blob: 9233039267e1ae3ee3d72896d9280bb399727dcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
ds ""
tq ""
admin "infra/tricium/api/admin/v1"
apibq "infra/tricium/api/bigquery"
tricium "infra/tricium/api/v1"
// WorkerDone tracks the completion of a worker.
func (*trackerServer) WorkerDone(c context.Context, req *admin.WorkerDoneRequest) (res *admin.WorkerDoneResponse, err error) {
defer func() {
err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err)
if err = validateWorkerDoneRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "invalid request").Tag(grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag).Err()
if err = workerDone(c, req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to track worker completion").Tag(grpcutil.InternalTag).Err()
return &admin.WorkerDoneResponse{}, nil
// validateWorkerDoneRequest returns an error if the request is invalid.
// The returned error should be tagged for gRPC by the caller.
func validateWorkerDoneRequest(req *admin.WorkerDoneRequest) error {
if req.RunId == 0 {
return errors.New("missing run ID")
if req.Worker == "" {
return errors.New("missing worker")
return nil
func workerDone(c context.Context, req *admin.WorkerDoneRequest) error {
"runID": req.RunId,
"worker": req.Worker,
"buildbucketOutput": req.BuildbucketOutput,
}.Infof(c, "[tracker] Worker done request received.")
// Get keys for entities.
requestKey := ds.NewKey(c, "AnalyzeRequest", "", req.RunId, nil)
workflowKey := ds.NewKey(c, "WorkflowRun", "", 1, requestKey)
functionName, platformName, err := track.ExtractFunctionPlatform(req.Worker)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to extract function name").Err()
functionKey := ds.NewKey(c, "FunctionRun", functionName, 0, workflowKey)
workerKey := ds.NewKey(c, "WorkerRun", req.Worker, 0, functionKey)
// If this worker is already marked as done, abort.
workerResult := &track.WorkerRunResult{ID: 1, Parent: workerKey}
if err = ds.Get(c, workerResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get WorkerRunResult").Err()
if tricium.IsDone(workerResult.State) {
"worker": workerResult.Name,
}.Infof(c, "Worker already tracked as done.")
return nil
// Get run entity for this worker.
run := &track.WorkflowRun{ID: 1, Parent: requestKey}
if err = ds.Get(c, run); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get WorkflowRun").Err()
// Process output and collect comments.
// This should only be done for successful analyzers with results.
var comments []*track.Comment
hasOutput := req.BuildbucketOutput != ""
isAnalyzer := req.Provides == tricium.Data_RESULTS
if req.State == tricium.State_SUCCESS && isAnalyzer && hasOutput {
comments, err = collectComments(c, req.BuildbucketOutput, functionName, workerKey)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get worker results").Err()
// Compute state of parent function.
functionRun := &track.FunctionRun{ID: functionName, Parent: workflowKey}
if err := ds.Get(c, functionRun); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get FunctionRun entity").Err()
workerResults := []*track.WorkerRunResult{}
for _, workerName := range functionRun.Workers {
workerKey := ds.NewKey(c, "WorkerRun", workerName, 0, functionKey)
workerResults = append(workerResults, &track.WorkerRunResult{ID: 1, Parent: workerKey})
if err := ds.Get(c, workerResults); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get WorkerRunResult entities").Err()
functionState := tricium.State_SUCCESS
functionNumComments := len(comments)
for _, wr := range workerResults {
if wr.Name == req.Worker {
wr.State = req.State // Setting state to what we will store in the below transaction.
} else {
functionNumComments += wr.NumComments
// When all workers are done, aggregate the result; The
// function is considered successful when all workers are
// successful.
if tricium.IsDone(wr.State) {
if wr.State != tricium.State_SUCCESS {
functionState = tricium.State_FAILURE
} else {
// Found non-done worker, no change to be made.
// Abort and reset state to running (launched).
functionState = tricium.State_RUNNING
if tricium.IsDone(functionState) {
"analyzer": functionName,
"num comments": functionNumComments,
}.Infof(c, "Analyzer completed.")
