blob: 47634fd780c0cdea38d41ba77c643b354c513620 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This file contains JS functions that support various issue editing
* features of Monorail. These editing features include: selecting
* issues on the issue list page, adding attachments, expanding and
* collapsing the issue editing form, and starring issues.
* Browser compatability: IE6, IE7, FF1.0+, Safari.
* Here are some string constants that are used repeatedly in the code.
var TKR_SELECTED_CLASS = 'selected';
var TKR_UNDEF_CLASS = 'undef';
var TKR_NOVEL_CLASS = 'novel';
var TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS = 'exclconflict';
var TKR_QUESTION_MARK_CLASS = 'questionmark';
var TKR_ATTACHPROMPT_ID = 'attachprompt';
var TKR_ATTACHAFILE_ID = 'attachafile';
var TKR_ATTACHMAXSIZE_ID = 'attachmaxsize';
var TKR_CURRENT_TEMPLATE_INDEX_ID = 'current_template_index';
var TKR_PROMPT_MEMBERS_ONLY_CHECKBOX_ID = 'members_only_checkbox';
var TKR_PROMPT_SUMMARY_EDITOR_ID = 'summary_editor';
var TKR_PROMPT_CONTENT_EDITOR_ID = 'content_editor';
var TKR_PROMPT_STATUS_EDITOR_ID = 'status_editor';
var TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID = 'owner_editor';
var TKR_PROMPT_ADMIN_NAMES_EDITOR_ID = 'admin_names_editor';
var TKR_PROMPT_COMPONENTS_EDITOR_ID = 'components_editor';
var TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID = 'confirmarea';
var TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES = 'Discard your changes?';
// Note, users cannot enter '<'.
// Display warning if labels contain the following prefixes.
// The following list is the same as tracker_constants.RESERVED_PREFIXES except
// for the 'hotlist' prefix. 'hostlist' will be added when it comes a full
// feature and when projects that use 'Hostlist-*' labels are transitioned off.
'id', 'project', 'reporter', 'summary', 'status', 'owner', 'cc',
'attachments', 'attachment', 'component', 'opened', 'closed',
'modified', 'is', 'has', 'blockedon', 'blocking', 'blocked', 'mergedinto',
'stars', 'starredby', 'description', 'comment', 'commentby', 'label',
'rank', 'explicit_status', 'derived_status', 'explicit_owner',
'derived_owner', 'explicit_cc', 'derived_cc', 'explicit_label',
'derived_label', 'last_comment_by', 'exact_component',
'explicit_component', 'derived_component']
* Select all the issues on the issue list page.
function TKR_selectAllIssues() {
* Function to deselect all the issues on the issue list page.
function TKR_selectNoneIssues() {
* Function to select or deselect all the issues on the issue list page.
* @param {boolean} checked True means select issues, False means deselect.
function TKR_selectIssues(checked) {
var table = $('resultstable');
for (var r = 0; r < table.rows.length; ++r) {
var row = table.rows[r];
var firstCell = row.cells[0];
if (firstCell.tagName == 'TD') {
for (var e = 0; e < firstCell.childNodes.length; ++e) {
var element = firstCell.childNodes[e];
if (element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'checkbox') {
element.checked = checked ? 'checked' : '';
if (checked) {
} else {
* The ID number to append to the next dynamically created file upload field.
var TKR_nextFileID = 1;
* Function to dynamically create a new attachment upload field add
* insert it into the page DOM.
