blob: 0301b3d7b95716a500b1a9fcad3a7fd9dbbc36c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package labstation
import (
swarming "infra/libs/swarming"
ufspb "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/models"
chromeosLab "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/models/chromeos/lab"
ufsAPI "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/rpc"
ufsUtil "infra/unifiedfleet/app/util"
// defaultDeployTaskActions is a collection of actions for SSW to setup labstation.
var defaultDeployTaskActions = []string{"setup-labstation", "update-label", "run-pre-deploy-verification"}
var shivasTags = []string{"shivas:" + site.VersionNumber, "triggered_using:shivas"}
// defaultPools contains the list of pools used by default.
var defaultPools = []string{"labstation_main"}
// defaultSwarmingPool is the swarming pool used for all Labstations.
var defaultSwarmingPool = "ChromeOSSkylab"
var ufsOp = "Update to database" // Summary table column for update operation.
var swarmingOp = "Deploy task" // Summary table column for deploy operation.
// AddLabstationCmd adds a MachineLSE to the database. And starts a swarming job to deploy.
var AddLabstationCmd = &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "labstation [options ...]",
ShortDesc: "Deploy a labstation",
LongDesc: cmdhelp.AddLabstationLongDesc,
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
c := &addLabstation{
pools: []string{},
deployTags: shivasTags,
deployActions: defaultDeployTaskActions,
c.authFlags.Register(&c.Flags, site.DefaultAuthOptions)
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.newSpecsFile, "f", "", cmdhelp.LabstationRegistrationFileText)
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.hostname, "name", "", "hostname of the Labstation.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.machine, "asset", "", "asset tag of the Labstation.")
c.Flags.Var(utils.CSVString(&c.pools), "pools", "comma seperated pools assigned to the Labstation. 'labstation_main' assigned on no input.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.rpm, "rpm", "", "rpm assigned to the Labstation.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.rpmOutlet, "rpm-outlet", "", "rpm outlet used for the Labstation.")
c.Flags.Int64Var(&c.deployTaskTimeout, "deploy-timeout", swarming.DeployTaskExecutionTimeout, "execution timeout for deploy task in seconds.")
c.Flags.Var(utils.CSVString(&c.deployTags), "deploy-tags", "comma seperated tags for deployment task.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.deploymentTicket, "ticket", "", "the deployment ticket for this machine.")
c.Flags.Var(utils.CSVString(&c.tags), "tags", "comma separated tags for the Labstation.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.description, "desc", "", "description for the machine.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.model, "model", "", "model name of the device")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.board, "board", "", "board the device is based on")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.rack, "rack", "", "rack that the labstation is on")
return c
type addLabstation struct {
authFlags authcli.Flags
envFlags site.EnvFlags
commonFlags site.CommonFlags
newSpecsFile string
hostname string
machine string
pools []string
rpm string
rpmOutlet string
deployTaskTimeout int64
deployActions []string
deployTags []string
deploymentTicket string
tags []string
state string
description string
// Asset related params
model string
board string
rack string
var mcsvFields = []string{
// labstationDeployUFSParams contains all the data that are needed for deployment of a single labstation
// Asset and its update paths are required here to update location, model and board for the labstation
// See: for why model and board need to be updated.
type labstationDeployUFSParams struct {
Labstation *ufspb.MachineLSE // MachineLSE of the labstation to be updated
Asset *ufspb.Asset // Asset underlying the labstation being updated
Paths []string // Update paths for the Asset being updated
func (c *addLabstation) Run(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) int {
if err := c.innerRun(a, args, env); err != nil {
cmdlib.PrintError(a, err)
return 1
return 0
func (c *addLabstation) innerRun(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) error {
if err := c.validateArgs(); err != nil {
return err
ctx := cli.GetContext(a, c, env)
ctx = utils.SetupContext(ctx, ufsUtil.OSNamespace)
hc, err := cmdlib.NewHTTPClient(ctx, &c.authFlags)
if err != nil {
return err
e := c.envFlags.Env()
if c.commonFlags.Verbose() {
fmt.Printf("Using UFS service %s \n", e.UnifiedFleetService)
fmt.Printf("Using swarming service %s \n", e.SwarmingService)
tc, err := swarming.NewTaskCreator(ctx, &c.authFlags, e.SwarmingService)
if err != nil {
return err
tc.LogdogService = e.LogdogService
tc.SwarmingServiceAccount = e.SwarmingServiceAccount
deployParams, err := c.parseArgs()
if err != nil {
return err
resTable := utils.NewSummaryResultsTable([]string{"Labstation", ufsOp, swarmingOp})
ic := ufsAPI.NewFleetPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: hc,
Host: e.UnifiedFleetService,
Options: site.DefaultPRPCOptions,
for _, params := range deployParams {
if len(params.Labstation.GetMachines()) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Failed to add Labstation %s to UFS. It is not linked to any Asset(Machine).\n", params.Labstation.GetName())
err := c.addLabstationToUFS(ctx, ic, params)
resTable.RecordResult(ufsOp, params.Labstation.GetHostname(), err)
if err == nil {
// Deploy and record result.
