Users may visit the Monorail server without signing in, and may view public issues anonymously.
Signing in to Monorail requires a Google account. People can create a GMail account, or create a Google account using an existing email address.
User accounts are identified by email address.
When you post, your email address is shared with project members.
You can access your user profile via the account menu.
Your user pages also include a list of your recent posts, your saved queries, and your hotlists.
The settings page allows you to set user preferences, including a vacation message.
Monorail allows account linking between certain types of accounts. (Currently only allowed between and accounts). To link your accounts:
If you need to completely delete your account, there is a button for that on your profile page.
If Monorail sends an email to a user and that email bounces, the account is marked as bouncing. A user can sign in and clear the bouncing flag via their profile page.
The bouncing state, time of last visit, and any vacation message are all used to produce a user availability message that may be shown when that user is an issue owner or CC’d.
Project owners and site admins may ban user accounts that are used to post spam or other content that does not align with Monorail’s mission.
Each project contains issues, grants roles to project members, and configures how issues are tracked in that project.
Projects can be public or members-only. Only project members may access the contents of a members-only project, however the name of a members-only project may occur in comments and other places throughout the site.
The project owners are responsible for configuring the project to fit their development process (described below).
Project members have permissions to edit issues, and they are listed in the autocomplete menus for owner and CCs.
While most activity on a Monorail server occurs within a given project, it is also possible to work across projects. For example, a hotlist can include issues from multiple projects.
Some projects that we host have a branded domain name. Visiting one of these projects will redirect the user to that domain name.
When an old project is no longer needed, it can be archived or marked as moved to a different URL.
Each issue is given a unique numeric ID number when the issue is created. Issue IDs count up so that they serve as a project odometer and a quick way for members to judge the age of an issue.
Each issue has a set of fields including summary, reporter, owner, CCs, components, labels, and custom fields.
Issues may be blocked on other issues. The relationship is two-way, meaning that if issue A is blocked on issue B, then issue B is blocking issue A.
Each issue has several timestamps, including the time when it was opened, when it was most recently closed, when the status was most recently set, when the components were modified, and when the owner was most recently changed.
Each comment consists of the comment text, the email address of the user which posted the comment, and the time at which the comment was posted.
Each comment has a unique anchor URL that can be bookmarked and shared.
Each comment has a sequence number within the issue. E.g., comment 1 is the first comment on the issue after it was reported. Older comments may be initially collapsed in the UI to help focus attention on the most recent comments.
Comment text is unicode and may include a wide range of characters including emoji.
Whitespace in comments is stored in our database but extra whitespace is usually not visible in the UI unless the user has clicked the Code
button to use a fixed-width code-friendly font.
All comments on an issue have the same access controls as the issue. Monorail does not currently support private comments. If you need to make a private comment to another issue participant, you should do it via email or chat.
Each comment can list some amendments to the issue. E.g., if the issue owner was changed when the comment was posted, then the new owner is shown.
Each comment is limited to 50 KB. If you wish to share log files or other long documents, they should be uploaded as attachments or shared via Google Drive or another tool.
Comments can be marked as spam or marked deleted. Even these comments are still part of the project and may be viewed by project members, if needed.
Each comment can contain some attachments, such as logs, text files, images, or videos.
Monorail supports up to 10 MB worth of attachments on each issue. Larger attachments should be shared via Google Drive or some other way.
Monorail allows direct viewing of images, videos, and certain text files. Other attachment types can only be downloaded.
Attachment URLs are not all shareable. If you need to refer to an attachment, it is usually best to link to the comment that contains it.
Issues have several built-in fields including summary, reporter, owner, CCs, status, components, and various timestamps. However, many fields that are built into other issue tracking tools are configured as labels or custom fields in Monorail, for example, issue priority.
Issue labels are short strings that mean something to project members. They are described more below.
Project owners can define custom fields of several different types, including enums, strings, dates, and users.
Project owners and field admins can decide on who is allowed to edit a custom field value. If an user is not allowed to edit a field, the input to change its value will be greyed-out or it will not be rendered.
There are three main types of labels:
A list of well-known labels can be configured by project owners. Each well-known label can have a documentation string and it will sort by its rank in the list.
Well-known labels are offered in the autocomplete menus. However, users are still free to type out other label strings that make sense to their team.
Issues in Monorail can be used to track complex and multi-phased review processes for new features or projects using approvals and gates.
Project owners can define project-wide approvals that represent the review process of different stakeholders and review teams. For each process, project owners can create issue templates that include the set of approvals that should be part of the process. E.g. A template representing a Launch process that requires approval from UX, Security, and A11y teams would include UX, Security, and A11y approvals.
Project owners can also create gates within a template and group approvals under those gates to represent the review process phases. E.g. A process may have “Proposal”, “Design”, and “Launch” phases where some set of review teams need to review during the “Proposal” phase before the feature owner can move on to the “Design” phase and request reviews from another set of teams.
When a team wants to go through a review process, they can use the template to create an issue that inherits the approvals and gates structure.
Issue gates and approvals cannot be changed after the issue has been created. Approvals show up in their own section of the issue details page, separate from the issue's fields and comments sections.