* @param {string} id The id of the parent HTML element.
function TKR_addAttachmentFields(id) {
if (TKR_nextFileID >= 16) {
var el = $(id); = '4px';
var div = document.createElement('div');
var id = 'file' + TKR_nextFileID;
var label = TKR_createChild(div, 'label', null, null, 'Attach file:');
label.setAttribute('for', id);
var input = TKR_createChild(
div, 'input', null, id, null, "width:auto;margin-left:17px");
input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); = id;
var removeLink = TKR_createChild(
div, 'a', null, null, 'Remove', "font-size:x-small");
removeLink.href = '#';
removeLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var target =;
if (TKR_nextFileID < 16) {
$(TKR_ATTACHAFILE_ID).innerText = 'Attach another file';
} else {
$(TKR_ATTACHPROMPT_ID).style.display = 'none';
$(TKR_ATTACHMAXSIZE_ID).style.display = '';
* Function to display the form so that the user can update an issue.
function TKR_openIssueUpdateForm() {
function () { document.getElementById('addCommentTextArea').focus(); },
* The index of the template that is currently selected for editing
* on the administration page for issues.
var TKR_currentTemplateIndex = 0;
* Array of field IDs that are defined in the current project, set by call to setFieldIDs().
var TKR_fieldIDs = [];
function TKR_setFieldIDs(fieldIDs) {
TKR_fieldIDs = fieldIDs;
* This function displays the appropriate template text in a text field.
* It is called after the user has selected one template to view/edit.
* @param {Element} widget The list widget containing the list of templates.
function TKR_selectTemplate(widget) {
TKR_currentTemplateIndex = widget.value;
$(TKR_CURRENT_TEMPLATE_INDEX_ID).value = TKR_currentTemplateIndex;
var content_editor = $(TKR_PROMPT_CONTENT_EDITOR_ID);
var can_edit = $('can_edit_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
var disabled = can_edit ? '' : 'disabled';
'members_only_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
$(TKR_PROMPT_SUMMARY_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
'summary_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
'summary_must_be_edited_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
content_editor.disabled = disabled;
content_editor.value = $('content_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
$(TKR_PROMPT_STATUS_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
'status_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
$(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
'owner_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
'owner_defaults_to_member_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
'component_required_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
$(TKR_OWNER_DEFAULTS_TO_MEMBER_AREA_ID).disabled = disabled;
$(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).value ? 'none' : '';
$(TKR_PROMPT_COMPONENTS_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
'components_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
// Blank out all custom field editors first, then fill them in during the next loop.
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
var fieldEditor = $(TKR_FIELD_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + TKR_fieldIDs[i]);
var holder = $('field_value_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + TKR_fieldIDs[i]);
if (fieldEditor) {
fieldEditor.disabled = disabled;
fieldEditor.value = holder ? holder.value : '';
var i = 0;
$(TKR_PROMPT_LABELS_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + i).disabled = disabled;
$('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i).value;
$(TKR_PROMPT_ADMIN_NAMES_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
'admin_names_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
var numNonDeletedTemplates = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
if ($('delbtn')) {
if (numNonDeletedTemplates > 1) {
else { // Don't allow the last template to be deleted.
var TKR_templateNames = []; // Exported in tracker-onload.js
* Create a new issue template and add the needed form fields to the DOM.
function TKR_newTemplate() {
var newIndex = TKR_templateNames.length;
var templateName = prompt('Name of new template?', '');
templateName = templateName.replace(
/[&<>"]/g, '' // " help emacs highlighing
if (!templateName) return;
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
if (templateName == TKR_templateNames[i]) {
alert('Please choose a unique name.')
TKR_addTemplateHiddenFields(newIndex, templateName);
var templateOption = TKR_createChild(
$('template_menu'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
templateOption.value = newIndex;
templateOption.selected = 'selected';
var developerOption = TKR_createChild(
$('default_template_for_developers'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
developerOption.value = templateName;
var userOption = TKR_createChild(
$('default_template_for_users'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
userOption.value = templateName;
* Private function to append HTML for new hidden form fields
* for a new issue template to the issue admin form.
