

To regenerate, run go generate; the behavior of this command depends on the directives in gen.go.