blob: 60acc47e9d348031c9e55e3f77ca807a58a8b1a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Manages the raw sources needed to build wheels.
A source has a remote (public) address. That file is then downloaded and cached
locally as a CIPD package in the "infra/third_party/source" CIPD tree.
Systems that want to operate on a source reference it by a source constant, or
by a constructor (e.g., Pip).
import collections
import contextlib
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from . import cipd
from . import concurrency
from . import util
class Source(
'name', # The name of the source.
'version', # The version of the source.
'download_type', # Type of download function to use.
'download_meta', # Arbitrary metadata to pass to download function.
'patches', # Short patch names to apply to the source tree.
'patch_base', # Base name of patches, defaults to 'name'.
# A registry of all created Source instances.
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('patches', ())
if not kwargs.get('patch_base'):
kwargs['patch_base'] = kwargs['name']
src = super(Source, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
src._patches_hash = None
# Register source with "_REGISTRY" and enforce that any source with the same
# (name, version) is defined exactly the same.
# NOTE: If this expectation is ever violated, we will need to update CIPD
# source package naming to incorporate the difference.
key = (, src.version)
current = cls._REGISTRY.get(key)
if not current:
cls._REGISTRY[key] = src
elif current != src:
raise ValueError('Incompatible source definitions (%r != %r)' % (
current, src))
return src
def all(cls):
return cls._REGISTRY.values()
def tag(self):
"""A tag that identifies back to the upstream package."""
return '%s-%s' % (, self.version)
def buildid(self):
"""Uniquely identifies this package & local patches."""
ret = self.version
srchash = self.patches_hash
if srchash:
ret += '-' + srchash
return ret
def patches_hash(self):
"""Return a hash of all the patches applied to this source."""
if self._patches_hash is None:
self._patches_hash = ''
patches = self.get_patches()
if patches:
hash_obj = hashlib.md5()
for patch in sorted(patches):
with open(patch, 'rb') as f:
self._patches_hash = hash_obj.hexdigest().lower()
return self._patches_hash
def get_patches(self):
"""Return list of patches (full paths) to be applied."""
return [
'%s-%s-%s.patch' % (self.patch_base, self.version, x))
for x in self.patches
class Repository(object):
# Map of "download_type" to download function. Mapping will be made
# later as functions are defined.
def __init__(self, system, workdir, upload=False, force_download=False):
self._system = system
self._root = workdir
self._upload = upload
self._force_download = force_download
# Will be set to True if a source was encountered without a corresponding
# CIPD package, but not uploaded to CIPD.
self._missing_sources = False
# Build our archive suffixes.
self._archive_suffixes = collections.OrderedDict()
for suffix in ('.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar.bz2'):
self._archive_suffixes[suffix] = self._unpack_tar_generic
for suffix in ('.zip',):
self._archive_suffixes[suffix] = self._unpack_zip_generic
self.lock = concurrency.KeyedLock()
self._deployed_packages = set()
def missing_sources(self):
return self._missing_sources
def _ensure_package_deployed(self, src):
# TODO: rewrite this to use cipd ensure
# Lock around accesses to the shared self._root directory, which is a
# central cache for source packages which may be used between different
# wheel builds.
with self.lock.get(src.tag):
package_dest = os.path.join(self._root, src.tag)
if src.tag in self._deployed_packages:
return package_dest
if os.path.exists(package_dest):
util.removeall(package_dest) # Clean up any old state.
# If the package doesn't exist, or if we are forcing a download, create a
# local package.
package_path = os.path.join(self._root, '%s.pkg' % (src.tag,))
have_package = False
if os.path.isfile(package_path):
# Package file is on disk, reuse unless we're forcing a download.
if not self._force_download:
have_package = True
# Check if the CIPD package exists.
package = cipd.Package(
name=cipd.normalize_package_name('infra/third_party/source/%s' %
tags=('version:%s' % (src.version,),),
# By default, assume the cached source package exists and try to download
# it. If this produces an error we infer that it doesn't exist and go
# create and upload it. This saves a call to CIPD compared to making an
# explicit check up-front.
cipd_exists = True
if not have_package:
# Don't even try downloading it if force_download is set.
if not self._force_download:
self._system.cipd.fetch_package(, package.tags[0],
except self._system.SubcommandError as e:
# The CIPD command line tool returns 1 for all errors, so we're
# forced to just check its stdout.
if e.returncode == 1 and ('no such tag' in e.output or
'no such package' in e.output):
cipd_exists = False
if not cipd_exists or self._force_download:
self._create_cipd_package(package, src, package_path)
have_package = True
# We must have acquired the package at "package_path" by now.
assert have_package
# If we built a CIPD package, upload it. This will be fatal if we could
# not perform the upload; if a user wants to not care about this, set
# "upload" to False.
if not cipd_exists:
if self._upload:
self._system.cipd.register_package(package_path, package.tags)'Uploaded CIPD source package')
self._missing_sources = True
util.LOGGER.warning('Missing CIPD source package, but not uploaded.')