function TKR_addTemplateHiddenFields(templateIndex, templateName) {
var parentEl = $('adminTemplates');
parentEl, 'template_id_' + templateIndex, 'template_id_' + templateIndex, '0');
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'name_' + templateIndex,
'name_' + templateIndex, templateName);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'members_only_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'summary_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'summary_must_be_edited_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'content_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'status_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'owner_' + templateIndex);
parentEl, 'owner_defaults_to_member_' + templateIndex,
'owner_defaults_to_member_' + templateIndex, 'yes');
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'component_required_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'components_' + templateIndex);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'members_only_' + templateIndex);
var i = 0;
while ($('label_0_' + i)) {
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'label_' + templateIndex,
'label_' + templateIndex + '_' + i);
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
var fieldId = 'field_value_' + templateIndex + '_' + TKR_fieldIDs[i];
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, fieldId, fieldId);
TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'admin_names_' + templateIndex);
parentEl, 'can_edit_' + templateIndex, 'can_edit_' + templateIndex,
* Utility function to append string parts for one hidden field
* to the given array.
function TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, name, opt_id, opt_value) {
var input = TKR_createChild(parentEl, 'input', null, opt_id || name);
input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); = name;
input.value = opt_value || '';
* Delete the currently selected issue template, and mark its hidden
* form field as deleted so that they will be ignored when submitted.
function TKR_deleteTemplate() {
// Mark the current template name as deleted.
TKR_currentTemplateIndex, 1, TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME);
$('name_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value = TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME;
$('delbtn').disabled = 'disabled';
* Utility function to rebuild the template menu on the issue admin page.
function TKR_rebuildTemplateMenu() {
var parentEl = $('template_menu');
while (parentEl.childNodes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
var option = TKR_createChild(
parentEl, 'option', null, null, TKR_templateNames[i]);
option.value = i;
* Utility function to rebuild a default template drop-down.
function TKR_rebuildDefaultTemplateMenu(menuID) {
var defaultTemplateName = $(menuID).value;
var parentEl = $(menuID);
while (parentEl.childNodes.length)
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
var option = TKR_createChild(
parentEl, 'option', null, null, TKR_templateNames[i]);
option.values = TKR_templateNames[i];
if (defaultTemplateName == TKR_templateNames[i]) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
* Change the issue template to the specified one.
* TODO(jrobbins): move to an AJAX implementation that would not reload page.
* @param {string} projectName The name of the current project.
* @param {string} templateName The name of the template to switch to.
function TKR_switchTemplate(projectName, templateName) {
var ok = true;
if (TKR_isDirty) {
ok = confirm('Switching to a different template will lose the text you entered.');
if (ok) {
window.location = '/p/' + projectName +
'/issues/entry?template=' + templateName;
* Function to remove a CSS class and initial tip from a text widget.
* Some text fields or text areas display gray textual tips to help the user
* make use of those widgets. When the user focuses on the field, the tip
* disappears and is made ready for user input (in the normal text color).
* @param {Element} el The form field that had the gray text tip.
function TKR_makeDefined(el) {
if (el.classList.contains(TKR_UNDEF_CLASS)) {
el.value = '';
* Save the contents of the visible issue template text area into a hidden
* text field for later submission.
* Called when the user has edited the text of a issue template.
function TKR_saveTemplate() {
if (TKR_currentTemplateIndex) {
$('members_only_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$(TKR_PROMPT_MEMBERS_ONLY_CHECKBOX_ID).checked ? 'yes' : '';
$('summary_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('summary_must_be_edited_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('content_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('status_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('owner_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('owner_defaults_to_member_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('component_required_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$('components_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
$(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).value ? 'none' : '';
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
var fieldID = TKR_fieldIDs[i];
var fieldEditor = $(TKR_FIELD_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + fieldID);
if (fieldEditor) {
_saveFieldValue(fieldID, fieldEditor.value);
var i = 0;
while ($('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i)) {
$('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i).value =
$('admin_names_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
function _saveFieldValue(fieldID, val) {
var fieldValId = 'field_value_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + fieldID;
$(fieldValId).value = val;
* This flag indicates that the user had made some edit to some form
* field on the page. Only a few specific pages actually update and use
* this flag.
var TKR_isDirty = false;
* This function is called when the user edits a form field on a page that
* should offer the user the option to discard his/her edits.
function TKR_dirty() {
TKR_isDirty = true;
* The user has clicked the 'Discard' button on the issue update form.
