blob: 0ffeb52417127c8a5e87d2667467ab2cfee17708 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package tlw provides an abstract representation of the TLW API which is used by recovery
package tlw
import (
// Access represent TLW level to access to the devices and inventory.
// Each device in the lab is representing as resource with name.
// For now the resource name matche to host-name but later can became different.
// Examples:
// Hostname: lab1-row1-rack1-device1, lab1-row1-rack1-ap1
// Resource Name: TestDevice256, CustomApV3.0
type Access interface {
// Ping performs ping by resource name.
Ping(ctx context.Context, resourceName string, count int) error
// Run executes command on device by SSH related to resource name.
Run(ctx context.Context, resourceName, command string) *RunResult
// InitServod initiates servod daemon on servo-host.
InitServod(ctx context.Context, req *InitServodRequest) error
// StopServod stops servod daemon on servo-host.
StopServod(ctx context.Context, resourceName string) error
// CallServod executes a command on servod related to resource name.
// Commands will be run against servod on servo-host.
CallServod(ctx context.Context, req *CallServodRequest) *CallServodResponse
// CopyFileTo copies file to destination device from local.
CopyFileTo(ctx context.Context, req *CopyRequest) error
// CopyFileFrom copies file from destination device to local.
CopyFileFrom(ctx context.Context, req *CopyRequest) error
// CopyDirectoryTo copies directory to destination device from local, recursively.
CopyDirectoryTo(ctx context.Context, req *CopyRequest) error
// CopyDirectoryFrom copies directory from destination device to local, recursively.
CopyDirectoryFrom(ctx context.Context, req *CopyRequest) error
// SetPowerSupply manages power supply for requested.
SetPowerSupply(ctx context.Context, req *SetPowerSupplyRequest) *SetPowerSupplyResponse
// ListResourcesForUnit provides list of resources names related to target unit.
// All test and task scheduling against the target unit which can link to 1 or more resources.
ListResourcesForUnit(ctx context.Context, unitName string) ([]string, error)
// GetDut provides DUT info per requested resource name from inventory.
GetDut(ctx context.Context, resourceName string) (*Dut, error)
// UpdateDut updates DUT info into inventory.
UpdateDut(ctx context.Context, dut *Dut) error
// Close closes all used resources.
Close() error
// RunResult represents result of executed command.
type RunResult struct {
// Command executed on the resource.
Command string
// Exit code return.
// Eg: 0 - everything is good
// 1 - executed stop with error code `1`
// 15 - timeout of execution
ExitCode int
// Standard output
Stdout string
// Standard error output
Stderr string
// CopyRequest represents data to perform copy data from/to resource.
type CopyRequest struct {
// Resource name
Resource string
// Path to source file or directory.
PathSource string
// Path to destination file or directory.
PathDestination string
// PowerSupplyState represents action expecting to perform on power supplier.
type PowerSupplyAction int
const (
PowerSupplyActionUnknown PowerSupplyAction = iota
// Switch state to ON.
// Switch state to OFF.
// Switch state to OFF and then ON with delay 5 seconds.
// SetPowerSupplyRequest represents data to perform state change for power supplier.
type SetPowerSupplyRequest struct {
// Resource name
Resource string
// Expected state to switch on.
State PowerSupplyAction
// PowerSupplyStatus represents response status from attempt to changes state of power supplier.
type PowerSupplyResponseStatus int
const (
PowerSupplyResponseStatusUnknown PowerSupplyResponseStatus = iota
// RPM config is not present of incorrect.
// Request data incorrect or in unexpected state.
// Fail to switch to required state.
// SetPowerSupplyResponse represents data result from performing state change for power supplier.
type SetPowerSupplyResponse struct {
// New state.
Status PowerSupplyResponseStatus
// Error details
Reason string
// ServodMethod represents types of methods supporting by servod daemon.
// Examples:
// get: to read data need to pass method:`get`, command:`lid_open`.
// set: to update state need to pass method:`set`, command:`lid_open`, value:`no`.
type ServodMethod string
const (
// Reading data by servod daemon.
// Example: ec_board, lid_open.
ServodMethodGet ServodMethod = "get"
// Set methods used to set values or call methods with providing paramenter.
// Example: power_state:reset, lid_open:no.
ServodMethodSet ServodMethod = "set"
// Verify if control is known and present in servod daemon.
// Example: ec_board, lid_open.
