Regression Test Selection (RTS) is a technique to intellegently select tests to run, without spending too much resources on testing, but still detecting bad code changes. Conceptually, a selection strategy for CQ accepts changed files as input and returns tests to run as output.
As of February 2021, most of the documention can be found at This document is focused on particular tasks that a developer might need to perform in this code base.
note: TODO(nodir): move relevant parts from to this
Chromium's selection strategy can be found in ./cmd/rts-chromium/strategy.go. It is primarily based on ./filegraph with some Chromium-specific rules.
Changes to the selection strategy should be accompanied with the safety/efficiency scores before and after the change on the same dataset, in order to ensure that the change is in fact an improvement.
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.go run ./cmd/rts-chromium fetch-rejections \ -builder linux-rel \ -from 2021-02-01 -to 2021-03-01 \ -out linux-rel.rej
go run ./cmd/rts-chromium fetch-durations \ -builder linux-rel \ -from 2021-02-01 -to 2021-02-08 \ -out linux-rel.dur
go run ./cmd/rts-chromium create-model \ -checkout ~/chromium/src -rejections linux-rel.rej \ -durations linux-rel.dur \ -model-dir ./model \
Model creation can take 30min on a powerful machine. If you are developing on your laptop, it is recommended to scp the binary to a more powerful machine and run the model creation there.