blob: 2a94230f38dc2794cb48c8bf54e265c6acf97894 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package omaha
import (
sv ""
svlib "infra/cros/stableversion"
// 1. Determine the map from board+model to CrOS version
// If a board is present with no model in the old file,
// then it is a legacy entry and will be replaced with
// a board+model stable version entries for all the relevant
// models.
// 2. Determine all the models and all the versions that each board
// supports.
// 3. Determine the map from the CrOS version to the firmware version
// for every model.
// 4. Pick the best CrOS version for each model.
// 5. Look up the corresponding firmware version for each model,version pair
// FileBuilder takes the old file, the new CrOS entries from Omaha, a Google Storage client,
// and an output directory and returns the new stable version file.
func FileBuilder(
ctx context.Context,
oldSV *sv.StableVersions,
newSV []*sv.StableCrosVersion,
fvFunc FirmwareVersionFunc,
) (*sv.StableVersions, error) {
boardVersionMaps := getBoardVersionMaps(ctx, oldSV, newSV)
stableVersions, err := updateStableVersions(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stableVersions, nil
// getBoardVersionMaps returns a map from the board names to
// a version description.
func getBoardVersionMaps(
ctx context.Context,
oldSV *sv.StableVersions,
newSV []*sv.StableCrosVersion,
) map[string]*boardVersionMap {
out := make(map[string]*boardVersionMap)
for _, old := range oldSV.Cros {
bt := old.GetKey().GetBuildTarget().GetName()
model := old.GetKey().GetModelId().GetValue()
if _, ok := out[bt]; !ok {
out[bt] = newBoardVersionMap()
if model == "" {
out[bt].oldBoardVersion = old.GetVersion()
} else {
out[bt].oldModelMap[model] = old.GetVersion()
for _, newItem := range newSV {
bt := newItem.GetKey().GetBuildTarget().GetName()
if bt == "" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "skipping new item %#v", newItem)
version := newItem.GetVersion()
if version == "" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "buildTarget has blank version", version)
if _, ok := out[bt]; !ok {
out[bt] = newBoardVersionMap()
out[bt].omahaVersion = version
return out
// getCrosFirmwareVersion takes a map from board names to relevant version info
// and determines what the corresponding CrOS and firmware versions should be
func getCrosFirmwareVersion(
ctx context.Context,
oldSV *sv.StableVersions,
board string,
versionMap *boardVersionMap,
fvFunc FirmwareVersionFunc,
) ([]*sv.StableCrosVersion, []*sv.StableFirmwareVersion, error) {
var crosArr []*sv.StableCrosVersion
var fwArr []*sv.StableFirmwareVersion
// primary key: crosv, secondary key: model name
allFirmwareVersions := make(map[string]map[string]*sv.StableFirmwareVersion)
// all Models reported across all versions of the cros board
allModels := make(map[string]bool)
for crosv := range versionMap.allCrosVersions() {
res, err := fvFunc(
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if item := allFirmwareVersions[crosv]; item == nil {
allFirmwareVersions[crosv] = make(map[string]*sv.StableFirmwareVersion)
for _, fw := range res {
model := fw.GetKey().GetModelId().GetValue()
allFirmwareVersions[crosv][model] = fw
allModels[model] = true
for model := range allModels {
crosv, err := versionMap.bestVersion(model)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(skip); ok {
logging.Infof(ctx, "skipping model %q", model)
return nil, nil, err
if crosv == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("best version is blank for %s", model))
// allFirmwareVersions[crosv] will definitely exist
// so we aren't looking up a value in a nil map
firmwareEntry := allFirmwareVersions[crosv][model]
crosEntry := utils.MakeSpecificCrOSSV(board, model, crosv)
// explicitly fall back to the old firmware version.
