blob: 829ea9d7a37efea52c9e7c22df69f29037107426 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
from dto import swarming_task_error
from dto.swarming_task_error import SwarmingTaskError
from infra_api_clients.isolate import isolate_util
def GetIsolatedOuptputFileToHashMap(digest, name_space, isolated_server,
"""Gets the mapping of all files and their hashes and other info.
digest(str): Hash to file for retrieve request.
name_space(str): Name space info for retrieve request.
isolated_server(str): Host to isolate server.
http_client(RetryHttpClient): Http client to send the request.
(dict): Mapping from file names to hashes.
content, error = isolate_util.FetchFileFromIsolatedServer(
digest, name_space, isolated_server, http_client)
if not content:
return None, error
file_hash_mapping = {}
content_json = json.loads(content)
if not content_json.get('files'):
return None, SwarmingTaskError.GenerateError(
for file_name, info in content_json['files'].iteritems():
file_hash_mapping[file_name] = info.get('h')
return file_hash_mapping, None
def DownloadFileFromIsolatedServer(isolate_output_ref, http_client, file_name):
"""Downloads file and returns the json object.
The basic steps to get test results are:
1. Use isolate_output_ref to get hash to file,
2. Use hash from step 1 to get the file.
isolate_output_ref(dict): Outputs ref to get mapping from files to hashes.
http_client(FinditHttoClient): Http client to send requests.
file_name(str): name of the file to get from isolate.
# First POST request to get hash for the file.
file_hash_mapping, error = GetIsolatedOuptputFileToHashMap(
isolate_output_ref['digest'], isolate_output_ref['namespace'],
isolate_output_ref['isolatedserver'], http_client)
file_hash = file_hash_mapping.get(file_name) if file_hash_mapping else None
if not file_hash:
return None, error
# Second POST request to get the redirect url for the file.
return isolate_util.FetchFileFromIsolatedServer(
file_hash, isolate_output_ref['namespace'],
isolate_output_ref['isolatedserver'], http_client)