blob: 7922a0d86d27f14e176509877fc244cddecbe584 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
from dataclasses import dataclass
import glob
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional
from . import build_platform
from . import concurrency
from . import util
from .build_types import Wheel
class PlatformNotSupported(Exception):
"""Exception raised by when the specified wheel's platform is
not support."""
class Builder(object):
def __init__(self, spec, arch_map=None, abi_map=None,
only_plat=None, skip_plat=None):
"""Initializes a new wheel Builder.
spec (Spec): The wheel specification.
arch_map (dict or None): Naming map for architectures. If the current
platform has an entry in this map, the generated wheel will use the
value as the "platform" field.
abi_map (dict or None): Naming map for ABI. If the current platform
has an entry in this map, the generated wheel will use the
value as the "abi" field.
only_plat (iterable or None): If not None, this Builder will only declare
that it can build for the named platforms.
skip_plat (iterable or None): If not None, this Builder will avoid declaring
that it can build for the named platforms.
version_fn (callable or None): If not None, and spec.version is None, this
function will be used to set the spec version at runtime.
if arch_map:
assert not any(isinstance(v, str) for v in arch_map.values()), (
'arch_map must map str->seq[str]')
self._spec = spec
self._arch_map = arch_map or {}
self._abi_map = abi_map or {}
self._only_plat = frozenset(only_plat or ())
self._skip_plat = frozenset(skip_plat or ())
def _valid_platform(p):
return p in build_platform.NAMES
# Validate the platforms.
for p in self._arch_map.keys():
assert _valid_platform(
p), "Wheel %r has invalid platform %s in arch_map" % (self._spec, p)
for p in self._abi_map.keys():
assert _valid_platform(
p), "Wheel %r has invalid platform %s in abi_map" % (self._spec, p)
for p in self._only_plat:
assert _valid_platform(
p), "Wheel %r has invalid platform %s in only_plat" % (self._spec, p)
for p in self._skip_plat:
assert _valid_platform(
p), "Wheel %r has invalid platform %s in skip_plat" % (self._spec, p)
def build_fn(self, system, wheel, output_dir):
"""Must be overridden by the subclass.
system (runtime.System)
wheel (types.Wheel) - The wheel we're attempting to build.
output_dir (str) The output directory for the wheel.
None - The `wheel` argument will be uploaded in the CIPD package; the
build_fn was expected to produce the wheel indicated by
list[types.Wheel] - This list of wheels will be uploaded in the CIPD
package, instead of `wheel`.
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement build_fn')
def version_fn(self, system): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Optionally overridden by the subclass.
str - The version of the wheel to build. By default this is
return self._spec.version
def md_data_fn(self):
"""Optionally overridden by the subclass.
list[str] - Extra details to include in generated markdown files.
return []
def spec(self):
return self._spec
def wheel(self, system, plat):
spec = self.spec._replace(version=self.version_fn(system))
# Make sure universal wheels are only built on universal platforms. This
# allows us to explicitly select which builders build universal wheels, so
# we have a disjoint set of wheels for each builder and hence avoid races.
if spec.universal and not plat.universal:
raise PlatformNotSupported(
"Wheel %s is universal, but platform [%s] is not" %
# Conversely, universal platforms can only build universal wheels.
if not spec.universal and plat.universal:
raise PlatformNotSupported(
"Wheel %s is not universal, but platform [%s] is" %
if spec.universal:
pyversion = '38'
# e.g. cp311 -> 311
pyversion = plat.wheel_abi[2:]
wheel = Wheel(
# Determine our package's wheel filename. This incorporates "abi" and "arch"
# override maps, which are a priori knowledge of the package repository's
# layout. This can differ from the local platform value if the package was
# valid and built for multiple platforms, which seems to happen on Mac a
# lot.
download_plat = plat._replace(
wheel_abi=self._abi_map.get(, plat.wheel_abi),
wheel_plat=self._arch_map.get(, plat.wheel_plat),
plat_wheel = wheel._replace(plat=download_plat)
return wheel._replace(
def supported(self, plat):
if self._only_plat and not in self._only_plat:
return False
if in self._skip_plat:
return False
if self.spec.universal != plat.universal:
return False
return plat.default
def build(self, wheel, system, rebuild=False):
if not self.supported(wheel.plat):
raise PlatformNotSupported()
pkg_path = os.path.join(system.pkg_dir, '%s.pkg' % (wheel.filename,))
if not rebuild and os.path.isfile(pkg_path):'Package is already built: %s', pkg_path)
return pkg_path
# Rebuild the wheel, if necessary. Get their ".whl" file paths.
built_wheels = self.build_wheel(
wheel, system, system.wheel_dir, rebuild=rebuild)
wheel_paths = [w.path(system.wheel_dir) for w in built_wheels]
# Create a CIPD package for the wheel. Give the wheel a universal filename
# within the CIPD package.
# See "A Note on Universality" at the top.'Creating CIPD package: %r => %r', wheel_paths, pkg_path)
with system.temp_subdir('cipd_%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
for w in built_wheels:
universal_wheel_path = os.path.join(tdir, w.universal_filename())
with concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
shutil.copy(w.path(system.wheel_dir), universal_wheel_path)
_, git_revision = system.check_run(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
tdir, pkg_path)
return pkg_path
def build_wheel(self, wheel, system, output_dir, rebuild=False):
built_wheels = [wheel]
wheel_path = wheel.path(output_dir)
if rebuild or not os.path.isfile(wheel_path):
# The build_fn may return an alternate list of wheels.
built_wheels = self.build_fn(system, wheel, output_dir) or built_wheels
else:'Wheel is already built: %s', wheel_path)
return built_wheels
def _FindWheelInDirectory(wheel_dir):
"""Finds the single wheel in wheel_dir and returns its full path."""