* If the form has been edited, ask if he/she is sure about discarding
* before then navigating to the given URL. This can go up to some
* other page, or reload the current page with a fresh form.
* @param {string} nextUrl The page to show after discarding.
function TKR_confirmDiscardUpdate(nextUrl) {
if (!TKR_isDirty || confirm(TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES)) {
document.location = nextUrl;
* The user has clicked the 'Discard' button on the issue entry form.
* If the form has been edited, this function asks if he/she is sure about
* discarding before doing it.
* @param {Element} discardButton The 'Discard' button.
function TKR_confirmDiscardEntry(discardButton) {
if (!TKR_isDirty || confirm(TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES)) {
* Normally, we show 2 rows of label editing fields when updating an issue.
* However, if the issue has more than that many labels already, we make sure to
* show them all.
function TKR_exposeExistingLabelFields() {
if ($('label3').value ||
$('label4').value ||
$('label5').value) {
if ($('addrow1')) {
if ($('label6').value ||
$('label7').value ||
$('label8').value) {
if ($('label9').value ||
$('label10').value ||
$('label11').value) {
if ($('label12').value ||
$('label13').value ||
$('label14').value) {
if ($('label15').value ||
$('label16').value ||
$('label17').value) {
if ($('label18').value ||
$('label19').value ||
$('label20').value) {
if ($('label21').value ||
$('label22').value ||
$('label23').value) {
* Flag to indicate when the user has not yet caused any input events.
* We use this to clear the placeholder in the new issue summary field
* exactly once.
var TKR_firstEvent = true;
* This is called in response to almost any user input event on the
* issue entry page. If the placeholder in the new issue sumary field has
* not yet been cleared, then this function clears it.
function TKR_clearOnFirstEvent() {
if (TKR_firstEvent) {
TKR_firstEvent = false;
$('summary').value = TKR_keepJustSummaryPrefixes($('summary').value);
* Clear the summary, except for any prefixes of the form "[bracketed text]"
* or "keyword:". If there were any, add a trailing space. This is useful
* to people who like to encode issue classification info in the summary line.
function TKR_keepJustSummaryPrefixes(s) {
var matches = s.match(/^(\[[^\]]+\])+|^(\S+:\s*)+/);
if (matches == null) {
return '';
var prefix = matches[0];
if (prefix.substr(prefix.length - 1) != ' ') {
prefix += ' ';
return prefix;
* An array of label <input>s that start with reserved prefixes.
var TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes = [];
* An array of label <input>s that are equal to reserved words.
var TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved = [];
* An array of novel issue status values entered by the user on the
* current page. 'Novel' means that they are not well known and are
* likely to be typos. Note that this list will always have zero or
* one element, but a list is used for consistency with the list of
* novel labels.
var TKR_novelStatuses = [];
* An array of novel issue label values entered by the user on the
* current page. 'Novel' means that they are not well known and are
* likely to be typos.
var TKR_novelLabels = [];
* A boolean that indicates whether the entered owner value is valid or not.
var TKR_invalidOwner = false;
* The user has changed the issue status text field. This function
* checks whether it is a well-known status value. If not, highlight it
* as a potential typo.
* @param {Element} textField The issue status text field.
* @returns Always returns true to indicate that the browser should
* continue to process the user input event normally.
function TKR_confirmNovelStatus(textField) {
var v = textField.value.trim().toLowerCase();
var isNovel = (v !== '');
var wellKnown = TKR_statusWords;
for (var i = 0; i < wellKnown.length && isNovel; ++i) {
var wk = wellKnown[i];
if (v == wk.toLowerCase()) {
isNovel = false;
if (isNovel) {
if (TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField) == -1) {
} else {
if (TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField) != -1) {
TKR_novelStatuses.splice(TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField), 1);
return true;
* The user has changed a issue label text field. This function checks
* whether it is a well-known label value. If not, highlight it as a
* potential typo.
