tree: 0890cf8bfe62ed83c168264f18fea4e50d1de69a [path history] [tgz]
  1. metrics/
  2. schema/
  3. Makefile

depot_tools monitoring app

This is a simple GAE app to collect the metrics uploaded by depot_tools and store them in BigQuery. This app is only reachable when the X-AppEngine-Trusted-IP-Request header, which is set only on requests received from corp machines, is present on the request. This is a way to ensure we don't collect data from non-Googlers.


This app exposes two endpoints:

  • /should-upload

    Returns 200 if the request comes from a corp machine, and 403 otherwise.

  • /upload

    Accepts a JSON file in the format described by monitoring_logs_schema.json and writes the data to the depot_tools table in the metrics dataset of the cit-cli-metrics project.


    • 403 if the request comes from a non-corp machine.
    • 400 if the reported metrics are invalid.
    • 500 if there was an internal error.
    • 200 if the request succeeded.


Updating the Schema

To update the metrics table and schema, run:

  • go generate schema/gen.go
  • bqschemaupdater -table cit-cli-metrics.metrics.depot_tools -message-dir schema -message schema.Metrics

If these steps modified any files in the repo, add them to a change for review. By the end of this process, running these steps on a clean checkout of the main branch should not result in further updates to the schema.

Uploading a New Version

Make sure you're on the main branch and that your working tree is clean. Run upload. If everything worked, you should see a new version with name {ID}-{commit hash} in the cit-cli-metrics dashboard.

If upload doesn't work, try upload --app-id cit-cli-metrics --app-dir .

Migrating Traffic

After uploading, navigate to the cit-cli-metrics dashboard and migrate traffic to your new version.