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  2. Dockerfile

The files here are used to build a docker image suitable for Swarming. Recommended usage is for lightweight bots running mainly swarming trigger/collect.

The docker image

The script will create a local image named swarm_docker tagged with the date and time of creation. The image itself is simply an Ubuntu flavor (bionic as of writing this) with a number of packages and utilities installed. When launched as a container, this image is configured to run the script here which fetches and runs the bot code of the swarming server pointed to by the $SWARM_URL env var. Note that running the image locally on a developer workstation is unsupported.

Automatic image building

Everyday at 8am PST, a builder on the internal.infra.cron waterfall builds a fresh version of the image. This builder essentially runs ./ and uploads the resultant image to a docker container registry. The registry, hosted by gcloud, is located at chromium-container-registry.

For arm64 images, the process is a little different. Its builder doesn‘t run on a schedule. Instead, when you need it to create a new image, simply trigger it via the luci-scheduler UI. If you don’t have the permissions to trigger a build, please file a Trooper bug and someone can trigger it on your behalf.

Shutting container down from within

Because a swarming bot may trigger a reboot of the bot at any time (see docs), it should also be able to shut its container down from within. By conventional means, that's impossible; a container has no access to the docker engine running outside of it. Nor can it run many of the utilities in /sbin/ since the hardware layer of the machine is not available to the container. However, because a swarming bot uses the /sbin/shutdown executable to reboot, this file is replaced with our own bash script here ( that simply sends SIGUSR1 to init (pid 1). For a container, init is whatever command the container was configured to run (as opposed to actual /sbin/init). In our case, this is, which conveniently traps SIGUSR1 at the very beginning and exits upon catching it. Consequently, running /sbin/shutdown from within a container will cause the container to immediately shutdown.

Image deployment

Image deployment is done via puppet. When a new image needs to be rolled out, grab the image name in the step-text of the “Push image” step on the image-building bot. It should look like swarm_docker:$date. (The bot runs once a day, but you can manually trigger a build if you don‘t want to wait.) To deploy, update the image pins in puppet for canary bots, followed by stable bots. The canary pin affects bots on chromium-swarm-dev, which is not used by any builders, but can be used for manual testing before updating stable pin. Please trigger a build on this bot by manually editing a normal swarmbucket request sent to a multibot and making it execute on chromium-swarm-dev. If the build looks fine, you can proceed to update the stable pin. (Note that it may take several hours for the image pin update to propagate. It’s advised to wait at least a day to update stable after updating canary.)

Launching the containers

On the bots, container launching and managing is controlled via the python service here, which ensures that a configured number of containers is running. It will gracefully tear down containers that are too old or reboot the host. Called every 5 minutes via cron.

More information can be found here.