* @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
* @returns Always returns true to indicate that the browser should
* continue to process the user input event normally.
* TODO(jrobbins): code duplication with function above.
function TKR_confirmNovelLabel(textField) {
var v = textField.value.trim().toLowerCase();
if ('-') == 0) {
v = v.substr(1);
var isNovel = (v !== '');
if (v.indexOf('?') > -1) {
isNovel = false; // We don't count labels that the user must edit anyway.
var wellKnown = TKR_labelWords;
for (var i = 0; i < wellKnown.length && isNovel; ++i) {
var wk = wellKnown[i];
if (v == wk.toLowerCase()) {
isNovel = false;
var containsReservedPrefix = false;
var textFieldWarningDisplayed = TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.indexOf(textField) != -1;
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES.length; ++i) {
if (v.startsWith(TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES[i] + '-')) {
if (!textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
containsReservedPrefix = true;
if (!containsReservedPrefix && textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.indexOf(textField), 1);
var conflictsWithReserved = false;
var textFieldWarningDisplayed =
TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.indexOf(textField) != -1;
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES.length; ++i) {
if (!textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
conflictsWithReserved = true;
if (!conflictsWithReserved && textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.indexOf(textField), 1);
if (isNovel) {
if (TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField) == -1) {
} else {
if (TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField) != -1) {
TKR_novelLabels.splice(TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField), 1);
return true;
* Dictionary { prefix:[textField,...], ...} for all the prefixes of any
* text that has been entered into any label field. This is used to find
* duplicate labels and multiple labels that share an single exclusive
* prefix (e.g., Priority).
var TKR_usedPrefixes = {};
* This is a prefix to the HTML ids of each label editing field.
* It varied by page, so it is set in the HTML page. Needed to initialize
* our validation across label input text fields.
var TKR_labelFieldIDPrefix = '';
* Initialize the set of all used labels on forms that allow users to
* enter issue labels. Some labels are supplied in the HTML page
* itself, and we do not want to offer duplicates of those.
function TKR_prepLabelAC() {
var i = 0;
while ($('label'+i)) {
* Reads the owner field and determines if the current value is a valid member.
function TKR_prepOwnerField(validOwners) {
if ($('owneredit')) {
currentOwner = $('owneredit').value;
if (currentOwner == "") {
// Empty owner field is not an invalid owner.
invalidOwner = false;
invalidOwner = true;
for (var i = 0; i < validOwners.length; i++) {
var owner = validOwners[i].name;
if (currentOwner == owner) {
invalidOwner = false;
TKR_invalidOwner = invalidOwner;
* Keep track of which label prefixes have been used so that
* we can not offer the same label twice and so that we can highlight
* multiple labels that share an exclusive prefix.
function TKR_updateUsedPrefixes(textField) {
if (textField.oldPrefix != undefined) {
DeleteArrayElement(TKR_usedPrefixes[textField.oldPrefix], textField);
var prefix = textField.value.split('-')[0].toLowerCase();
if (TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix] == undefined) {
TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix] = [textField];
else {
textField.oldPrefix = prefix;
* Go through all the label entry fields in our prefix-oriented
* data structure and highlight any that are part of a conflict
* (multiple labels with the same exclusive prefix). Unhighlight
* any label text entry fields that are not in conflict. And, display
* a warning message to encourage the user to correct the conflict.
function TKR_highlightExclusiveLabelPrefixConflicts() {
var conflicts = [];
for (var prefix in TKR_usedPrefixes) {
var textFields = TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix];
if (textFields == undefined || textFields.length == 0) {
delete TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix];
else if (textFields.length > 1 &&
FindInArray(TKR_exclPrefixes, prefix) != -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < textFields.length; i++) {
var tf = textFields[i];
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < textFields.length; i++) {
var tf = textFields[i];
if (conflicts.length > 0) {
var severity = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'Error' : 'Warning';
var confirm_area = $(TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID);
if (confirm_area) {
$('confirmmsg').innerText = (severity +
': Multiple values for: ' + conflicts.join(', '));
confirm_area.className = TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS; = '';
* Keeps track of any label text fields that have a value that
* is bad enough to prevent submission of the form. When this
* list is non-empty, the submit button gets disabled.
var TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit = [];
* Look for any "?" characters in the label and, if found,
* make the label text red, prevent form submission, and
* display on-page help to tell the user to edit those labels.
