#ChromeOS Skylab Admin


Chrome OS Skylab Admin is a Google App Engine app (in Go) that supports the following:

Manage Lab Device Inventory

Lab device inventory is broadly composed of the following:

  • Device hardware attributes - Static (immutable) hardware characteristics of lab devices
    • E.g. device model, SoC architecture, graphics chip family, bluetooth, etc...
  • Lab device configuration - Lab deployment details needed to communicate with, manage, and run tests on a specific device
    • E.g. hostname, servo port, servo host, etc...
  • Lab device state - Current status information about a given device
    • E.g. Scheduling availability, servo health, etc...

This service is responsible for managing and providing access to this config.

Currently, the config is backed by the Skylab inventory repo and cached/served from Datastore.

Updates to this config come from the following sources:

  • skylab command-line tool
    • Supports adding new lab devices and setting lab-specific details
    • Supports administrative updates/operations to lab devices
  • Lab device bots
    • Device bots dynamically detect hardware attributes and report them to this service
    • Device bots also report lab device status information

This config is then sourced/read by device bots to support the following:

  • Reported to swarming as schedulable attributes that will match test requests
  • Lab setup is used to communicate with the device and device peripherals

Keep Devices Healthy

This service is trying to keep devices in a healthy, schedulable state at all times. Device health can degrade for many reasons (bad test, provisioning failure, etc...) and this service supports recovering those devices with the following:

  • API to manually schedule device repair jobs (invoked via skylab tool)
  • Scheduling automated repair jobs for any devices it detects as unhealthy

Other Admin Functions

This service is a bit of a catch-all and performs various other functions required to keep the system healthy.

For example, here are some of the additional functions (not comprehensive):

  • Triggers balancing across critical device pools
  • Reports time-series metrics used for monitoring/analysis
  • Reports inventory to Drone Queen for drone/bot management

Code/Development Setup

For initial setup, follow the Chrome Infra Go procedures

For environment setup, follow the Bootstrap procedures

Application Environments


  • Unit testing - ‘cd go/src/infra/appengine/crosskylabadmin && make test’
  • Functional/integration testing - No automated testing

Release Procedures

  • cd go/src/infra/appengine/crosskylabadmin
  • make up-staging && switch-staging (Staging)
  • make up-prod && switch-prod (Production)