# Find the wheel in "wheel_dir". We scan expecting exactly one wheel.
wheels = glob.glob(os.path.join(wheel_dir, '*.whl'))
assert len(wheels) == 1, 'Unexpected wheels: %s' % (wheels,)
return wheels[0]
def StageWheelForPackage(system, wheel_dir, wheel, output_dir):
"""Finds the single wheel in wheel_dir and copies it to the filename indicated
by wheel.filename. Returns the name of the wheel we found.
dst = wheel.path(output_dir)
source_path = _FindWheelInDirectory(wheel_dir)
util.LOGGER.debug('Identified source wheel: %s', source_path)
with concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
shutil.copy(source_path, dst)
return os.path.basename(source_path)
def BuildPackageFromPyPiWheel(system, wheel, output_dir):
"""Builds a wheel by obtaining a matching wheel from PyPi."""
with system.temp_subdir('%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
# TODO: This can copy the Python package unnecessarily: even if the platform
# uses docker, we don't run 'pip download' using docker, but
# SetupPythonPackages doesn't know this, and infers that we need it for
# docker based on the platform, and hence copies it to the temporary
# directory.
# Ignore the environment returned by SetupPythonPackages.
# Setting PYTHONHOME interferes with pip invoking lsb_release_info,
# and we don't need this anyway since we aren't compiling.
interpreter, _ = SetupPythonPackages(system, wheel, tdir, tdir)
'--abi=%s' % (wheel.abi,),
'--python-version=%s' % (wheel.pyversion,),
] + ['--platform=%s' % p for p in wheel.download_platform] + [
'%s==%s' % (, wheel.spec.version),
# Use the per-thread pip cache, see comments in
env={'PIP_CACHE_DIR': system.pip_cache_dir},
wheel_name = StageWheelForPackage(system, tdir, wheel, output_dir)
# Make sure the prebuilt wheel supports the declared pyversions.
if wheel.spec.universal:
supported_versions = set(re.findall(r'py\d', wheel_name))
required_versions = set(wheel.spec.pyversions or ['py3'])
if not required_versions.issubset(supported_versions):
raise Exception(
'Wheel %s requires [%s], but wheel %s only supports [%s]' % (,
', '.join(sorted(required_versions)),
', '.join(sorted(supported_versions)),
def HostCipdPlatform():
"""Return the CIPD platform for the host system.
We need this to determine which Python CIPD package to download. We can't just
use cipd_platform from the platform, because some platforms are
ARM64_MACHINES = {'aarch64_be', 'aarch64', 'armv8b', 'armv8l', 'arm64'}
system, machine = platform.system(), build_platform.NativeMachine()
# Note that we don't need to match all possible values or combinations of
# 'system' and 'machine', only the ones we actually have Python interpreters
# for in CIPD.
if system == 'Linux':
if machine == 'x86_64':
return 'linux-amd64'
if machine in ARM64_MACHINES:
return 'linux-arm64'
elif system == 'Windows':
if machine == 'AMD64':
return 'windows-amd64'
if machine in {'i386', 'i686'}:
return 'windows-386'
elif system == 'Darwin':
if machine == 'x86_64':
return 'mac-amd64'
if machine in ARM64_MACHINES:
return 'mac-arm64'
raise Exception("No CIPD platform for %s, %s" % (system, machine))
CIPD_PYTHON_LOCK = concurrency.KeyedLock()
def _FixSysconfigPaths(python_dir, wheel_platform, work_root):
# For POSIX platforms (everything except Windows), there is a
# _sysconfigdata module generated at build time that can be queried
# for the various include and lib paths for the Python installation.
# In our 3pp cpython3 packages, we replace these with the string
# "[INSTALL_PREFIX]" for easy substitution with the real install
# location.
# Nothing needs to be done for Windows.
# When using docker, translate the Python directory so that it
# works inside the container.
if wheel_platform.dockcross_base:
work_python_dir = '/work/' + os.path.relpath(python_dir, work_root)
work_python_dir = python_dir
for config_data in glob.iglob('%s/lib/python*/_sysconfigdata*.py' %
output_lines = []
with open(config_data, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
output_lines.append(line.replace('[INSTALL_PREFIX]', work_python_dir))
st = os.stat(config_data)
os.chmod(config_data, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
with open(config_data, 'w') as f:
