blob: 45148a1fc58e1aa3c5860a8b6bfec8a4a9796fb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cloudtail
import (
// Default config for PushBuffer if none is provided.
const (
DefaultFlushThreshold = 5000
DefaultFlushTimeout = 5 * time.Second
DefaultMaxPushAttempts = 5
DefaultPushRetryDelay = 500 * time.Millisecond
// PushBufferOptions defines configuration for a new PushBuffer instance.
type PushBufferOptions struct {
// Client is configured client to use to push messages.
// Required.
Client Client
// FlushThreshold defines how many pending messages trigger a flush.
FlushThreshold int
// FlushTimeout is maximum time an entry is kept in buffer before it is sent.
FlushTimeout time.Duration
// MaxPushAttempts is how many times to push entries when retrying errors.
MaxPushAttempts int
// PushRetryDelay is how long to wait before retrying a failed push.
// Will be doubled on each failed retry attempt.
PushRetryDelay time.Duration
// PushBuffer batches log entries together before pushing them to the client.
// It accumulates entries in a buffer and flushes them when the buffer is full
// (see FlushThreshold option) or when the first pushed entry is sufficiently
// old (see FlushTimeout option).
// It uses no more than 1 connection to the Cloud Logging.
type PushBuffer interface {
// Start starts an internal goroutine that periodically flushes entries.
// The goroutine uses the given context for creating timers and for flushes.
// If this context is canceled, all incoming entries are dropped. Instead use
// Stop to shutdown gracefully.
Start(ctx context.Context)
// Send appends the entry to the buffer of pending entries and flushes them if
// the buffer becomes full.
// It can block, waiting for pending data to be sent. Unblocks (and drops
// the entry) if the context is canceled.
// Since flushes may happen asynchronously, doesn't return an error. Instead
// a failed flush attempt will be logged and the error will eventually be
// returned by Stop().
Send(ctx context.Context, e Entry)
// Stop waits for all entries to be sent and stops the flush timer.
// Aborts ASAP when the passed context is canceled. Returns an error if any of
// pending data wasn't flushed successfully.
Stop(ctx context.Context) error
// NewPushBuffer returns PushBuffer that's ready to accept log entries.
func NewPushBuffer(opts PushBufferOptions) PushBuffer {
if opts.FlushThreshold == 0 {
opts.FlushThreshold = DefaultFlushThreshold
if opts.FlushTimeout == 0 {
opts.FlushTimeout = DefaultFlushTimeout
if opts.MaxPushAttempts == 0 {
opts.MaxPushAttempts = DefaultMaxPushAttempts
if opts.PushRetryDelay == 0 {
opts.PushRetryDelay = DefaultPushRetryDelay
return &pushBufferImpl{PushBufferOptions: opts}
type pushBufferImpl struct {
// Used from main goroutine and internal goroutine.
input chan *Entry
output chan error
dropped uint32 // updated atomically
// Used from internal goroutine only.
pending []*Entry // all unacknowledged entries
lastErr error // non nil if some flush failed, set in 'flush'
timer clock.Timer // flush timeout timer, gets reset in 'flush'
timerSet bool // true if timer was Reset and hasn't fired yet
stopCh chan struct{} // signals that retry loop should die
lastDropReport time.Time // time when logDrop did something
func (b *pushBufferImpl) Start(ctx context.Context) {
if b.input != nil {
panic("Start was already called")
b.input = make(chan *Entry, 500)
b.output = make(chan error)
b.timer = clock.NewTimer(clock.Tag(ctx, "flush-timer"))
b.stopCh = make(chan struct{})
b.lastDropReport = clock.Now(ctx)
go b.loop(ctx)
func (b *pushBufferImpl) Send(ctx context.Context, e Entry) {
if b.input == nil {
panic("Start wasn't called yet")
select {
case b.input <- &e: // send a pointer to the copy
case <-ctx.Done():
b.recordDrop(ctx, 1)
func (b *pushBufferImpl) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
close(b.input) // panics if already closed
killer := make(chan struct{})
defer close(killer)
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done(): // halt the flush on context cancellation
case <-killer: // don't leak this goroutine on successful flush
return <-b.output
// recordDrop counts how many entries were dropped.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) recordDrop(ctx context.Context, count int) {
// TODO(vadimsh): Report to the monitoring.
