blob: 8095073d57a9e6ccc5ec3eff741d1a7866835ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: IsolateFinder
An evaluator which supports finding isolates and starting BuildBucket
Given a commit chromium@f00dcafe and change 123456
And a Pinpoint job
And a isolate-finding task graph for commit chromium@f00dcafe
Scenario: No cached isolates scheduling builds
Given attempts to schedule builds succeed
When we evaluate the task graph
Then we must have scheduled 1 build
And the task payload has a buildbucket build
And the task is ongoing
Scenario: There is a cached isolate for the commit
Given a cached isolate for commit chromium@f00dcafe
When we evaluate the task graph
Then we must have scheduled 0 builds
And the task payload has no buildbucket build
And the task has isolate details
And the task is completed