ServodMethodDoc ServodMethod = "doc"
// ServodOption represents options to start servod.
type ServodOptions struct {
// Use recovery mode when start servod
RecoveryMode bool
// InitServodRequest represents data to initiate servod daemon on servo-host.
type InitServodRequest struct {
Resource string
Options *ServodOptions
// CallServodRequest represents data to run command on servod.
type CallServodRequest struct {
Resource string
Method ServodMethod
Args []*xmlrpc.Value
Options *ServodOptions
// CallServodResponse represents result data from running command on servod.
type CallServodResponse struct {
Value *xmlrpc.Value
Fault bool
// DUTSetupType describes different DUT setups.
type DUTSetupType string
const (
DUTSetupTypeDefault DUTSetupType = "DEFAULT"
// Special setup of servo-host represented as labstation.
DUTSetupTypeLabstation DUTSetupType = "LABSTATION"
// Special setup for routers.
DUTSetupTypeJetstream DUTSetupType = "JETSTREAM"
// PowerSupplyType describes different power supply types for a DUT.
type PowerSupplyType string
const (
PowerSupplyTypeUnspecified PowerSupplyType = "UNSPECIFIED"
// Primary power source of the devices is wall-power. Devices does not have a battery.
PowerSupplyTypeACOnly PowerSupplyType = "AC_ONLY"
// Primary power source of the devices is battery. Devices still connected to wall-power to charge it.
PowerSupplyTypeBattery PowerSupplyType = "BATTERY"
// Dut holds info about setup used as testbed.
type Dut struct {
// Name is the resource name for the DUT.
Name string
// Board name of the DUT.
Board string
// Model name of the DUT.
Model string
// Hardware identifier.
Hwid string
// Serial number of the DUT.
SerialNumber string
// SetupType describes the setup of the DUT, which affects how it is verified/repaired.
SetupType DUTSetupType
// PowerSupplyType describes the DUT's power supply type.
PowerSupplyType PowerSupplyType
// Physical parts of DUT.
// Internal storage info.
Storage *DutStorage
// Battery info (if applicable).
Battery *DutBattery
// ServoHost of the DUT setup.
ServoHost *ServoHost
// RPMOutlet of the DUT setup.
RPMOutlet *RPMOutlet
// StableVersion of the DUT.
StableVersion *StableVersion
// StableVersion holds info about stable versions used for recovery devices.
type StableVersion struct {
// ChromeOS stable image in standard GS path format.
// Example: board-release/R90-13816.47.0
CrosImage string
// ChromeOS firmware version in a format that align with omaha manifest data,
// and crossystem or chromeos-firmwareupdate output.
// Example: Google_Board.13434.261.0
CrosFirmwareVersion string
// ChromeOS firmware image in standard GS path format.
// Example: board-firmware/R87-13434.261.0
CrosFirmwareImage string
// HardwareState describes the state of hardware components.
type HardwareState string
const (
// Keep for all unknown state by default.
HardwareStateUnknown HardwareState = "UNKNOWN"
// Hardware is in good shape and pass all verifiers.
HardwareStateNormal HardwareState = "NORMAL"
// Hardware is still good but close to became bad.
// Example: DUT storage when usage reached 98% usage limit.
HardwareStateAcceptable HardwareState = "ACCEPTABLE"
// Hardware is broken, bad or reached limit when it has to be replaced.
HardwareStateNeedReplacement HardwareState = "NEED_REPLACEMENT"
// Hardware expected to be present but not detected.
HardwareStateNotDetected HardwareState = "NOT_DETECTED"
// StorageType describes which type or storage used on the DUT.
type StorageType string
const (
StorageTypeUnspecified StorageType = "UNSPECIFIED"
StorageTypeSSD StorageType = "SSD"
StorageTypeHDD StorageType = "HDD"
StorageTypeMMC StorageType = "MMC"
StorageTypeNVME StorageType = "NVME"
StorageTypeUFS StorageType = "UFS"
// DutStorage holds info about internal storage of the DUT.
type DutStorage struct {
// State of the component.
State HardwareState
// Type of storage used on device.
Type StorageType
// DutBattery holds info about battery of the DUT.
type DutBattery struct {
// State of the component.
State HardwareState
// ServoHost holds info about host to manage servod services and verify connected servo devices.
// Example: labstation, servo-host container.
type ServoHost struct {
// Name is the resource name.
Name string
// State of the USB-key connected to the servo.
UsbkeyState HardwareState
// Servo device specified for this DUT.
Servo *Servo
// Port user on the host to run servod daemon. Expected value between 9900 and 9999.
ServodPort int
// Smart USB-hub is present on setup.
