blob: b33d645cfde0ef5a658b49ae37e68680a2f62dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package backend implements the core logic of Arquebus service.
package backend
import (
rotationproxy "infra/appengine/rotation-proxy/proto"
monorail "infra/monorailv2/api/api_proto"
var (
// maxIssueUpdatesExecutionTime is the maximum duration that a single Task
// run can spend for issue searches and updates.
maxIssueUpdatesExecutionTime = time.Second * 40
// nRetriesForSavingTaskEntity is the maximum number of trasnsactions that
// should be attempted to save Task entity in endTaskRun().
// After searchAndUpdateIssues(), the status of the Task entity is set
// with one of Failed, Succeeded, and Aborted. However, if it fails to
// save the Task entity in datastore, Arquebus returns nil to TaskQueue
// to prevent the TQ work from being retried and performing another
// searchAndUpdateIssues().
nRetriesForSavingTaskEntity = 8
var ctxKeyMonorailClient = "monorail client"
var ctxKeyRotaNGClient = "rotang client"
var ctxKeyRotationProxyClient = "rotation-proxy client"
func setMonorailClient(c context.Context, mc monorail.IssuesClient) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(c, &ctxKeyMonorailClient, mc)
func setRotaNGClient(c context.Context, rc rotangapi.OncallInfoClient) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(c, &ctxKeyRotaNGClient, rc)
func setRotationProxyClient(c context.Context, rc rotationproxy.RotationProxyServiceClient) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(c, &ctxKeyRotationProxyClient, rc)
func getMonorailClient(c context.Context) monorail.IssuesClient {
return c.Value(&ctxKeyMonorailClient).(monorail.IssuesClient)
func getRotaNGClient(c context.Context) rotangapi.OncallInfoClient {
return c.Value(&ctxKeyRotaNGClient).(rotangapi.OncallInfoClient)
func getRotationProxyClient(c context.Context) rotationproxy.RotationProxyServiceClient {
return c.Value(&ctxKeyRotationProxyClient).(rotationproxy.RotationProxyServiceClient)
func createMonorailClient(c context.Context) (monorail.IssuesClient, error) {
transport, err := auth.GetRPCTransport(c, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return monorail.NewIssuesPRPCClient(
C: &http.Client{Transport: transport},
Host: config.Get(c).MonorailHostname,
), nil
func createRotaNGClient(c context.Context) (rotangapi.OncallInfoClient, error) {
transport, err := auth.GetRPCTransport(c, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rotangapi.NewOncallInfoPRPCClient(
C: &http.Client{Transport: transport},
Host: config.Get(c).RotangHostname,
), nil
func createRotationProxyClient(c context.Context) (rotationproxy.RotationProxyServiceClient, error) {
transport, err := auth.GetRPCTransport(c, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rotationproxy.NewRotationProxyServicePRPCClient(
C: &http.Client{Transport: transport},
Host: config.Get(c).RotationProxyHostname,
), nil
// InstallHandlers installs TaskQueue handlers into a given task queue.
func InstallHandlers(r *router.Router, dispatcher *tq.Dispatcher, m router.MiddlewareChain) {
// install the dispatcher and RPC clients into the context so that
// they can be accessed via the context and overwritten in unit tests.
m = m.Extend(func(rc *router.Context, next router.Handler) {
rc.Context = util.SetDispatcher(rc.Context, dispatcher)
monorailClient, err := createMonorailClient(rc.Context)
if err != nil {
rc, http.StatusInternalServerError,
"failed to create an RPC channel for Monorail: %s", err,
rc.Context = setMonorailClient(rc.Context, monorailClient)
rotaNGClient, err := createRotaNGClient(rc.Context)
if err != nil {
rc, http.StatusInternalServerError,
"failed to create an RPC channel for RotaNG: %s", err,
rc.Context = setRotaNGClient(rc.Context, rotaNGClient)
rotationProxyClient, err := createRotationProxyClient(rc.Context)
if err != nil {
rc, http.StatusInternalServerError,
"failed to create an RPC channel for Rotation Proxy: %s", err,
rc.Context = setRotationProxyClient(rc.Context, rotationProxyClient)
dispatcher.InstallRoutes(r, m)
func registerTaskHandlers(dispatcher *tq.Dispatcher) {
&ScheduleAssignerTask{}, scheduleAssignerTaskHandler,
"schedule-assigners", nil,
&RunAssignerTask{}, runAssignerTaskHandler,
"run-assigners", nil,
// GetAllAssigners returns all assigners.
func GetAllAssigners(c context.Context) ([]*model.Assigner, error) {
return model.GetAllAssigners(c)
// GetAssigner returns the Assigner matching with a given ID.
func GetAssigner(c context.Context, aid string) (*model.Assigner, error) {
return model.GetAssigner(c, aid)
// UpdateAssigners updates all the Assigner entities, based on the configs,
// and remove the assigners of which configs no longer exist.
func UpdateAssigners(c context.Context, cfgs []*config.Assigner, rev string) error {
return model.UpdateAssigners(c, cfgs, rev)
// GetAssignerWithTasks returns up to |limit| of Task entities for
// the Assigner in ExpectedStart desc order.
