tree: 0c671e3d8fbb16dfefdb9b13204b066fced3750b [path history] [tgz]
  1. out/
  2. packages/
  3. tests/
  4. wct/


Scripts and files in this directory describe how to build CIPD packages from the source code in infra.git repo.

There are two flavors of packages:

  • Packages with executables compiled from Go code.
  • Single giant package with all python code and archived virtual environment needed to run it.

Package definition

A package is defined in a *.yaml file that is parsed by script before being passed to the CIPD client.

The package file has the following structure:

# Name of the package in CIPD repository.
package: infra/example/package
# Human readable description of the package.
description: Example package
# Optional list of Buildbot CI builders to build this package on. If not
# specified the package will be build on all CI builders. When script
# is invoked manually (without --builder flag), this property is ignored.
  - infra-continuous-precise-64
  - ...
# If true, it means the package is friendly to different GOOS and GOARCH. If not
# set or false, this package will be skipped when doing cross-compilation.
supports_cross_compilation: true
# Optional list of OSes for which to build this package. Supported values: win,
# linux, mac, android
  - android
  - ...
# Optional list of go packages to 'go install' before zipping this package.
  - ...
# Environment variables to set when building go code. Only CGO_ENABLED is
# recognized currently.
  # If given, overrides CGO_ENABLED env var when building this package.
  # In particular, setting this to 0 disables cgo, making the binary statically
  # linked. Note that when cross-compiling, cgo is disabled by default, unless
  # explicitly enabled by setting CGO_ENABLED to 1. Most likely this will fail,
  # since infra.git's go environ doesn't have C cross-compiler available.
# Path to the root of the package source files on the system we're building
# the package from. Can be absolute or relative to the path of the *.yaml
# file itself.
root: ../..

# Copies apply after the build, but before creating the package. `dst` files
# will automatically be added as data 'file' entries.
# generate_bat_shim works as it does for data 'file' entries below, and is
# optional.
  - src: some_built_file
    dst: some_other_file
    generate_bat_shim: true

# Symlinks apply after the build, but before creating the package. `dst` links
# are automatically be added as data 'file' entries. These will only run when
# targetting posix platforms (mac, linux), and are otherwise ignored.
  - src: some_file
    dst: some_link_name

  # 'dir' section adds a subdirectory of 'root' to the package. In this case
  # it will scan directory <yaml_path>/../../a/b/c and put files into a/b/c
  # directory of the package.
  - dir: a/b/c
    # A list of regular expressions for files to exclude from the package.
    # Syntax is defined at Each expression
    # is implicitly wrapped into ^...$. The tests are applied to paths relative
    # to 'dir', e.g. 'bin/active' regexp matches only single file
    # <yaml_path>/../../a/b/c/bin/active.
      - bin/activate
      - .*\.pyc

  # 'file' section adds a single file to the package.
  - file:

  # Exe files can also be augmented with *.bat shims, residing in same dir.
  # Kicks in only when the package is targeting Windows.
  - file: cipd.exe
    generate_bat_shim: true

Following features of the package definition are implemented by (basically anything related to the process of building the code and preparing all necessary files for packaging):

  • builders
  • supports_cross_compilation
  • supported_platforms
  • go_build_environ
  • go_packages
  • generate_bat_shim

Strings interpolation

Any string in package definition can reference a variable via ${var_name}, for example:

package: infra/tools/cipd/${platform}

Available variables are defined in in get_package_vars:

  • ${exe_suffix} is .exe on Windows and empty string on other platforms. If cross-compiling to Windows, it is also set to .exe regardless of the host platform.
  • ${platform} defines where is running (if not cross-compiling) or what the target platform is (when cross-compiling), as (flavor)-(bitness) string. It is suitable for packages that do not depend much on the exact version of the OS, for example packages with statically linked binaries. All possible combinations thus far:
    • linux-amd64
    • linux-386
    • linux-armv6l
    • mac-amd64
    • mac-386
    • windows-amd64
    • windows-386
  • ${python_version} defines python version as ‘(major)(minor)’ string, e.g ‘27’. Not set when cross-compiling.

See packages for examples of package definitions.

Build script script does the following:

  • Ensures python virtual environment directory (ENV) is up to date.
  • Rebuilds all necessary Go code from scratch and installs binaries into GOBIN.
  • Enumerates packages/ directory for package definition files, builds and (if --upload option is passed) uploads CIPD packages to the repository.
  • Stores built packages into out/ (as *.cipd files).

Package definition files can assume that Go infra code is built and all artifacts are installed in GOBIN (which is go/bin).

You can also pass one or more *.yaml file names to build only specific packages: infra_python cipd_client

Verifying a package

To install a built package locally use cipd client binary (it is built by as well). For example, to rebuild and install infra_python.cipd into ./install_dir, run:

cd infra.git/
rm -rf install_dir
./build/ infra_python
./go/bin/cipd pkg-deploy -root=install_dir build/out/infra_python.cipd
cd install_dir

Package tests script can be used to run simple package integrity tests to verify a built package looks good after deploy.

For each .yaml in packages/ there can be corresponding .py file in tests/ that is invoked by to check that deployed package looks good.

Basically does the following:

  • Installs a CIPD file to a local directory or update currently installed version there (if --work-dir is used).
  • Runs python test/<name>.py with cwd == installation directory.
  • If test returns 0, considers it success, otherwise - failure.

Thus to test that infra_python.cipd package works, one can do the following:

./build/ infra_python
./build/ infra_python is used on CI builders to verify packages look good before uploading them.

Cross compilation of Go code script recognizes GOOS and GOARCH environment variables used to specify a target platform when cross-compiling Go code. When it detects them, it builds only Go packages that have supports_cross_compilation property set to true in the package definition YAML. It also changes the meaning of ${platform} and ${exe_suffix} to match the values for the target platform.

Built packages have +${platform} suffix in file names and coexist with native package in build output directory. When uploading packages (via --no-rebuild --upload), GOOS and GOARCH are used to figure out what flavor of built packages to pick (what +${platform} to search for).

Cross compiling toolset doesn't include C compiler, so the binaries are built in CGO_ENABLED=0 mode, meaning some stdlib functions that depend on libc are not working or working differently compared to natively built executables.