// Compute the overall worflow run state; this is based on the states of
// functions in the workflow. If any workers are RUNNING, it is RUNNING. If
// all are SUCCESS, it is SUCCESS; otherwise it is FAILURE.
var functionResults []*track.FunctionRunResult
for _, name := range run.Functions {
p := ds.NewKey(c, "FunctionRun", name, 0, workflowKey)
functionResults = append(functionResults, &track.FunctionRunResult{ID: 1, Parent: p})
if err := ds.Get(c, functionResults); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to retrieve FunctionRunResult entities").Err()
// runState and runNumComments are the overall aggregated state for the
// workflow, which is stored in both WorkflowRunResult and
// AnalyzeRequestResult.
runState := tricium.State_SUCCESS
runNumComments := functionNumComments
for _, fr := range functionResults {
if fr.Name == functionName {
// Update entity; this will be written in the transaction below.
fr.State = functionState
} else {
runNumComments += fr.NumComments
// When all functions are done, aggregate the result. All functions
// SUCCESS -> workflow SUCCESS; otherwise workflow FAILURE.
if tricium.IsDone(fr.State) {
if fr.State != tricium.State_SUCCESS {
runState = tricium.State_FAILURE
} else {
// Found non-done function, so the workflow run is not yet done.
runState = tricium.State_RUNNING
"workerName": req.Worker,
"workerState": req.State,
"functionName": functionName,
"functionState": functionState,
"runID": req.RunId,
"runState": runState,
}.Infof(c, "Updating state.")
request := &track.AnalyzeRequest{ID: req.RunId}
if err := ds.Get(c, request); err != nil {
return errors.Reason("failed to get AnalyzeRequest entity (run ID: %d): %v", req.RunId, err).Err()
selections, err := createCommentSelections(c, gerrit.GerritServer, request, comments)
// Even on error, createCommentSelections is expected to always return a
// slice of CommentSelection that may be used below.
if len(selections) != len(comments) {
return errors.Reason("unexpected number of CommentSelections (%d, expected %d)", len(selections), len(comments)).Err()
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "Error creating CommentSelections: %v", err)
numSelectedComments := 0
for _, s := range selections {
if s.Included {
// Now that all prerequisite data was loaded, run the mutations in a transaction.
if err := ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) (err error) {
// If there were comments produced, add all Comment, CommentFeedback,
// and CommentSelection entities.
if len(comments) > 0 {
if err = ds.Put(c, comments); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to add Comment entities ").Err()
entities := make([]interface{}, 0, len(comments)*2)
for i, comment := range comments {
commentKey := ds.KeyForObj(c, comment)
selections[i].Parent = commentKey
entities = append(entities, selections[i])
entities = append(entities, &track.CommentFeedback{ID: 1, Parent: commentKey})
if err := ds.Put(c, entities); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to add CommentFeedback or CommentSelection entries").Err()
// Update WorkerRunResult state: buildbucket output and comment count.
workerResult.State = req.State
workerResult.BuildbucketOutput = req.BuildbucketOutput
workerResult.NumComments = len(comments)
if err := ds.Put(c, workerResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update WorkerRunResult").Err()
// Update FunctionRunResult state and comment count.
functionResult := &track.FunctionRunResult{ID: 1, Parent: functionKey}
if err := ds.Get(c, functionResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get FunctionRunResult (function: %s)", functionName).Err()
if functionResult.State != functionState {
functionResult.State = functionState
functionResult.NumComments = functionNumComments
if err := ds.Put(c, functionResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update FunctionRunResult").Err()
// Update WorkflowRunResult state and comment count.
workflowResult := &track.WorkflowRunResult{ID: 1, Parent: workflowKey}
if err := ds.Get(c, workflowResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get WorkflowRunResult entity").Err()
if workflowResult.State != runState {
workflowResult.State = runState
workflowResult.NumComments = runNumComments
if err := ds.Put(c, workflowResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update WorkflowRunResult entity").Err()
// Update AnalyzeRequestResult state.
if tricium.IsDone(runState) {
requestResult := &track.AnalyzeRequestResult{ID: 1, Parent: requestKey}
if err := ds.Get(c, requestResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get AnalyzeRequestResult entity").Err()
if requestResult.State != runState {
requestResult.State = runState
if err := ds.Put(c, requestResult); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update AnalyzeRequestResult entity").Err()
return nil
}, nil); err != nil {
return err
// Monitor comment count per category and worker success/failure. Metric
// updates are done after the transaction to prevent double-counting in the
// case of transaction retries.
if len(comments) > 0 {
commentCount.Add(c, int64(len(comments)), functionName, platformName)
if req.State == tricium.State_SUCCESS {
workerSuccessCount.Add(c, 1, functionName, platformName)
} else {
workerFailureCount.Add(c, 1, functionName, platformName, req.State.String())
if !tricium.IsDone(functionState) {
return nil
// If there are now comments ready to post, we want to enqueue a request to
// report the results to Gerrit.