// If includeNoopSuccess is true, the return includes the Task entities
// that were completed successfully without issue updates.
func GetAssignerWithTasks(c context.Context, assignerID string, limit int32, includeNoopSuccess bool) (assigner *model.Assigner, tasks []*model.Task, err error) {
if assigner, err = model.GetAssigner(c, assignerID); err == nil {
tasks, err = model.GetTasks(c, assigner, limit, includeNoopSuccess)
// GetTask returns the task entity matching with the assigner and task IDs.
func GetTask(c context.Context, assignerID string, taskID int64) (*model.Assigner, *model.Task, error) {
return model.GetTask(c, assignerID, taskID)
// TaskQueue handlers
// scheduleAssignerTaskHandler ensures that a given assigner has at least
// one task scheduled.
func scheduleAssignerTaskHandler(c context.Context, tqTask proto.Message) error {
msg := tqTask.(*ScheduleAssignerTask)
return datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
tasks, err := model.EnsureScheduledTasks(c, msg.AssignerId)
if err != nil {
return err
return scheduleRuns(c, msg.AssignerId, tasks)
}, &datastore.TransactionOptions{})
func scheduleRuns(c context.Context, assignerID string, tasks []*model.Task) error {
tqTasks := make([]*tq.Task, len(tasks))
for i, task := range tasks {
tqTasks[i] = &tq.Task{
Payload: &RunAssignerTask{
AssignerId: assignerID,
TaskId: task.ID,
ETA: task.ExpectedStart,
return util.GetDispatcher(c).AddTask(c, tqTasks...)
// startTaskRun updates the task status, based on the current status of
// the assigner and task.
func startTaskRun(c context.Context, assignerID string, taskID int64) (assigner *model.Assigner, task *model.Task, err error) {
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
assigner, task, err = model.GetTask(c, assignerID, taskID)
if err != nil {
return err
if task.Status != model.TaskStatus_Scheduled {
logging.Warningf(c, ""+
`the status is not "scheduled.", but "%q". It's likely `+
`that this Task run has been already processed by `+
`another worker`,
// return nil for assigner and task so that this TQ work will end
// immediately without processing the Assigner Task.
assigner = nil
task = nil
return nil
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
task.Started = now
nextSch := task.ExpectedStart.Add(assigner.Interval)
// check for drained assigner and stale tasks,
switch {
case assigner.IsDrained:
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Cancelled
task.WriteLog(c, "the assigner has been drained; cancelling")
task.Ended = now
case !assigner.HasMostRecentFormat():
// Don't risk running the task with a stale Assigner. Better to wait until
// it is updated.
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Cancelled
task.WriteLog(c, "Skipping the task, its assigner config has stale format.")
task.Ended = now
case nextSch.Before(now.Add(maxIssueUpdatesExecutionTime)):
// It's either the task is stale or the remaining time is not long
// enough to have the maximum issue update execution time.
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Cancelled
task.WriteLog(c, ""+
"stale task or the remaining time before the next schedule "+
"is too short; there should be at least %s left; cancelling",
task.Ended = now
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Running
if err := datastore.Put(c, task); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, &datastore.TransactionOptions{})
// endTaskRun updates the task status, based on the current status of
// the assigner and task.
func endTaskRun(c context.Context, task *model.Task, nIssuesUpdated int32, issueUpdateError error) error {
switch {
case issueUpdateError == context.DeadlineExceeded:
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Aborted
case issueUpdateError != nil:
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Failed
// TODO(crbug/967525): replace Task.WasNoopSuccess with
// Task.nIssuesUpdated.
task.WasNoopSuccess = nIssuesUpdated == 0
task.Status = model.TaskStatus_Succeeded
task.Ended = clock.Now(c).UTC()
return datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
return datastore.Put(c, task)
}, &datastore.TransactionOptions{Attempts: nRetriesForSavingTaskEntity})
// runAssignerTaskHandler runs an Assigner task, based on the Task entity.
func runAssignerTaskHandler(c context.Context, tqTask proto.Message) error {
msg := tqTask.(*RunAssignerTask)
assigner, task, err := startTaskRun(c, msg.AssignerId, msg.TaskId)
if err != nil {
// if it fails to update the Task entity with a new status, then
// returns an error to trigger retries.
return err
} else if task == nil || task.Status != model.TaskStatus_Running {
return nil
// At this moment, the assigner might have been drained. However, this
// task run should continue, as draining an assigner doesn't cancel
// a running task.
timedCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(c, maxIssueUpdatesExecutionTime)
defer cancel()
nIssuesUpdated, issueUpdateErr := searchAndUpdateIssues(
timedCtx, assigner, task,
// if the error was due to the context timeout, override issueUpdateErr
// with it so that endTaskRun() can recognize the timeout error.
if issueUpdateErr != nil && timedCtx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
issueUpdateErr = context.DeadlineExceeded
if err := endTaskRun(c, task, nIssuesUpdated, issueUpdateErr); err != nil {
// If datastore.Put() fails, ignore the error. Returning the error
// will cause the TQ task retried and searchAndUpdateIssues() will
// be performed again.
issueUpdateResult := "successful searchAndUpdateIssues()."
if issueUpdateErr != nil {
issueUpdateResult = "un" + issueUpdateResult
c, "Failed to update Task entity after %s; %s",
issueUpdateResult, err,
return nil