Pinpoint CLI user configurations

The pinpoint command supports reading a YAML configuration file that's referred to by the following means:

  • PINPOINT_USER_CONFIG environment variable.
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pinpoint/config.yaml as the default location (this is platform dependent)

Configuration schema

NOTE: For up-to-date details, see the file config.go and in-source documentation.

The following YAML keys are supported:

analyze_experimentboolWhether to perform statistical analysis on the differences between the base and experimental configurations.
check_experimentboolWhether to return a non-zero command status if we can detect a statistically significant difference between the base and experimental configurations.
download_artifactsboolWhether to download the artifacts of jobs when getting or starting them.
download_resultsboolWhether to download the results of jobs when getting or starting them.
endpointstringThe fully qualified domain name of the gRPC service to connect to.
open_resultsboolWhether to open the downloaded results with the default web browser.
presets_filestringThe default file hosting presets. Learn more about presets at
quietboolWhether to suppress progress output.
results_dirstringThe default directory where results should be downloaded (overrides the work_dir.
select_artifactsstringWhich artifacts will be downloaded by default.
waitboolWhether to always wait for scheduled or retrieved jobs to finish.
work_dirstringThe default directory where files should be downloaded (overrides the default /tmp or equivalent directory in non-Unix platforms).

Querying configuration

These user configurations replace the defaults that would apply had the related flags been provided. To see what the current configuration options for a user are, you can invoke the config subcommand to see the flags that would have been default-applied when invoking subcommands.

$ pinpoint config