# Install the CIPD package into our source directory. This is a no-op if
# it is already installed.
self._system.cipd.deploy_package(package_path, package_dest)
return package_dest
def ensure(self, src, dest_dir, unpack=True, unpack_file_filter=None):
util.LOGGER.debug('Ensuring source %r', src.tag)
package_dest = self._ensure_package_deployed(src)
# The package directory should contain exactly one file.
package_files = [
f for f in os.listdir(package_dest) if not f.startswith('.')
if len(package_files) != 1:
raise ValueError('Package contains %d (!= 1) files: %s' %
(len(package_files), package_dest))
package_file = package_files[0]
package_file_path = os.path.join(package_dest, package_file)
# The same destination path must not be accessed concurrently, so we
# do not need to lock around the unpack step.
# Unpack or copy the source file into the destination path.
if unpack:
for suffix, unpack_func in self._archive_suffixes.items():
if package_file.endswith(suffix):
# unpack_file_filter is a workaround for python < 3.6 on Windows.
# Windows only allow path less than 260, which means we need to
# filter some files from the package if they are not required in the
# build to avoid triggering the limitation. This can be removed after
# we migrate to Python 3.6 or later.
return self._unpack_archive(package_file_path, dest_dir, unpack_func,
# Single file.
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(package_file))
util.LOGGER.debug('Installing source from [%s] => [%s]', package_file, dest)
with concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
shutil.copyfile(package_file_path, dest)
return dest
def _create_cipd_package(self, package, src, package_path):
# Download to a temporary file.
with self._system.temp_subdir(src.tag) as tdir:
download_dir = util.ensure_directory(tdir, 'download')
package_dir = util.ensure_directory(tdir, 'package')
path = os.path.join(download_dir, 'file')
util.LOGGER.debug('Downloading source to: [%s]', path)
with concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
fd = open(path, 'wb')
with fd: # Release the lock so that the download can spawn a process.
filename = self._DOWNLOAD_MAP[src.download_type](fd, src.download_meta)
# Move the downloaded "file" into the package under its download name
# and package it.
os.rename(path, os.path.join(package_dir, filename))
self._system.cipd.create_package(package, package_dir, package_path)
def _unpack_archive(self, path, dest_dir, unpack_func, file_filter):
with self._system.temp_subdir(os.path.basename(
path)) as tdir, concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
unpack_func(path, tdir, file_filter)
contents = os.listdir(tdir)
if len(contents) != 1:
raise ValueError('Archive contained %d (!= 1) file(s)' % (
archive_base = os.path.join(tdir, contents[0])
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(archive_base))
os.rename(archive_base, dest)
return dest
def _unpack_tar_generic(path, dest_dir, file_filter):
with, 'r') as tf:
(lambda m: file_filter( if file_filter else None,
def _unpack_zip_generic(path, dest_dir, file_filter):
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zf:
zf.extractall(dest_dir, members=filter(file_filter, zf.namelist()))
def remote_file(name, version, url):
return Source(
def remote_archive(name, version, url):
return Source(
def _download_url(fd, meta):
url = meta
return util.download_to(url, fd)
Repository._DOWNLOAD_MAP['url'] = _download_url
def _download_pypi_archive(fd, meta):
name, version = meta
url = '' % (name, version)
content = util.download_json(url)
release = content.get('urls', {})
if not release:
raise ValueError('No urls for package %r at version %r' % (name, version))
entry = None
for entry in release:
if entry.get('packagetype') == 'sdist':
raise ValueError('No PyPi source distribution for package %r at version '
'%r' % (name, version))
hash_obj = None
expected_hash = entry.get('md5')
if expected_hash:
hash_obj = hashlib.md5()
url = entry['url']
util.LOGGER.debug('Downloading package %r @ %r from PyPi: %s',
name, version, url)
filename = util.download_to(url, fd, hash_obj=hash_obj)
if hash_obj:
download_hash = hash_obj.hexdigest().lower()
if download_hash != expected_hash:
raise ValueError("Download hash %r doesn't match expected hash %r." % (
download_hash, expected_hash))
return filename
Repository._DOWNLOAD_MAP['pypi_archive'] = _download_pypi_archive
def _download_local(fd, meta):
basename = os.path.basename(meta)
with'w:bz2', fileobj=fd) as tf:
tf.add(meta, arcname=basename)
return '%s.tar.bz2' % (basename,)
def local_directory(name, version, path):
return Source(
Repository._DOWNLOAD_MAP['local_directory'] = _download_local
GitSource = collections.namedtuple(
'GitSource', ('system', 'repo', 'commit', 'setup_path', 'basename'))
def _download_git(fd, meta):
with util.tempdir(meta.system.root, '-'.join([meta.basename,
meta.commit])) as git_root:
util.check_run(meta.system, None, git_root,
['git', 'clone', '-n', meta.repo, meta.basename])
git_checkout = os.path.join(git_root, meta.basename)
util.check_run(meta.system, None, git_checkout,
['git', 'checkout', meta.commit])
with'w:bz2', fileobj=fd) as tf:
os.path.join(git_checkout, meta.setup_path),
filter=lambda ti: None if os.path.basename( == '.git' else ti)
return '%s.tar.bz2' % (meta.basename,)
def git_source(name, version, src):
return Source(
name=name, version=version, download_type='git_source', download_meta=src)
Repository._DOWNLOAD_MAP['git_source'] = _download_git
def pypi_sdist(name, version, patches=(), patch_base=None):
"""Defines a Source whose remote data is a PyPi source distribution."""
return Source(
download_meta=(name, version),