tree: f66ba05478e903238ca68fbc4fd47fb750fe1393 [path history] [tgz]
  1. images/
  2. polymer_test/
  3. pylib/
  4. src/
  5. .coveragerc
  6. .expect_tests.cfg
  8. .gitignore
  9. app.yaml
  10. bower.json
  12. index.html
  13. local_ui_server.pip
  14. Makefile
  15. manifest.json
  16. OWNERS
  17. polymer.json
  19. requirements.txt

Chrome UI Catalog Viewer

This is the Chrome UI Catalog Viewer, see The Requirements Document and The Design Document. Note that this is still work in progress.

Getting started

At the moment there are only two views, a summary view and a screenshot view.

When you open the page you will see an unfiltered view of all the screenshots. Use the menus to select which screenshots are shown.

To see details of a screenshot click on the screenshot.

To compare two similar sets of screenshots (e.g. versions of the same screenshots from two versions of Chrome):

  • Duplicate the tab by right clicking on the tab strip and selecting duplicate.
  • Modify the filters to create the second screenshot set.


To install the UI Catalog development environment from scratch (on Linux, not tested on other OSs):

  • Checkout the infra repository from git and go into the UI Catalog directory within its its workspace

    fetch infra
    cd infra/appengine/ui_catalogue
  • If you don‘t already have them installed, install nodejs and npm following the instuctions in Just doing sudo apt-get install nodejs won’t work, since it will install a version of nodejs without npm.

  • Install bower:

    npm install -g bower
  • Install the Polymer CLI:

    npm install -g polymer-cli
  • Install the Polymer libraries using bower (the libraries are listed in bower.json):

    make deps

For local use there is no need to build the the viewer.

Running a local viewer

You can run a local Catalog Viewer using pylib/

  • Set up your python environment:
    • (Optionally) create a python virtualenv so that your python installs don't modify your normal python environment:
      pip install virtualenv
      virtualenv [new virtualenv directory]
      . [virtualenv directory]/bin/activate
    • Install the required Python components using pip:
      pip install -r local_ui_server.pip`

Having set up your python environment you can then run the UI Catalog Viewer:

  • You can use the UI Catalog to view screenshots generated either by the bots or by a local test run

    • To capture screenshots in a local test run run the instrumentation tests (or a selection of them) with the --local-output option.
  • If you created a virtualenv, start it using

    . [virtualenv directory]/bin/activate`
  • Start the local server with the command:

    python pylib/ [screenshot description url]

    The screenshot description url is either the “ui screenshots” link output by the chrome_public_test_apk step on the bots, or that printed at the end of a local run of the instrumention tests.

Packaging the local viewer into a single file

The locally runnable version of the viewer can be packaged into a single file for distribution using PyInstaller

  • Install as above

  • Install pyinstaller:

    pip install pyinstaller
  • Build the server:

    make redistributable_local_server

This will create the executable file pyinstall/dist/local_server containing everything needed to run the viewer. To run it, simply run this file from the command line. The file can be copied to other locations and will still work.

Deploying to App Engine

Install as above then:

  • To deploy to staging run:

    make deploy_staging

    This will deploy to chrome-ui-catalog-staging

  • To deploy to production run:

    make deploy_prod

    This will deploy to chrome-ui-catalog

Directory structure

On checkout the top level directory contains three subdirectories:

  • src - This contains the HTML and Javascript sources for the front end.
  • polymer_test - this containst the tests for the front end.
  • pylib - this contains the python sources for both the local and cloud back ends.
  • pytlib/test - this contains tests for the sources in pylib.
  • pylib/third_party - this contains a link to the cloudstorage module, and could contain links to other third party python modules.
  • images - icons etc. used by the front end.

The top level directory contains index.html, the Makefile, and various configuration files for building and testing the Viewer.

When the Viewer is built three additional directories may be created:

  • bower_components - contains the required Bower components, including Polymer components
  • build/e5-bundled - created by the Polymer builder, contains the minimized and bundled Polymer elements.
  • pyinstall - This is used to build the packaged version of the local server.


There are two sets of tests. The Polymer front end tests use the Polymer Test framework. They are run using the command make polymer_test.

The Python back end tests are based on the python unittest and unittest.mock packages. They are run using the command make test.

Note that the Python 3.3 unittest.mock package is backported into Python 2.7 as mock.