resTable.RecordResult(swarmingOp, params.Labstation.GetHostname(), c.deployLabstationToSwarming(ctx, tc, params.Labstation))
} else {
// Record deploy task skip.
resTable.RecordSkip(swarmingOp, params.Labstation.GetHostname(), "")
// Print session URL if atleast one of the tasks was deployed.
if resTable.IsSuccessForAny(swarmingOp) {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetOut(), "\nBatch tasks URL: %s\n\n", tc.SessionTasksURL())
fmt.Println("\nSummary of operations:")
resTable.PrintResultsTable(os.Stdout, true)
return nil
// validateArgs validates the input flags.
func (c addLabstation) validateArgs() error {
if c.newSpecsFile != "" {
// Using file input. Cmdline inputs are not allowed.
if c.hostname != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-name' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.machine != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-asset' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.rpm != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-rpm' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.model != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-model' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.board != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-board' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.rpmOutlet != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-rpm-outlet' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if len(c.pools) > 0 {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-pools' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.deploymentTicket != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-ticket' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.description != "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-desc' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if len(c.tags) > 0 {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Wrong usage!!\nThe MCSV/JSON mode is specified. '-tags' cannot be specified at the same time.")
if c.newSpecsFile == "" {
if c.hostname == "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Need hostname to create a DUT")
if c.machine == "" {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Need machine ID to create a Labstation")
if (c.rpm != "" && c.rpmOutlet == "") || (c.rpm == "" && c.rpmOutlet != "") {
return cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Need both rpm and its outlet. [%s]-[%s] is invalid", c.rpm, c.rpmOutlet)
return nil
// parseArgs reads the input and generates machineLSE.
func (c *addLabstation) parseArgs() ([]*labstationDeployUFSParams, error) {
if c.newSpecsFile != "" {
if utils.IsCSVFile(c.newSpecsFile) {
return c.parseMCSV()
machinelse := &ufspb.MachineLSE{}
if err := utils.ParseJSONFile(c.newSpecsFile, machinelse); err != nil {
return nil, err
machinelse.Hostname = machinelse.Name
if len(machinelse.GetMachines()) == 0 {
return nil, cmdlib.NewQuietUsageError(c.Flags, "Need asset tag to create Labstation. Use Machines field in %s", c.newSpecsFile)
// Get the updated asset and update paths. Note that deployment fails if model/board not already assigned to asset.
asset, paths, err := utils.GenerateAssetUpdate(machinelse.GetName(), machinelse.GetMachines()[0], "", "", "", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*labstationDeployUFSParams{{
Labstation: machinelse,
Asset: asset,
Paths: paths,
}}, nil
// command line parameters
deployParams, err := c.initializeLSEAndAsset(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*labstationDeployUFSParams{deployParams}, nil
// parseMCSV parses the MCSV file and returns MachineLSEs
func (c *addLabstation) parseMCSV() ([]*labstationDeployUFSParams, error) {
records, err := utils.ParseMCSVFile(c.newSpecsFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var deployParams []*labstationDeployUFSParams
for i, rec := range records {
// if i is 1, determine whether this is a header
if i == 0 && utils.LooksLikeHeader(rec) {
if err := utils.ValidateSameStringArray(mcsvFields, rec); err != nil {
return nil, err
recMap := make(map[string]string)
for j, title := range mcsvFields {
recMap[title] = rec[j]
params, err := c.initializeLSEAndAsset(recMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deployParams = append(deployParams, params)
return deployParams, nil
// addLabstationToUFS attempts to create a machineLSE object in UFS.
