blob: 54787da2ba273d9899f7f633171886657c07eac9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
gerrs "errors"
gitiles "infra/cros/internal/gerrit"
lgs ""
const (
chromeExternalHost = ""
chromeInternalHost = ""
var (
// StdoutLog contains the stdout logger for this package.
StdoutLog *log.Logger
// StderrLog contains the stderr logger for this package.
StderrLog *log.Logger
// LogOut logs to stdout.
func LogOut(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if StdoutLog != nil {
StdoutLog.Printf(format, a...)
// LogErr logs to stderr.
func LogErr(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if StderrLog != nil {
StderrLog.Printf(format, a...)
type setupProject struct {
authFlags authcli.Flags
chromeosCheckoutPath string
// Settings for which local manifests to use.
program string
project string
allProjects bool
chipset string
// Modifiers on where to get the local manifests.
localManifestBranch string
buildspec string
func cmdSetupProject(authOpts auth.Options) *subcommands.Command {
return &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "setup-project --checkout=/usr/.../chromiumos " +
"--program=galaxy {--project=milkyway|--all_projects}",
ShortDesc: "Syncs a ChromiumOS checkout using local_manifests from the specified project.",
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
b := &setupProject{}
b.authFlags = authcli.Flags{}
b.authFlags.Register(b.GetFlags(), authOpts)
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.chromeosCheckoutPath, "checkout", "",
"Path to a ChromeOS checkout.")
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.program, "program", "",
"Program the project belongs to.")
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.project, "project", "",
"Project to sync to.")
b.Flags.BoolVar(&b.allProjects, "all_projects", false,
"If specified, will include all projects under the specified program.")
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.chipset, "chipset", "",
"Name of the chipset overlay to sync a local manifest from.")
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.localManifestBranch, "branch", "main",
"Sync the project from the local manifest at the given branch.")
b.Flags.StringVar(&b.buildspec, "buildspec", "",
text.Doc(`Specific version to sync to, e.g. 85/13277.0.0.xml. Requires
per-project buildspecs to have been created for the appropriate
projects for the appropriate version, see go/per-project-buildspecs.
If set, takes priority over --branch.`))
return b
func (b *setupProject) validate() error {
if b.chromeosCheckoutPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("--checkout required")
} else if _, err := os.Stat(b.chromeosCheckoutPath); gerrs.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return fmt.Errorf("path %s does not exist", b.chromeosCheckoutPath)
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error validating --chromeos_checkout=%s", b.chromeosCheckoutPath)
if b.project == "" && !b.allProjects {
return fmt.Errorf("--project or --all_projects required")
if b.program != "" && b.allProjects {
return fmt.Errorf("--program and --all_projects cannot both be set")
if b.chipset != "" && b.buildspec != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("using --buildspec with --chipset is not currently supported")
return nil
func (b *setupProject) Run(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) int {
StdoutLog = a.(*setupProjectApplication).stdoutLog
StderrLog = a.(*setupProjectApplication).stderrLog
if err := b.validate(); err != nil {
return 1
ctx := context.Background()
authOpts, err := b.authFlags.Options()
if err != nil {
return 2
authedClient, err := auth.NewAuthenticator(ctx, auth.SilentLogin, authOpts).Client()
if err != nil {
return 3
gsClient, err := gs.NewProdClient(ctx, authedClient)
if err != nil {
return 4
if err := b.setupProject(ctx, authedClient, gsClient); err != nil {
return 5
return 0
type localManifest struct {
// If blank, chromeInternalHost will be used.
host string
project string
branch string
path string
// If set, file will be sourced from GS instead of from gerrit via the
// gitiles API.
gsPath lgs.Path
downloadTo string
func projectsInProgram(ctx context.Context, authedClient *http.Client, program string) ([]string, error) {
projects, err := gitiles.Projects(ctx, authedClient, chromeInternalHost)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
programProjects := []string{}
for _, project := range projects {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("chromeos/project/%s/", program)
if strings.HasPrefix(project, prefix) {
programProjects = append(programProjects, strings.TrimPrefix(project, prefix))
return programProjects, nil
// gsProjectPath returns the appropriate GS path for the given project/version.
func gsProjectPath(program, project, buildspec string) lgs.Path {
bucket := fmt.Sprintf("chromeos-%s-%s", program, project)
relPath := filepath.Join("buildspecs/", buildspec)
return lgs.MakePath(bucket, relPath)
// gsProgramPath returns the appropriate GS path for the given program/version.
