blob: 559be0e2b8caac6b5140a62ad1b1cf4326206210 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:generate go run $GOFILE -output ../options.go
//go:generate gofmt -w -s ../options.go
// Generates options.go, which implements git options.
// To modify options.go, modify the Options declared in this file and run
// `go generate`.
// Each command that can take options (e.g. "clone") has a generated interface,
// so only options valid for that command can be passed.
// Each option (e.g. "depth") has a generated function that returns the option,
// which can be passed to a command: `git.Clone(..., git.Depth(10))`
package main
import (
// Command describes a git command.
type Command struct {
// Name of the Command, e.g. "clone". Should be lower case.
Name string
// Option describes an option passed to a git command.
// Note that most fields and methods are exported to allow use in templates.
type Option struct {
// Name of the Option, as passed to git. Should be lower case. Should not
// contain a "--" prefix. For example, "depth".
Name string
// Type of the Option, for example int or bool.
Type reflect.Kind
// Commands the Option is valid for.
Cmds []*Command
// Documentation for the Option.
Doc string
// FuncName returns the name of the Go function to build an option.
// "-" are removed, and the name is converted to camelcase with the first letter
// capitalized. For example, "depth" -> "Depth", "dry-run" -> "DryRun".
func (o Option) FuncName() string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.Title(o.Name), "-", "")
// StructName returns FuncName with "Opt" added as a suffix.
func (o Option) StructName() string {
return o.FuncName() + "Opt"
// LowerName returns the name of the Option in lower case.
func (o Option) LowerName() string {
return strings.ToLower(o.Name)
// IsBoolOpt returns true if Option has a Bool type.
func (o Option) IsBoolOpt() bool {
return o.Type == reflect.Bool
// Commands that accept options.
var pushRefCmd = &Command{Name: "pushRef"}
var fetchCmd = &Command{Name: "fetch"}
var cloneCmd = &Command{Name: "clone"}
// Options to generate.
var options = []Option{
Name: "force",
Type: reflect.Bool,
Cmds: []*Command{pushRefCmd},
Doc: text.Doc(
`Force overrides checks that a command might run before modifying ` +
`state, see individual command documentation for exact behavior.`,
Name: "dry-run",
Type: reflect.Bool,
Cmds: []*Command{pushRefCmd},
Doc: `DryRun shows what a command would do without actually running it.`,
Name: "depth",
Type: reflect.Int,
Cmds: []*Command{fetchCmd, cloneCmd},
Doc: `Depth creates a shallow clone, and limits fetches in a repository created by a shallow clone.`,
Name: "no-tags",
Type: reflect.Bool,
Cmds: []*Command{fetchCmd, cloneCmd},
Doc: `NoTags disables downloading tags during fetch or clone commands.`,
Name: "single-branch",
Type: reflect.Bool,
Cmds: []*Command{cloneCmd},
Doc: `SingleBranch clones only a single branch`,
Name: "branch",
Type: reflect.String,
Cmds: []*Command{cloneCmd},
Doc: `Branch specifies the branch to clone from. Must be used in conjunction with SingleBranch`,
// genInterfaces writes interfaces for each unique Command in options to w.
func genInterfaces(w io.Writer, options []Option) error {
interfaceTmpl := `
type {{.Name}}Opt interface {
{{.Name}}OptArgs() []string
t, err := template.New("interface").Parse(interfaceTmpl)
if err != nil {
return err
// cmdNames is a set of all unique Commands in options. nameToCmd maps a
// Command.Name to Command. Use a set of names and a map so that Commands
// can be generated in order.
cmdNames := stringset.New(0)
nameToCmd := make(map[string]*Command)
for _, opt := range options {
for _, cmd := range opt.Cmds {
nameToCmd[cmd.Name] = cmd
for _, name := range cmdNames.ToSortedSlice() {
if err = t.Execute(w, nameToCmd[name]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// genOptions writes the implementation of each of options to w.
// Each Option has a struct that implements the interface for each of its
// Commands, and a function to build a new instance of the struct.
func genOptions(w io.Writer, options []Option) error {
optionsTmpl := `
type {{.StructName}} struct {
val {{.Type}}
// {{.Doc}}
{{- if .IsBoolOpt}}
func {{.FuncName}}If(enabled {{.Type}}) *{{.StructName}} {
return &{{.StructName}}{val: enabled}
// {{.Doc}}
func {{.FuncName}}() *{{.StructName}} {
return &{{.StructName}}{val: true}
func {{.FuncName}}(val {{.Type}}) *{{.StructName}} {
return &{{.StructName}}{val: val}
func (o {{$.StructName}}) args() []string {
{{- if .IsBoolOpt}}
if o.val {
return []string{"--{{.LowerName}}"}
return []string{}
return []string{"--{{.LowerName}}", fmt.Sprint(o.val)}
{{range .Cmds}}
func (o {{$.StructName}}) {{.Name}}OptArgs() []string { return o.args() }
t, err := template.New("struct and func").Parse(optionsTmpl)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, opt := range options {
if err = t.Execute(w, opt); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
output := flag.String("output", "", "Path to write generated options to")
// Get the name of this file, to direct edits of the generated file to this
// file instead.
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
panic("runtime.Caller(0) returned !ok")
f, err := os.Create(*output)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
f, `
// Code generated by %[1]s. DO NOT EDIT.
// Edit %[1]s and run "go generate" to modify.
package git
import (
if err = genInterfaces(f, options); err != nil {
if err = genOptions(f, options); err != nil {