* @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
function TKR_highlightQuestionMarks(textField) {
var tfIndex = TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.indexOf(textField);
if (textField.value.indexOf('?') > -1 && tfIndex == -1) {
} else if (textField.value.indexOf('?') == -1 && tfIndex > -1) {
TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.splice(tfIndex, 1);
var block_submit_msg = $('blocksubmitmsg');
if (block_submit_msg) {
if (TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.length > 0) {
block_submit_msg.innerText = 'You must edit labels that contain "?".';
} else {
block_submit_msg.innerText = '';
* The user has edited a label. Display a warning if the label is
* not a well known label, or if there are multiple labels that
* share an exclusive prefix.
* @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
function TKR_validateLabel(textField) {
if (textField == undefined) return;
// TODO(jrobbins): what about typos in owner and cc list?
* If there are any novel status or label values, we display a message
* that explains that to the user so that they can catch any typos before
* submitting them. If the project is restricting input to only the
* well-known statuses and labels, then show these as an error instead.
* In that case, on-page JS will prevent submission.
function TKR_updateConfirmBeforeSubmit() {
var severity = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'Error' : 'Note';
var novelWord = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'undefined' : 'uncommon';
var msg = '';
var labels = {
return item.value;
if (TKR_novelStatuses.length > 0 && TKR_novelLabels.length > 0) {
msg = severity + ': You are using an ' + novelWord + ' status and ' + novelWord + ' label(s): ' + labels.join(', ') + '.'; // TODO: i18n
else if (TKR_novelStatuses.length > 0) {
msg = severity + ': You are using an ' + novelWord + ' status value.';
else if (TKR_novelLabels.length > 0) {
msg = severity + ': You are using ' + novelWord + ' label(s): ' + labels.join(', ') + '.';
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.length; ++i) {
msg += "\nNote: The label " + TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes[i].value +
" starts with a reserved word. This is not recommended."
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.length; ++i) {
msg += "\nNote: The label " + TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved[i].value +
" conflicts with a reserved word. This is not recommended."
// Display the owner is no longer a member note only if an owner error is not
// already shown on the page.
if (TKR_invalidOwner && !$('ownererror')) {
msg += "\nNote: Current owner is no longer a project member."
var confirm_area = $(TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID);
if (confirm_area) {
$('confirmmsg').innerText = msg;
if (msg != '') {
confirm_area.className = TKR_NOVEL_CLASS; = '';
} else { = 'none';
* The user has selected a command from the 'Actions...' menu
* on the issue list. This function checks the selected value and carry
* out the requested action.
* @param {Element} actionsMenu The 'Actions...' <select> form element.
function TKR_handleListActions(actionsMenu) {
switch (actionsMenu.value) {
case 'bulk':
case 'colspec':
case 'flagspam':
case 'unflagspam':
actionsMenu.value = 'moreactions';
function TKR_handleDetailActions() {
var moreActions = $('more_actions');
if (moreActions.value == 'delete') {
$('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
$('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
var ok = confirm(
'Normally, you should just close issues by setting their status ' +
'to a closed value.\n' +
'Are you sure you want to delete this issue?');
if (ok) {
if (moreActions.value == 'move') {
$('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = '';
$('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
if (moreActions.value == 'copy') {
$('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = '';
$('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
// If no action was taken, reset the dropdown to the 'More actions...' item.
moreActions.value = '0';
* The user has selected the "Flag as spam..." menu item.