func gsProgramPath(program, buildspec string) lgs.Path {
relPath := filepath.Join("buildspecs/", buildspec)
return lgs.MakePath(fmt.Sprintf("chromeos-%s", program), relPath)
func (b *setupProject) setupProject(ctx context.Context, authedClient *http.Client, gsClient gs.Client) error {
localManifestPath := filepath.Join(b.chromeosCheckoutPath, ".repo/local_manifests")
// Create local_manifests dir if it does not already exist.
if err := os.Mkdir(localManifestPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil && !gerrs.Is(err, os.ErrExist) {
return err
files := []localManifest{}
var gspath lgs.Path
if b.buildspec != "" {
gspath = gsProgramPath(b.program, b.buildspec)
files = append(files, localManifest{
project: fmt.Sprintf("chromeos/program/%s", b.program),
branch: b.localManifestBranch,
path: "local_manifest.xml",
gsPath: gspath,
downloadTo: fmt.Sprintf("%s_program.xml", b.program),
var projects []string
if b.allProjects {
var err error
projects, err = projectsInProgram(ctx, authedClient, b.program)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "error getting all projects for program %s", b.program).Err()
} else if b.project != "" {
projects = []string{b.project}
if len(projects) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no projects found")
for _, project := range projects {
var gspath lgs.Path
if b.buildspec != "" {
gspath = gsProjectPath(b.program, project, b.buildspec)
files = append(files, localManifest{
project: fmt.Sprintf("chromeos/project/%s/%s", b.program, project),
branch: b.localManifestBranch,
path: "local_manifest.xml",
gsPath: gspath,
downloadTo: fmt.Sprintf("%s_project.xml", project),
if b.chipset != "" && b.buildspec == "" {
files = append(files,
project: fmt.Sprintf("chromeos/overlays/chipset-%s-private", b.chipset),
branch: b.localManifestBranch,
path: "local_manifest.xml",
downloadTo: fmt.Sprintf("%s_chipset.xml", b.chipset),
cleanup := func(files []string) {
for _, file := range files {
writtenFiles := make([]string, 0, len(files))
// Download each local_manifest.xml.
for _, file := range files {
downloadPath := filepath.Join(localManifestPath, file.downloadTo)
var err error
var errmsg string
if string(file.gsPath) != "" {
err = gsClient.Download(file.gsPath, downloadPath)
errmsg = fmt.Sprintf("error downloading %s", file.gsPath)
} else {
host := chromeInternalHost
if != "" {
host =
err = gitiles.DownloadFileFromGitilesToPath(ctx, authedClient, host,
file.project, file.branch, file.path, downloadPath)
errmsg = fmt.Sprintf("error downloading file %s/%s/%s from branch %s",
chromeInternalHost, file.project, file.path, file.branch)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, errmsg).Err()
writtenFiles = append(writtenFiles, downloadPath)
if b.buildspec != "" {
LogOut("You are syncing to a per-project/program buildspec, make sure " +
"that you've run the equivalent of:" +
"\n\nrepo init -u -b main" +
fmt.Sprintf(" -m buildspecs/%s", b.buildspec) + "\n\n")
LogOut("Local manifest setup complete, sync new projects with:" +
"\n\nrepo sync --force-sync -j48")
} else {
LogOut("Local manifest setup complete, sync new projects with:" +
"\n\nrepo sync --force-sync -j48")
return nil
// GetApplication returns an instance of the application.
func GetApplication(authOpts auth.Options) *subcommands.DefaultApplication {
return &subcommands.DefaultApplication{
Name: "setup_project",
Commands: []*subcommands.Command{
authcli.SubcommandInfo(authOpts, "auth-info", false),
authcli.SubcommandLogin(authOpts, "auth-login", false),
authcli.SubcommandLogout(authOpts, "auth-logout", false),
type setupProjectApplication struct {
stdoutLog *log.Logger
stderrLog *log.Logger
func main() {
opts := chromeinfra.DefaultAuthOptions()
opts.Scopes = []string{
opts.Scopes = append(opts.Scopes, lgs.ReadWriteScopes...)
s := &setupProjectApplication{
log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lmicroseconds),
log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lmicroseconds)}
os.Exit(subcommands.Run(s, nil))