SmartUsbhubPresent bool
// ServoState describes the state of setup/communication issue related to servo functionality provided by servo.
type ServoState string
const (
ServoStateUnspecified ServoState = "UNSPECIFIED"
// Device and software on it is working as expected.
ServoStateWorking ServoState = "WORKING"
// Configuration for device is not provided.
ServoStateMissingConfig ServoState = "MISSING_CONFIG"
// Configuration contains incorrect information.
ServoStateWrongConfig ServoState = "WRONG_CONFIG"
// Device is not connected/plugged.
ServoStateNotConnected ServoState = "NOT_CONNECTED"
// Device is not reachable over ssh.
ServoStateNoSSH ServoState = "NO_SSH"
// Device is broken or not working as expected. the state used if no specified state for the issue.
ServoStateBroken ServoState = "BROKEN"
// Device cannot be repaired or required manual attention to fix/replace it.
ServoStateNeedReplacement ServoState = "NEED_REPLACEMENT"
// Cr50 console missing or unresponsive.
ServoStateCr50ConsoleMissing ServoState = "CR50_CONSOLE_MISSING"
// Servod daemon cannot start on servo-host because cr50 testlab not enabled.
ServoStateCCDTestlabIssue ServoState = "CCD_TESTLAB_ISSUE"
// Servod daemon cannot start on servo-host.
ServoStateServodIssue ServoState = "SERVOD_ISSUE"
// Device lid is not open.
ServoStateLidOpenIssue ServoState = "LID_OPEN_FAILED"
// The ribbon cable between servo and DUT is broken or not connected.
ServoStateBadRibbonCable ServoState = "BAD_RIBBON_CABLE"
// The EC on the DUT has issue.
ServoStateECBroken ServoState = "EC_BROKEN"
// Servo is not connected to the DUT.
ServoStateDUTNotConnected ServoState = "DUT_NOT_CONNECTED"
// Some component in servo-topology missed or not detected.
ServoStateTopologyIssue ServoState = "TOPOLOGY_ISSUE"
// SBU voltage issues effect CR50 detection.
ServoStateSBULowVoltage ServoState = "SBU_LOW_VOLTAGE"
// CR50 SBU voltage detected but device was not enumerated.
ServoStateCr50NotEnumerated ServoState = "CR50_NOT_ENUMERATED"
// Servo serial mismatch, when servo not detected and another serial detected on previous used port.
ServoStateServoSerialMismatch ServoState = "SERVO_SERIAL_MISMATCH"
// Issue to connect to servod by XMLRPC proxy.
ServoStateServodProxyIssue ServoState = "SERVOD_PROXY_ISSUE"
// Issue related to servo-host. Timeout to start servod or issue with detecting devices.
ServoStateServoHostIssue ServoState = "SERVO_HOST_ISSUE"
// Issue related to servo_updater on the servo-host.
ServoStateServoUpdaterIssue ServoState = "SERVO_UPDATER_ISSUE"
// ServoFirmwareChannel describes the state of setup/communication issue related to servo functionality provided by servo.
type ServoFirmwareChannel string
const (
// Default channel.
// Servo firmware from Stable channel.
ServoFirmwareChannelStable ServoFirmwareChannel = "stable"
// The previous Servo firmware from Stable channel.
ServoFirmwareChannelPrev ServoFirmwareChannel = "prev"
// Servo firmware from Dev channel.
ServoFirmwareChannelDev ServoFirmwareChannel = "dev"
// Servo firmware from Alpha channel.
ServoFirmwareChannelAlpha ServoFirmwareChannel = "alpha"
type Servo struct {
// State of the servo.
State ServoState
// Serial number of the root servo device.
SerialNumber string
// Channel of firmware used on servo devices.
FirmwareChannel ServoFirmwareChannel
// Self representation of servo-setup by servod.
// Example: servo_v4_with_servo_micro, servo_v4_with_ccd_cr50.
Type string
// RPMState describes the state of RPM outlet.
type RPMState string
const (
RPMStateUnspecified RPMState = "UNSPECIFIED"
// Configuration for RPM outlet missed which block from execution the actions.
RPMStateMissingConfig RPMState = "MISSING_CONFIG"
// Configuration for RPM outlet provided but does not working which can be several reasons.
RPMStateWrongConfig RPMState = "WRONG_CONFIG"
// RPM outlet can successfully perform the actions.
RPMStateWorking RPMState = "WORKING"
// RPMOutlet is wall-power source for DUT which allow us perform action to do OFF/ON/CYCLE on it.
type RPMOutlet struct {
// Name is the resource name.
Name string
// State of the component.
State RPMState