tree: 2cbafb1774218d55c17881aebd3d038475cef800 [path history] [tgz]
  1. patches/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .vpython
  7. check_deps.allowlist
  9. deps.lock
  11. deps.yaml
  12. env.cmd

Chromium Infra Go Area

Get the code

The steps for getting the code are:

  1. Install depot_tools

  2. Run fetch infra

  3. Run

    eval `infra/go/`

    On Windows

    call infra\go\env.cmd

Quick Setup

If you are on Linux you can run the quicksetup script (instead of the above) like so:

cd /where/you/want/source/code
wget -O- "" | base64 -d | bash

This will create a self-contained cr-infra-go-area directory and populate it will all necessary tools and source for using or contributing to Chromium's Go Infrastructure. Once run, look in cr-infra-go-area/infra/go/src for the editable source code.


This directory contains a set of scripts to setup and manage a hermetic Go building environment. We pin versions of the Go toolset and all third party dependencies that the infra code is using. It is important for getting non-flaky, reproducible builds of Go code on a CI and on developers' machines.

Structurally infra/go represents two workspaces (two directories in $GOPATH):

  • infra/go itself is a GOPATH with Chrome Infra go code and a bunch of Chrome Infra owned projects (e.g. luci-go), that are DEPSed in into infra/go/src/. Such structure allows us to run CI for these projects in a hermetic environment on Chrome Infra waterfalls.
  • infra/go/.vendor is a GOPATH with locked versions of all third party code that infra/go/src/* depends on (including code needed by luci-go repo and other such DEPSed in dependencies). This directory is managed by script, based on configuration specified in deps.yaml and deps.lock. See “Dependency management” section below.

Note that infra/go is not “go get”-able, since it‘s not a go package. It’s GOPATH workspace.

The majority of active development is happening in luci-go project that is a proper Go package and can be fetched with go get.

luci-go doesn't pin any dependencies, assuming the end users (whoever links to it) will do it themselves. infra/go workspace is one such end user. This approach allows projects that use multiple big libraries (like luci-go) to manage all dependencies centrally in a single place, thus avoiding issues of version conflicts and binary bloat due to inclusion of a same third party code via multiple import paths.


infra/go knows how to bootstrap itself from scratch (i.e. from a fresh checkout) by downloading pinned version of Go toolset, and installing pinned versions of third party packages it needs into infra/go/.vendor directory, and adding a bunch of third party tools (like goconvey and protoc-gen-go) to $PATH.

The bootstrap (and self-update) procedure is invoked whenever go/ or go/ run. There‘s no DEPS hook for this. We only want the Go toolset to be present on systems that need it, since it’s somewhat big and platform-specific.

go/ can be used in two ways. If invoked without arguments, it verifies that everything is up-to-date and then just emits a small shell script that tweaks the environment. This script can be executed in the current shell process to modify its environment. Once it's done, Go tools can be invoked directly. This is the recommended way of “entering” infra/go build environment.

For example:

cd infra/go
eval `./`
go install
./bin/cproto --help  # infra/go/bin is where executables are installed
cproto --help        # infra/go/bin is also in $PATH

Alternatively go/ can be used as a wrapping command that sets up an environment and invokes some other process. It is particularly useful on Windows.

If the INFRA_PROMPT_TAG environment variable is exported while running go/, the new environment will include a modified PS1 prompt containing the INFRA_PROMPT_TAG value to indicate that the modified environment is being used. By default, this value is "[cr go] ", but it can be changed by exporting a different value or disabled by exporting an empty value.

Dependency management

All third party code needed to build infra/go is installed into infra/go/.vendor via script that is invoked as part of the bootstrap process.

There are two files that control what code to fetch:

  • deps.yaml specifies what packages infra/go code depends on directly and where to get them (i.e. what git mirror repos to use). It does not specify package revisions in general, though some packages may optionally be pinned here too (too avoid being updated during update run, see below).
  • deps.lock is produced by update command and it specifies the exact revisions of all the packages in deps.yaml and all their transitive dependencies. This is a list of what is getting installed into infra/go/.vendor.

It is totally OK to modify deps.yaml or deps.lock by hand if you know what you are doing. These files are actually consumed by glide. See glide.yaml file format for some details.

Updating dependencies

deps.lock file should be periodically updated by running update. Running this command bumps all revisions specified in deps.lock to the most recent ones.

Here's the suggested workflow for updating all deps at once:

cd infra/go
eval `./`
./ update                    # bump revisions
./ install                   # install new versions into .vendor/*
go test    # make sure everything works
git add deps.lock                   # commit new versions into the repo
git commit ...

Adding a dependency

When infra/go code grows a dependency on some new third party library, this library has to be added to deps.yaml and deps.lock files, or the code won't build on a CI.

Here's the suggested workflow for doing this:

cd infra/go
eval `./`
./ add

# will ask you to modify deps.yaml to specify location of a git
# mirror. Do that.
vi deps.yaml

./ update
./ install

git add deps.yaml
git add deps.lock
git commit ...

Git mirrors for dependencies

All dependencies should be fetched from a * host.

Some Golang related packages are already on * (though it may be non obvious at the first glance). For example all* ones are actually served from will warn you if it sees a package being referenced from a source-of-truth repo, and not a mirror.

If you are positive that a mirror is needed, file Infra-Git ticket specifying what repository you need to be mirrored.