if numSelectedComments > 0 && gerrit.IsGerritProjectRequest(request) {
b, err := proto.Marshal(&admin.ReportResultsRequest{
RunId: req.RunId,
Analyzer: functionRun.ID,
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to encode ReportResults request").Err()
t := tq.NewPOSTTask("/gerrit/internal/report-results", nil)
t.Payload = b
if err = tq.Add(c, common.GerritReporterQueue, t); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to enqueue reporter results request").Err()
result := &track.AnalyzeRequestResult{ID: 1, Parent: requestKey}
if err := ds.Get(c, result); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get AnalyzeRequestResult entity").Err()
return streamAnalysisResultsToBigQuery(c, workerResult, request, result, comments, selections)
// streamAnalysisResultsToBigQuery sends results to BigQuery.
func streamAnalysisResultsToBigQuery(c context.Context, wres *track.WorkerRunResult, areq *track.AnalyzeRequest, ares *track.AnalyzeRequestResult, comments []*track.Comment, selections []*track.CommentSelection) error {
run, err := createAnalysisResults(wres, areq, ares, comments, selections)
if err != nil {
return err
return common.ResultsLog.Insert(c, &bq.Row{Message: run})
// createAnalysisResults creates and populate an AnalysisRun to send BQ.
// In general, there is one AnalysisRun created for each analyzer, although
// each AnalysisRun may contain data about the analyze request, e.g. overall
// request state, and original request time.
func createAnalysisResults(wres *track.WorkerRunResult, areq *track.AnalyzeRequest, ares *track.AnalyzeRequestResult, comments []*track.Comment, selections []*track.CommentSelection) (*apibq.AnalysisRun, error) {
revisionNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(gerrit.PatchSetNumber(areq.GitRef))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rev := tricium.GerritRevision{
Host: areq.GerritHost,
Project: areq.Project,
Change: areq.GerritChange,
GitUrl: areq.GitURL,
GitRef: areq.GitRef,
files := make([]*tricium.Data_File, len(areq.Files))
for i := range areq.Files {
files[i] = proto.Clone(&areq.Files[i]).(*tricium.Data_File)
gcomments := make([]*apibq.AnalysisRun_GerritComment, len(comments))
for i, comment := range comments {
ctime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(comment.CreationTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tcomment := tricium.Data_Comment{}
if err = jsonpb.UnmarshalString(string(comment.Comment), &tcomment); err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := tricium.GetPlatforms(comment.Platforms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cinfo := apibq.AnalysisRun_GerritComment{
Comment: &tcomment,
CreatedTime: ctime,
Analyzer: comment.Analyzer,
Platforms: p,
if selections != nil {
cinfo.Selected = selections[i].Included
gcomments[i] = &cinfo
analysisRun := apibq.AnalysisRun{
GerritRevision: &rev,
RevisionNumber: int32(revisionNumber),
Files: files,
RequestedTime: tutils.TimestampProto(areq.Received),
ResultState: ares.State,
ResultPlatform: wres.Platform,
Comments: gcomments,
return &analysisRun, nil
// createCommentSelections creates and puts track.CommentSelection entities.
// The CommentSelection determines whether the parent Comment is "included"
// (will be posted to Gerrit). The comment will be included if it is within
// the changed lines.
// In the future when there are multi-platform results, this could also
// decide which platform's results will be included. See:
// The returned slice of track.CommentSelection will have the same size and
// order as |comments|.
// The given comments may not have been put in datastore and thus may not yet
// have valid IDs, so the Parent key is not set in any of the returned
// CommentSelection entities.
func createCommentSelections(c context.Context, gerritAPI gerrit.API, request *track.AnalyzeRequest, comments []*track.Comment) ([]*track.CommentSelection, error) {
selections := make([]*track.CommentSelection, len(comments))
for i := range comments {
// Default to Included: true; this value may be overridden below.
selections[i] = &track.CommentSelection{ID: 1, Included: true}
if !gerrit.IsGerritProjectRequest(request) {
return selections, nil
// Get the changed lines for this revision.
changedLines, err := gerritAPI.GetChangedLines(c, request.GerritHost, request.GerritChange, request.GitRef)
if err != nil {
// Upon error, mark all of the comments as not selected.
for _, s := range selections {
s.Included = false
return selections, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get changed lines").Err()
gerrit.FilterRequestChangedLines(request, &changedLines)
for path, lines := range changedLines {
"path": path,
"num_changed_lines": len(lines),
}.Debugf(c, "Changed lines")
// We want to suppress comments that are "similar" to those that have
// been reported as not useful.
// One simple way to match "similar" comments is by the comment category
// string. This could potentially be changed to match by comment text or
// some combination of comment properties.
categories := suppressedCategories(c, request.GerritHost, request.GerritChange)
"num_comments": len(comments),
}.Debugf(c, "Filtering comments")
for i, comment := range comments {
data := tricium.Data_Comment{}
if err = comment.UnpackComment(c, &data); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Allows lines +/-1 lines around the changed lines. More than this and
// people complain.
isChanged := gerrit.CommentIsInChangedLines(c, &data, changedLines, 1)
isSuppressed := categories.Has(comment.Category)
selections[i].Included = (data.ShowOnUnchangedLines || isChanged) && !isSuppressed
"path": data.Path,
"start_line": data.StartLine,
"category": data.Category,
"included": selections[i].Included,
}.Debugf(c, "- %d", i)
return selections, nil
// collectComments collects the comments in the results from the analyzer.