function TKR_flagSpam(isSpam) {
var selectedLocalIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < issueRefs.length; i++) {
var checkbox = document.getElementById('cb_' + issueRefs[i]['id']);
if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
if (selectedLocalIDs.length > 0) {
if (!confirm((isSpam ? 'Flag' : 'Un-flag') +
' all selected issues as spam?')) {
var selectedLocalIDString = selectedLocalIDs.join(',');
$('bulk_spam_ids').value = selectedLocalIDString;
$('bulk_spam_value').value = isSpam;
var loading = $('bulk-action-loading'); = 'visible';
var form = $('bulkspam');
else {
alert('Please select some issues to flag as spam');
* The user has selected the "Bulk Edit..." menu item. Go to a page that
* offers the ability to edit all selected issues.
// TODO(jrobbins): cross-project bulk edit
function TKR_HandleBulkEdit() {
var selectedLocalIDs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < issueRefs.length; i++) {
var checkbox = document.getElementById('cb_' + issueRefs[i]['id']);
if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
if (selectedLocalIDs.length > 0) {
var selectedLocalIDString = selectedLocalIDs.join(',');
var url = 'bulkedit?ids=' + selectedLocalIDString;
TKR_go(url + _ctxArgs);
else {
alert('Please select some issues to edit');
* Array of original labels on the served page, so that we can notice
* when the used submits a form that has any Restrict-* labels removed.
var TKR_allOrigLabels = [];
* Prevent users from easily entering "+1" comments.
function TKR_checkPlusOne() {
var c = $('addCommentTextArea').value;
var instructions = (
'\nPlease use the star icon instead.\n' +
'Stars show your interest without annoying other users.');
if (new RegExp('^\\s*[-+]+[0-9]+\\s*.{0,30}$', 'm').test(c) &&
c.length < 150) {
alert('This looks like a "+1" comment.' + instructions);
return false;
if (new RegExp('^\\s*me too.{0,30}$', 'i').test(c)) {
alert('This looks like a "me too" comment.' + instructions);
return false;
return true;
* If the user removes Restrict-* labels, ask them if they are sure.
function TKR_checkUnrestrict(prevent_restriction_removal) {
var removedRestrictions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < TKR_allOrigLabels.length; ++i) {
var origLabel = TKR_allOrigLabels[i];
if (origLabel.indexOf('Restrict-') == 0) {
var found = false;
var j = 0;
while ($('label' + j)) {
var newLabel = $('label' + j).value;
if (newLabel == origLabel) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (removedRestrictions.length == 0) {
return true;
if (prevent_restriction_removal) {
var msg = 'You may not remove restriction labels.';
return false;
var instructions = (
'You are removing these restrictions:\n ' +
removedRestrictions.join('\n ') +
'\nThis may allow more people to access this issue.' +
'\nAre you sure?');
return confirm(instructions);
* Add a column to a list view by updating the colspec form element and
* submiting an invisible <form> to load a new page that includes the column.
* @param {string} colname The name of the column to start showing.
function TKR_addColumn(colname) {
var colspec = TKR_getColspecElement();
colspec.value = colspec.value + ' ' + colname;
* Allow members to shift-click to select multiple issues. This keeps
* track of the last row that the user clicked a checkbox on.
var TKR_lastSelectedRow = undefined;
* Return true if an event had the shift-key pressed.
* @param {Event} evt The mouse click event.
function TKR_hasShiftKey(evt) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : (window.event) ? window.event : '';
if (evt) {
if (evt.modifiers) {
return evt.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK;
} else {
return evt.shiftKey;
return false;
* Select one row: check the checkbox and use highlight color.
* @param {Element} row the row containing the checkbox that the user clicked.
* @param {boolean} checked True if the user checked the box.
function TKR_rangeSelectRow(row, checked) {
if (!row) {
if (checked) {
} else {
var td = row.firstChild;
while (td && td.tagName != 'TD') {
td = td.nextSibling;
if (!td) {
var checkbox = td.firstChild;
while (checkbox && checkbox.tagName != 'INPUT') {
checkbox = checkbox.nextSibling;
if (!checkbox) {
checkbox.checked = checked;
* If the user shift-clicked a checkbox, (un)select a range.
