blob: be0847680e2a244199bd249f9b493bae2eb8308b [file] [log] [blame]
.PHONY: stable_version2
stable_version2: check-environment
go build -o stable_version2 -- .
.PHONY: gen
gen: check-environment
go generate ./...
.PHONY: test
test: check-environment
go test ./...
.PHONY: check
check: test
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) ./stable_version2
$(RM) -r ./.cipd
$(RM) -r ./.versions
# Run the update with omaha task locally.
# Doing this will consult omaha the same way running the task in production will,
# but it will write the output.json to stdout rather than committing it.
# We clear the PATH pre-emptively do we don't pick up user's real version of any
# tools that stable_version2 calls or might call in the future.
# TODO(gregorynisbet): clear the environment completely except for the variables
# needed to authenticate.
.PHONY: check-update-with-omaha
check-update-with-omaha: check-environment stable_version2
dir="$$(mktemp -d)" && \
(PATH= && ./stable_version2 update-with-omaha -dryrun -output_json="$${dir}/output.json") && \
status="$$?"; \
cat < "$${dir}/output.json"; \
exit "$$status"
.PHONY: check-environment
@if ! (env | grep -q '^GOPATH.*infra/go/[.]vendor'); then \
echo 'not in infra gopath workspace' 1>&2; \
exit 1; \