if count != 0 {
atomic.AddUint32(&b.dropped, uint32(count))
func (b *pushBufferImpl) logDrop(ctx context.Context, final bool) {
// Throttle frequency of reports.
now := clock.Now(ctx)
if !final && now.Sub(b.lastDropReport) < time.Second {
b.lastDropReport = now
// Log and reset the counter.
dropped := atomic.SwapUint32(&b.dropped, 0)
if dropped != 0 {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Dropped %d log entries due to errors or timeouts", dropped)
// loop runs internal flush loop as a separate goroutine.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) loop(ctx context.Context) {
defer func() {
b.recordDrop(ctx, len(b.pending))
b.logDrop(ctx, true)
b.output <- b.lastErr
for {
// Occasionally log how many entries have been dropped due to errors.
// This also happens in 'flush'.
b.logDrop(ctx, false)
select {
case entry, alive := <-b.input:
if !alive {
break outer
b.addToPending(ctx, entry)
// Grab all we have buffered there.
spin := true
for spin {
select {
case entry, spin = <-b.input:
if entry != nil {
b.addToPending(ctx, entry)
spin = false
// Still have pending data? Make sure it's flushed eventually by timeout.
if len(b.pending) > 0 && !b.timerSet {
b.timerSet = true
case <-b.timer.GetC():
// The final flush.
// addToPending adds entry to pending buffer, flushing it if it's full.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) addToPending(ctx context.Context, entry *Entry) {
b.pending = append(b.pending, entry)
if len(b.pending) >= b.FlushThreshold {
b.flush(ctx) // drops them if the context is already canceled
// mergeEntries uses parser's MergeLogLine to combine a bunch of sequential
// log entries into one, if appropriate.
// Mutates b.pending in place.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) mergeEntries() {
merged := make([]*Entry, 0, len(b.pending))
for i, e := range b.pending {
// Always skip the first one - there's nothing to merge it into.
if i == 0 {
merged = append(merged, e)
last := merged[len(merged)-1]
// This literally means: if 'e' wasn't recognized by a parser, but 'last'
// was, try to merge 'e' into 'last'. Otherwise keep 'e' as a standalone
// entry.
if e.ParsedBy == nil && last.ParsedBy != nil && last.ParsedBy.MergeLogLine(e.TextPayload, last) {
} else {
merged = append(merged, e)
b.pending = merged
// flush sends all buffered entries and stops the flush timeout timer.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) flush(ctx context.Context) {
// The flush timer will be restarted next time we have an item in the buffer.
if b.timerSet {
b.timerSet = false
if len(b.pending) == 0 {
// Don't even try to flush if the context is canceled already.
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
b.lastErr = err
b.recordDrop(ctx, len(b.pending))
b.pending = nil
// Give up trying to flush as soon as b.stopCh is closed.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
select {
case <-b.stopCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
defer cancel() // to terminate 'go func()' above
// Push all that we have. This respects context deadline and cancellation.
logging.Debugf(ctx, "flushing %d entries...", len(b.pending))
if err := b.pushWithRetries(ctx, b.pending); err != nil {
b.lastErr = err
b.recordDrop(ctx, len(b.pending))
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(ctx, "Failed to send %d entries", len(b.pending))
b.pending = nil
// Occasionally log how many entries have been dropped due to errors.
b.logDrop(ctx, false)
// pushWithRetries sends messages through the client.
// It retries on errors at most MaxPushAttempts number of times or until the
// context is canceled.
func (b *pushBufferImpl) pushWithRetries(ctx context.Context, entries []*Entry) error {
attempt := 0
delay := b.PushRetryDelay
for {
err := b.Client.PushEntries(ctx, entries)
switch {
case err == nil:
return nil
case ctx.Err() != nil:
return ctx.Err()
case attempt >= b.MaxPushAttempts || !transient.Tag.In(err):
return err
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(ctx, "failed to send %d entries, retrying in %s...", len(entries), delay)
select {
case res := <-clock.After(clock.Tag(ctx, "retry-timer"), delay):
if res.Err != nil {
return res.Err // the context was canceled
delay *= 2
// Safeguard against an overflow in unit tests.
if delay > 30*time.Minute {
delay = 30 * time.Minute