Monorail Issue Tracker

Monorail is the Issue Tracker used by the Chromium project and other related projects. It is hosted at

If you wish to file a bug against Monorail itself, please do so in our self-hosting tracker. We also discuss development of Monorail at


In order to run all of the Monorail unit tests, run make test in this directory. If you wish to run just a subset of the tests, you can invoke the test runner directly and give it a subdirectory: ../../ appengine/monorail/tracker.

Running Locally

To run the app locally, you need to have a local MySQL database. Install MySQL according to the canonical instructions for your platform. Then create a new database an import our schema:

mysql> create database monorail; mysql> source /path/to/infra/appengine/monorail/sql/framework.sql; mysql> source /path/to/infra/appengine/monorail/sql/project.sql; mysql> source /path/to/infra/appengine/monorail/sql/tracker.sql; mysql> exit;

Then you can run the development server locally with just make serve.


The app.yaml and Makefile files contained in this directory point at the official instances of Monorail maintained by the Chromium Infrastructure Team. If you wish (and have sufficient permissions) to deploy to one of those, simply run make deploy_staging or make deploy_prod. If you wish to set up your own instance, edit the first line of the app.yaml and use directly, or edit the Makefile to add an entry for your AppEngine app ID. It is likely that you'll also want to edit many of the values in, which specify debug email addresses, instance counts, and default Google Storage buckets.