Approvals can be grouped under ordered gates or they can be gate-less.
Approvals have their own comments separate from issue comments.
Approval statuses are used to indicate the status of the review:
: the review has not started yet, but is required.NA
: a review is not required.ReviewRequested
: the issue owner and team have answered any survey and follow-up questions and are ready for the approvers to begin or continue review.ReviewStarted
: approvers have started review.NeedInfo
: approvers have more questions before they can proceed.Approved
: approvers have reviewed and approved the plan.NotApproved
: approvers have reviewed and do not approve of the plan.Only approvers of an approval are allowed to set statuses to Approved
, Not Approved
, and NA
and can remove and add other users as approvers.
Approval surveys hold context and questions that the approvers want answered before a team requests review.
Approvals may have custom fields associated with them. Those custom fields will show up with their approvals, separate from the other fields of the issue. These fields can be restricted and have field editors assigned to them. This allows project owners and admins to use them while having control over who is allowed to edit the value of those fields, which is regularly a desired feature in this context.
Issue gates also hold gate fields configured by project owners. These gate fields show up right next to the gate names, separate from other issue fields. If an issue does not have any gates, gate fields do not show up.
Monorail normally treats key-value labels and custom fields and labels in the same way that built-in fields are treated. For example:
When displayed in the UI, they are shown individually as equals of built-in fields, not nested under a subheading.
They can be used as columns in the list view, and also in grid and chart views.
Users can search for them using the same syntax as built-in fields.
Monorail tracks issues over multi-year periods, so we need to gracefully handle process changes that happen from time to time. In particular, Monorail allows for incremental formalization of enum-like values. For example:
A team may start labeling issues simply as a way to identify a set of related issues. E.g., LCDDisplay
and OLEDDisplay
The team might decide to switch to Key-Value labels to make it easier to query and read in the list views. E.g., Display-LCD
and Display-OLED
If more people start using those labels, the project owners might make them well-known labels and add documentation strings to clarify the meaning of each. However, oddball labels like Display-Paper
could still be used. This configuration might last for years.
If these labels used so much that it seems worth adding a row to the editing form, then the project owners can define an enum-type custom field named Display
with the well-known label suffixes as possible values. This would discourage oddball values, but they could still exist on existing issues.
At a later date, the project owners might review the set of fields, and decide to demote some of them back to well-known labels.
If the process changes to the point that it is no longer useful to organize issues by those labels, they can be removed from the well-known list, but still exist on old issues.
In Monorail, a permission is represented by a short string, such as View
or EditIssue
Project owners grant roles to users in a project. Each role includes a list of permission strings.
The possible roles are: Anonymous visitor, signed-in non-member, contributor, committer, and owner.
Project owners may also grant additional permissions to a project member. For example, a user might be a contributor, plus EditIssue
Project owners and field admins can restrict custom fields. That will allow them to specify field editors: the only users allowed to edit custom field values in issues and templates.
When a user makes a request to the Monorail server, the server checks that they can access the project and that they have the needed permission for that action. E.g., viewing an issue requires the View
If an issue has a restriction label of the form Restrict-Action-OtherPermission
then the user may only perform Action
if they could normally do it, and if they also have permission OtherPermission
. For example, Restrict-View-EditIssue
means that the only users who can view the issue are the ones who could also edit it.
Since both permissions and restriction labels are just strings, they can be customized with words that make sense to the project owners. For example, if only a subset of project members are supposed to deal with security issues, they could be granted a SecurityTeam
permission and those issues labeled with Restrict-View-SecurityTeam
. The most common example is Restrict-View-Google
Restriction labels can be added in any of the ways that other labels can be added, including adding them directly to an individual issue, bulk edits, filter rules, or including them in an issue template.
Regardless of restriction labels, the issue reporter, owner, CC’d users, and users named in certain user-type custom fields always have permission to view the issue. And, issue owners always have permission to edit.
Project owners and site administrators are not subject to restriction labels. They can also always edit the value of restricted fields.
Admins of a field can always edit the field's value(s) in an issue or template as long as they have permission to edit the issue or template.
Projects are configured to define the development process used to track issues, including:
The project description, optional link to a project home page, and optional logo
A list of open and closed issue statuses. Each status can have a documentation string.
A list of well-known labels and their documentation strings.
A list of custom fields, each with a documentation string and validation options.
A list of issue templates to use when creating new issues.
A list of components, each with a documentation string, auto-CCs, and labels to add.
A list of filter rules to automatically add some issue fields based on other values.
Default list and grid view configurations for project members.
Each user has a list of personal hotlists that can be accessed via the account menu.
A hotlist is a ranked list of issues, which can belong to multiple projects.
Users can rerank issues in a hotlist by dragging them up or down.
Issues can be added to a hotlist via the hotlist page, the issue detail page, or issue list.
Each hotlist belongs to one user, but that user can add other users to be editors.
Each issue in a hotlist can also have a short note attached.
Hotlists themselves can be public or members-only. A user who is allowed to view a hotlist will only see the subset of issues that they are allowed to view as determined by issue permissions. Hotlists do not affect issue permissions.