func (c *addLabstation) addLabstationToUFS(ctx context.Context, ic ufsAPI.FleetClient, params *labstationDeployUFSParams) error {
if err := c.updateAssetToUFS(ctx, ic, params.Asset, params.Paths); err != nil {
return err
res, err := ic.CreateMachineLSE(ctx, &ufsAPI.CreateMachineLSERequest{
MachineLSE: params.Labstation,
MachineLSEId: params.Labstation.GetName(),
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to add Labstation %s to UFS. UFS add failed %s\n", params.Labstation.GetName(), err)
return err
res.Name = ufsUtil.RemovePrefix(res.Name)
utils.PrintProtoJSON(res, !utils.NoEmitMode(false))
return nil
// deployLabstationToSwarming starts a deploy task for the given labstation.
func (c *addLabstation) deployLabstationToSwarming(ctx context.Context, tc *swarming.TaskCreator, lse *ufspb.MachineLSE) error {
task, err := tc.DeployDut(ctx, lse.Name, lse.GetMachines()[0], defaultSwarmingPool, c.deployTaskTimeout, c.deployActions, c.deployTags, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Triggered Deploy task for Labstation %s. Follow the deploy job at %s\n", lse.GetName(), task.TaskURL)
return nil
func (c *addLabstation) initializeLSEAndAsset(recMap map[string]string) (*labstationDeployUFSParams, error) {
lse := &ufspb.MachineLSE{
Lse: &ufspb.MachineLSE_ChromeosMachineLse{
ChromeosMachineLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE{
ChromeosLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSMachineLSE_DeviceLse{
DeviceLse: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE{
Device: &ufspb.ChromeOSDeviceLSE_Labstation{
Labstation: &chromeosLab.Labstation{
Rpm: &chromeosLab.OSRPM{},
var name, rpmHost, rpmOutlet, model, board string
var asset *ufspb.Asset
var pools, machines, paths []string
if recMap != nil {
// CSV map
name = recMap["name"]
rpmHost = recMap["rpm_host"]
rpmOutlet = recMap["rpm_outlet"]
model = recMap["model"]
board = recMap["board"]
machines = []string{recMap["asset"]}
pools = strings.Fields(recMap["pools"])
} else {
// command line parameters
name = c.hostname
rpmHost = c.rpm
rpmOutlet = c.rpmOutlet
model = c.model
board = c.board
machines = []string{c.machine}
pools = c.pools
// Check if machine is nil.
if len(machines) == 0 || machines[0] == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot create labstation without asset")
lse.Name = name
lse.Hostname = name
lse.GetChromeosMachineLse().GetDeviceLse().GetLabstation().Hostname = name
lse.Machines = machines
// Use the input params if available for all the options.
lse.Description = c.description
lse.DeploymentTicket = c.deploymentTicket
lse.Tags = c.tags
// Check and assign rpm
if (rpmHost != "" && rpmOutlet == "") || (rpmHost == "" && rpmOutlet != "") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Need both rpm and its outlet. [%s]-[%s] is invalid", rpmHost, rpmOutlet)
lse.GetChromeosMachineLse().GetDeviceLse().GetLabstation().GetRpm().PowerunitName = rpmHost
lse.GetChromeosMachineLse().GetDeviceLse().GetLabstation().GetRpm().PowerunitOutlet = rpmOutlet
if len(pools) == 0 || pools[0] == "" {
lse.GetChromeosMachineLse().GetDeviceLse().GetLabstation().Pools = defaultPools
} else {
lse.GetChromeosMachineLse().GetDeviceLse().GetLabstation().Pools = pools
// Get the updated asset and update paths
asset, paths, err := utils.GenerateAssetUpdate(lse.GetName(), machines[0], model, board, "", c.rack)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &labstationDeployUFSParams{
Labstation: lse,
Asset: asset,
Paths: paths,
}, nil
// updateAssetToUFS calls UpdateAsset API in UFS with asset and partial paths
func (c *addLabstation) updateAssetToUFS(ctx context.Context, ic ufsAPI.FleetClient, asset *ufspb.Asset, paths []string) error {
if len(paths) == 0 {
// If no update is available. Skip doing anything
return nil
mask := &field_mask.FieldMask{
Paths: paths,
_, err := ic.UpdateAsset(ctx, &ufsAPI.UpdateAssetRequest{
Asset: asset,
UpdateMask: mask,
return err