// This is a rare operation so it's okay if we have to scan
// all the old firmware versions.
if firmwareEntry == nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Falling back to linear scan for model %q", model)
foundFw := false
foundCros := false
for _, fw := range oldSV.Firmware {
b := fw.GetKey().GetBuildTarget().GetName()
m := fw.GetKey().GetModelId().GetValue()
if b == board && m == model {
firmwareEntry = fw
foundFw = true
for _, crosv := range oldSV.Cros {
b := crosv.GetKey().GetBuildTarget().GetName()
m := crosv.GetKey().GetModelId().GetValue()
if b == board && m == model {
crosEntry = crosv
foundCros = true
if !foundCros || !foundFw {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Linear scan failed for model %q", model)
if firmwareEntry == nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "novel model %q in board %q", board, model)
} else {
crosArr = append(crosArr, crosEntry)
fwArr = append(fwArr, firmwareEntry)
return crosArr, fwArr, nil
// updateStableVersions produces an updated StableVersions file
// given an old file, the versions associated with each board,
// and a way of retrieving firmware versions.
func updateStableVersions(
ctx context.Context,
oldSV *sv.StableVersions,
boardVersionMaps map[string]*boardVersionMap,
fvFunc FirmwareVersionFunc,
) (*sv.StableVersions, error) {
var cros []*sv.StableCrosVersion
var firmware []*sv.StableFirmwareVersion
for board, versionMap := range boardVersionMaps {
if board == "" {
c, f, err := getCrosFirmwareVersion(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cros = append(cros, c...)
firmware = append(firmware, f...)
newSV := proto.Clone(oldSV).(*sv.StableVersions)
newSV.Cros = cros
newSV.Firmware = firmware
// newSV.Faft remains unchanged
return newSV, nil
type boardVersionMap struct {
// The version from Omaha is always tied to the board,
// it will never be specific to a model.
omahaVersion string
// A local board version will be present in a "legacy"
// stable version entry. New CrOS entries will be tied
// to the model
oldBoardVersion string
oldModelMap map[string]string
// newBoardVersionMap returns an empty boardVersionMap
func newBoardVersionMap() *boardVersionMap {
return &boardVersionMap{
omahaVersion: "",
oldBoardVersion: "",
oldModelMap: make(map[string]string),
type skip struct{}
func (s skip) Error() string {
return "SKIP"
// bestVersion determines the best available version for a given model
// between the config file and Omaha.
func (m *boardVersionMap) bestVersion(model string) (string, error) {
newVersion := m.omahaVersion
oldVersion := ""
if v, ok := m.oldModelMap[model]; ok {
oldVersion = v
} else {
oldVersion = m.oldBoardVersion
// allow skipping some nonexistent boards like
// *_kernelnext if no version exists in the old file
// or in GS.
if newVersion == "" && oldVersion == "" {
return "", skip{}
newVersionValid := versionOk(newVersion)
oldVersionValid := versionOk(oldVersion)
// Both versions are valid, pick the newer one.
// The "old" version can be newer than the "new" version
// if someone has explicitly overridden the stable version file
// for a given model, which is expected during bring-up.
if oldVersionValid && newVersionValid {
if versionCmp(newVersion, oldVersion) > 0 {
return newVersion, nil
return oldVersion, nil
if !oldVersionValid && newVersionValid {
return newVersion, nil
if !newVersionValid && oldVersionValid {
return oldVersion, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("both versions are invalid new: %q and old: %q", newVersion, oldVersion)
// allCrosVersions gets all the CrOS versions associated with a given board.
// We may need to look up more than one version per board.
func (m *boardVersionMap) allCrosVersions() map[string]bool {
out := make(map[string]bool)
if m.omahaVersion != "" {
out[m.omahaVersion] = true
if m.oldBoardVersion != "" {
out[m.oldBoardVersion] = true
for _, v := range m.oldModelMap {
out[v] = true
return out
// FirmwareVersionFunc is a type that takes a board and version
// and returns a firmware version
type FirmwareVersionFunc func(
ctx context.Context,
board string,
version string,
) ([]*sv.StableFirmwareVersion, error)
// MakeFirmwareVersionFunc takes a gslibClient and a temporary directory
// and returns a function that can convert a board and version into
// stable firmware versions.
func MakeFirmwareVersionFunc(gsc gslibClient, outDir string) FirmwareVersionFunc {
return func(
ctx context.Context,
board string,
version string,
) ([]*sv.StableFirmwareVersion, error) {
var cros []*sv.StableCrosVersion
cros = append(cros, utils.MakeCrOSSV(board, version))
out, err := getGSFirmwareSV(ctx, gsc, outDir, cros)
return out, err