// buildbucketOutput should be populated.
func collectComments(c context.Context, buildbucketOutput, analyzerName string, workerKey *ds.Key) ([]*track.Comment, error) {
var comments []*track.Comment
results := tricium.Data_Results{}
if err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(buildbucketOutput, &results); err != nil {
return comments, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal results data").Err()
for _, comment := range results.Comments {
uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return comments, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to generated UUID for comment").Err()
comment.Id = uuid.String()
j, err := (&jsonpb.Marshaler{}).MarshalToString(comment)
if err != nil {
return comments, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to marshal comment data").Err()
comments = append(comments, &track.Comment{
Parent: workerKey,
UUID: uuid.String(),
CreationTime: clock.Now(c).UTC(),
Comment: []byte(j),
Analyzer: analyzerName,
Category: comment.Category,
Platforms: results.Platforms,
return comments, nil
// suppressedCategories returns the categories of all comments that have been
// reported as not useful for a given Gerrit CL.
// This is a potentially expensive operation; it requires
// (1) querying runs (AnalyzeRequests) for a given Gerrit change
// (2) querying descendant CommentFeedback for each run with not useful reports
// (3) getting all relevant comments, including comment category.
// In the case of an error, this function will only log an error and
// return an empty set.
func suppressedCategories(c context.Context, host, change string) stringset.Set {
comments, err := fetchNotUsefulComments(c, host, change)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Failed to fetch past not useful comments.")
return stringset.NewFromSlice()
categories := stringset.New(len(comments))
for _, comment := range comments {
return categories
// fetchNotUsefulComments returns all comments for a given CL that have had
// not-useful feedback.
func fetchNotUsefulComments(c context.Context, host, change string) ([]*track.Comment, error) {
// Each AnalyzeRequest key represents one run, usually one for each
// patchset.
arKeys, err := fetchRequestKeysByChange(c, host, change)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// In order to get only comments with "not useful" reports, we do a
// query for CommentFeedback keys.
cfKeys, err := fetchAllCommentFeedback(c, arKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The parents of those CommentFeedback entities are the comments we're
// interested in.
var comments []*track.Comment
for _, k := range cfKeys {
comments = append(comments, &track.Comment{
Parent: k.Parent().Parent(),
ID: k.Parent().IntID(),
err = ds.Get(c, comments)
return comments, err
// fetchRequestKeysByChange returns keys for all AnalyzeRequest entities that
// are for one particular CL.
func fetchRequestKeysByChange(c context.Context, host, change string) ([]*ds.Key, error) {
// If an empty string is passed, there is no Gerrit change to match.
if host == "" || change == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("unexpectedly got an empty host or change").Err()
q := ds.NewQuery("AnalyzeRequest").Eq("GerritHost", host).Eq("GerritChange", change)
var keys []*ds.Key
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q.KeysOnly(true), &keys); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get AnalyzeRequest keys").Err()
return keys, nil
// FetchAllCommentFeedback fetches keys of CommentFeedback entities
// that have at least one "not useful" report.
// This does multiple ancestor queries in parallel for some number of
// AnalyzeRequest keys, and returns the keys of all CommentFeedback entities
// with "not useful" reports.
func fetchAllCommentFeedback(c context.Context, arKeys []*ds.Key) ([]*ds.Key, error) {
// There will be multiple queries running in different goroutines, and
// appending them to a single slice is not threadsafe. By making a 2D
// slice, we can add keys for each AnalyzeRequest without conflict.
cfKeys := make([][]*ds.Key, len(arKeys))
// It's possible that too many parallel requests will result in some
// aborting due to timeout. Hard-limiting number of parallel requests
// may help with this.
if err := parallel.WorkPool(8, func(taskC chan<- func() error) {
for i, arKey := range arKeys {
// Declare new variables for the closure below.
i := i
ancestor := arKey
taskC <- func() error {
q := ds.NewQuery("CommentFeedback").Ancestor(ancestor).Gt("NotUsefulReports", 0)
err := ds.GetAll(c, q.KeysOnly(true), &cfKeys[i])
return err
}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch CommentFeedback keys").Err()
// The CommentFeedback keys must be flattened before returning.
var ret []*ds.Key
for _, keys := range cfKeys {
ret = append(ret, keys...)
return ret, nil