blob: 68f8336dd9e2b2167ea3d1b30f0429d61884fe30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package recipe formulates buildbucket requests for the cros_test_platform
// recipe, given arguments from the skylab tool.
package recipe
import (
// NewTestPlanForSuites returns a test plan consisting of the given named suites.
func NewTestPlanForSuites(suiteNames ...string) *test_platform.Request_TestPlan {
p := test_platform.Request_TestPlan{}
for _, s := range suiteNames {
p.Suite = append(p.Suite, &test_platform.Request_Suite{Name: s})
return &p
// NewTestPlanForAutotestTests returns a test plan consisting of the given named autotest tests.
func NewTestPlanForAutotestTests(autotestArgs string, testNames ...string) *test_platform.Request_TestPlan {
// Due to crbug/984103, the first autotest arg gets dropped somewhere between here and
// when autotest reads the args. Add a dummy arg to prevent this bug for now.
// TODO(crbug/984103): Remove the dummy arg once the underlying bug is fixed.
if autotestArgs != "" {
autotestArgs = " " + autotestArgs
p := test_platform.Request_TestPlan{}
for _, t := range testNames {
p.Test = append(p.Test, &test_platform.Request_Test{
Harness: &test_platform.Request_Test_Autotest_{
Autotest: &test_platform.Request_Test_Autotest{
Name: t,
TestArgs: autotestArgs,
return &p
// Args defines the arguments used to construct a cros_test_platform request.
type Args struct {
TestPlan *test_platform.Request_TestPlan
Model string
// This Image argument is interpreted as a ChromeOS image version, and used
// to construct both a provisionable dimension and test metadata url.
Image string
Board string
// Pool specifies the device pool to use. For managed pools, it can be
// specified as a fully qualified name (e.g. "MANAGED_POOL_CQ"), a skylab
// pool label value (e.g. "DUT_POOL_CQ"), or an autotest-style short name
// (e.g. "cq"). If it doesn't match a managed pool in any of these forms,
// then it will be mapped to an unmanaged pool.
Pool string
QuotaAccount string
Timeout time.Duration
Keyvals map[string]string
FreeformSwarmingDimensions []string
AutotestTestArgs string
MaxRetries int
Priority int64
Tags []string
ProvisionLabels []string
UploadCrashes bool
LacrosPath string
// TestPlatformRequest constructs a cros_test_platform.Request from Args.
func (a *Args) TestPlatformRequest() (*test_platform.Request, error) {
req := &test_platform.Request{
TestPlan: a.TestPlan,
req.Params = &test_platform.Request_Params{}
params := req.Params
params.HardwareAttributes = &test_platform.Request_Params_HardwareAttributes{
Model: a.Model,
params.Scheduling = toScheduling(a.Pool, a.QuotaAccount, a.Priority)
params.SoftwareAttributes = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareAttributes{
BuildTarget: &chromiumos.BuildTarget{Name: a.Board},
var deps []*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency
if a.Image != "" {
deps = append(deps, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuild{ChromeosBuild: a.Image},
if a.LacrosPath != "" {
deps = append(deps, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_LacrosGcsPath{LacrosGcsPath: a.LacrosPath},
for _, label := range a.ProvisionLabels {
dep, err := toSoftwareDependency(label)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deps = append(deps, dep)
params.SoftwareDependencies = deps
params.Decorations = &test_platform.Request_Params_Decorations{
AutotestKeyvals: a.Keyvals,
Tags: a.Tags,
params.FreeformAttributes = &test_platform.Request_Params_FreeformAttributes{
SwarmingDimensions: a.FreeformSwarmingDimensions,
params.Retry = &test_platform.Request_Params_Retry{
Max: int32(a.MaxRetries),
Allow: a.MaxRetries != 0,
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: "gs",
Host: "chromeos-image-archive",
Path: a.Image,
params.Metadata = &test_platform.Request_Params_Metadata{
TestMetadataUrl: u.String(),
DebugSymbolsArchiveUrl: u.String(),
duration := ptypes.DurationProto(a.Timeout)
params.Time = &test_platform.Request_Params_Time{
MaximumDuration: duration,
if a.UploadCrashes {
params.ExecutionParam = &execution.Param{
UploadCrashes: true,
return req, nil
func toScheduling(pool string, quotaAccount string, priority int64) *test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling {
s := test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling{}
managedPool, isManaged := managedPool(pool)
switch isManaged {
case true:
s.Pool = &test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool_{ManagedPool: managedPool}
case false:
s.Pool = &test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_UnmanagedPool{UnmanagedPool: pool}
if quotaAccount != "" {
s.QsAccount = quotaAccount
return &s
// Priority and Quota Account can not co-exist in a CTP request. Only attach priority
// if no Quota Account specified.
s.Priority = priority
return &s
func managedPool(pool string) (test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool, bool) {
if p, ok := test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool_value[pool]; ok {
return test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool(p), true
mungedPool := strings.TrimPrefix(pool, "DUT_POOL_")
mungedPool = strings.ToLower(mungedPool)
if p, ok := nonstandardPoolNames[mungedPool]; ok {
return p, true
return 0, false
var nonstandardPoolNames = map[string]test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool{
"cq": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_CQ,
"bvt": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_BVT,
"suites": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_SUITES,
"cts": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_CTS,
"cts-perbuild": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_CTS_PERBUILD,
"continuous": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_CONTINUOUS,
"arc-presubmit": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_ARC_PRESUBMIT,
"quota": test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_MANAGED_POOL_QUOTA,
func toSoftwareDependency(provisionableLabel string) (*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency, error) {
parts := strings.Split(provisionableLabel, ":")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid provisionable label %s", provisionableLabel).Err()
prefix := parts[0]
value := parts[1]
dep := &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{}
switch prefix {
// These prefixes are interpreted by autotest's provisioning behavior;
// they are defined in the autotest repo, at utils/
case "cros-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuild{
ChromeosBuild: value,
case "fwro-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_RoFirmwareBuild{
RoFirmwareBuild: value,
case "fwrw-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_RwFirmwareBuild{
RwFirmwareBuild: value,
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid provisionable label prefix %s", prefix).Err()
return dep, nil