* @param {Event} evt The mouse click event.
* @param {Element} el The checkbox that was clicked.
function TKR_checkRangeSelect(evt, el) {
var clicked_row = el.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
if (clicked_row == TKR_lastSelectedRow) {
if (TKR_hasShiftKey(evt) && TKR_lastSelectedRow != undefined) {
var results_table = $('resultstable');
var delta = (clicked_row > TKR_lastSelectedRow) ? 1 : -1;
for (var i = TKR_lastSelectedRow; i != clicked_row; i += delta) {
TKR_rangeSelectRow(results_table.rows[i], el.checked);
TKR_lastSelectedRow = clicked_row;
* Make a link to a given issue that includes context parameters that allow
* the user to see the same list columns, sorting, query, and pagination state
* if he/she ever navigates up to the list again.
* @param {{issue_url: string}} issueRef The dict with info about an issue,
* including a url to the issue detail page.
function TKR_makeIssueLink(issueRef) {
return '/p/' + issueRef['project_name'] + '/issues/detail?id=' + issueRef['id'] + _ctxArgs;
* Hide or show a list column in the case where we already have the
* data for that column on the page.
* @param {number} colIndex index of the column that is being shown or hidden.
function TKR_toggleColumnUpdate(colIndex) {
var shownCols = TKR_getColspecElement().value.split(' ');
var filteredCols = [];
for (var i=0; i< shownCols.length; i++) {
if (_allColumnNames[colIndex] != shownCols[i].toLowerCase()) {
TKR_getColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
TKR_getSearchColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
TKR_toggleColumn('hide_col_' + colIndex);
* Convert a column into a groupby clause by removing it from the column spec
* and adding it to the groupby spec, then reloading the page.
* @param {number} colIndex index of the column that is being shown or hidden.
function TKR_addGroupBy(colIndex) {
var colName = _allColumnNames[colIndex];
var shownCols = TKR_getColspecElement().value.split(' ');
var filteredCols = [];
for (var i=0; i < shownCols.length; i++) {
if (shownCols[i] && colName != shownCols[i].toLowerCase()) {
TKR_getColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
TKR_getSearchColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
var groupSpec = $('groupbyspec');
var shownGroupings = groupSpec.value.split(' ');
var filteredGroupings = [];
for (i=0; i < shownGroupings.length; i++) {
if (shownGroupings[i] && colName != shownGroupings[i].toLowerCase()) {
groupSpec.value = filteredGroupings.join(' ');
* Add a multi-valued custom field editing widget.
function TKR_addMultiFieldValueWidget(
el, field_id, field_type, opt_validate_1, opt_validate_2) {
var widget = document.createElement('INPUT'); = 'custom_' + field_id;
if (field_type == 'str') {
widget.size = 90;
if (field_type == 'user') { = 'width:12em';
if (field_type == 'int') { = 'right'; = '12em';
widget.type = 'number';
widget.min = opt_validate_1;
widget.max = opt_validate_2;
el.parentNode.insertBefore(widget, el);
var del_button = document.createElement('U');
del_button.onclick = function(event) {
del_button.innerText = 'X';
el.parentNode.insertBefore(del_button, el);
function TKR_removeMultiFieldValueWidget(el) {
var target = el.previousSibling;
while (target && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {
target = target.previousSibling;
if (target) {
el.parentNode.removeChild(el); // the X itself
* Trim trailing commas and spaces off <INPUT type="email" multiple> fields
* before submitting the form.
function TKR_trimCommas() {
var ccField = $('memberccedit');
if (ccField) {
ccField.value = ccField.value.replace(/,\s*$/, '');
ccField = $('memberenter');
if (ccField) {
ccField.value = ccField.value.replace(/,\s*$/, '');