blob: f8ff80ffc3bbd0aecb79c39f9f83d8ac66d66c95 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
cat >&2 << EOT
Missing test_runner build ID to \`led\`.
This script creates \`led\` tasks from existing test_runner build that use
phosphorus and its support libraries (e.g. common-tls) with local
modifications from this checkout.
For details on \`led\`, see http://go/luci-how-to-led
Usage: $0 <test_runner-dev BUILD_ID>"
exit 2
readonly build_id=$1
readonly script_dir="$(dirname "$(realpath -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
readonly src_dir="$(realpath -e ${script_dir}/../../../../)"
cd "${src_dir}"
`eval ../`
readonly tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
trap "rm -rf '${tmp_dir}'" EXIT
readonly ref_name=${USER}-test
go install infra/cros/cmd/phosphorus
cipd create -pkg-def ../../build/packages/phosphorus.yaml -pkg-var exe_suffix: -json-output "${tmp_dir}/cipd-create.out" >/dev/null
readonly pkg_version="$(jq -r ".result.instance_id" "${tmp_dir}/cipd-create.out")"
cipd set-ref chromiumos/infra/phosphorus/linux-amd64 -ref=${ref_name} -version=${pkg_version} >/dev/null
readonly build_json="${tmp_dir}/build.json"
led get-build ${build_id} > "${build_json}"
readonly future_time=$(date -u --rfc-3339=ns -d '+2 hour' | sed -e 's/ /T/' -e 's/\+00:00/Z/')
jq --arg ft "${future_time}" ' = $ft' "${build_json}" | sponge "${build_json}"
jq "\"\$chromeos/phosphorus\".version.cipd_label = \"${ref_name}\"" "${build_json}" | sponge "${build_json}"
cat "${build_json}"