blob: 28189bfc805dc34c3837b2f98bd8160bd28450c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package buildevent
const (
// ResultUnknown and associated Result* values are suitable for the "Result"
// enum field in CompletedBuildsLegacy and BuildEventsLegacy.
ResultUnknown = ""
// ResultSuccess is a successful build result.
ResultSuccess = "SUCCESS"
// ResultFailure is a failed build result.
ResultFailure = "FAILURE"
// ResultInfraFailure is a failed build result attributed to infrastructure.
ResultInfraFailure = "INFRA_FAILURE"
// ResultWarning is a successful build result with a noted warning.
ResultWarning = "WARNING"
// ResultSkipped indicates that the build was not executed.
ResultSkipped = "SKIPPED"
// ResultRetry indicates that a build should be retried.
ResultRetry = "RETRY"
const (
// CategoryUnknown and associated Category* values are suitable for the
// "Category" enum field in CompletedBuildsLegacy.
CategoryUnknown = ""
// CategoryCQ is a scheduling category for the commit queue.
CategoryCQ = "CQ"
// CategoryCQExperimental is a scheduling category for an experimental commit
// queue.
CategoryCQExperimental = "CQ_EXPERIMENTAL"
// CategoryGitCLTry is a scheduling category for the "git cl try" command.
CategoryGitCLTry = "GIT_CL_TRY"