# Track which python packages we have installed during this invocation.
# Each package is reinstalled the first time it is used during each
# dockerbuild run, to pick up version changes.
_initialized_cipd_python = set()
def _InstallCipdPythonPackage(system, cipd_platform, wheel, base_dir,
'38': 'version:2@3.8.10.chromium.34',
'311': 'version:2@3.11.8.chromium.35',
package_ident = 'py_%s_%s' % (wheel.pyversion, cipd_platform)
common_dir = os.path.join(system.root, 'cipd_python', package_ident)
# Lock to prevent races with other threads trying to install the same CIPD
# package. The cipd_python CIPD root is shared between all threads, so we need
# to ensure we don't try to install the same package to it multiple times
# concurrently.
with CIPD_PYTHON_LOCK.get(package_ident):
if package_ident not in _initialized_cipd_python:
if os.path.exists(common_dir):
cipd_pkg = 'infra/3pp/tools/cpython3/%s' % cipd_platform
version = PY_CIPD_VERSION_MAP[wheel.pyversion]
system.cipd.install(cipd_pkg, version, common_dir)
# Note: this assumes we use CIPD install_mode 'copy' for the cpython3
# package, or else we might be modifying a shared cache copy.
_FixSysconfigPaths(common_dir, wheel.plat, work_root)
# For docker builds, we need the Python interpreter in the base working dir
# for this particular build. Ideally we'd just mount the cipd_python directory
# and avoid this copy, but that would require a lot of plumbing. We'll live
# with it for now.
if wheel.plat.dockcross_base:
pkg_dir = os.path.join(
base_dir, 'cipd_python_%s_%s' % (wheel.pyversion, cipd_platform))
# Grab a shared lock on the system process spawn RWLock while copying
# binaries. We copy to a subdirectory of `base_dir', which is a unique,
# per-build temporary directory. Since each directory is unique, we can copy
# to multiple directories in parallel without a problem.
# This one is particularly important as we're copying Python binaries, which
# are large enough to give a high chance of in-flight copies when a process
# is spawned, and are executed, which can't be done when they're open in
# write mode.
with concurrency.PROCESS_SPAWN_LOCK.shared():
# Don't copy the '__pycache__' bytecode cache directory, to avoid races
# between Python processes running out of the common dir and us.
shutil.copytree(common_dir, pkg_dir, ignore=lambda *_: {'__pycache__'})
# We must fix up paths every time the installation is copied.
_FixSysconfigPaths(pkg_dir, wheel.plat, work_root)
pkg_dir = common_dir
interpreter = os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'bin', 'python3')
return pkg_dir, interpreter
def SetupPythonPackages(system, wheel, base_dir, work_root):
"""Installs python package(s) from CIPD and sets up the build environment.
system (System): A System object.
wheel (Wheel): The Wheel object to install a build environment for.
base_dir (str): The top-level build directory for the wheel.
work_root (str): The root working directory, used for dockcross.
Returns: A tuple (path to the python interpreter to run,
dict of environment variables to be set).
host_platform = HostCipdPlatform()
# Building Windows x86 on Windows x64 is a special case. In this situation,
# we want to directly install and run the windows-x86 python package. This
# is because some wheels use properties of the Python interpreter (e.g.
# sys.maxsize) to detect whether to build for 32-bit or 64-bit CPUs.
if (host_platform == 'windows-amd64' and
wheel.plat.cipd_platform == 'windows-386'):
host_platform = 'windows-386'
_, interpreter = _InstallCipdPythonPackage(system, host_platform, wheel,
base_dir, work_root)
env = wheel.plat.env.copy()
# If we are cross-compiling, also install the target-platform python and set
# PYTHONHOME to point to it. This will ensure that we use the correct
# compiler and linker command lines which are generated at build time in the
# sysconfigdata module.
if not wheel.spec.universal and host_platform != wheel.plat.cipd_platform:
pkg_dir, _ = _InstallCipdPythonPackage(system, wheel.plat.cipd_platform,
wheel, base_dir, work_root)
env['PYTHONHOME'] = pkg_dir
# Set _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME to point to the target-architecture
# sysconfig module.
sysconfigdata_modules = glob.glob(
'%s/lib/python%s.%s/_sysconfigdata_*.py' %
(pkg_dir, wheel.pyversion[0], wheel.pyversion[1:]))
if len(sysconfigdata_modules) != 1:
raise Exception(
'Expected 1 sysconfigdata module in python package ' +
'for %s, got: [%s]',
(wheel.plat.cipd_platform, ','.join(sysconfigdata_modules)))
env['_PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME'] = (os.path.basename(
sysconfigdata_modules[0])[:-3]) # remove .py
# Make sure not to pick up any extra host python modules.
env['PYTHONPATH'] = ''
return interpreter, env
class BuildDependencies(
# remote (List[str]): Wheels fetched from pip repository
# local (List[Builder]): Wheels installed from local path
class TppLib(object):
"""Represents a reference to a 3pp library in CIPD."""
# The package name in CIPD, such as infra/3pp/some_library.
# The correct platform suffix is automatically appended.
name: str
# The CIPD tag to fetch, such as version:2@1.2.3.
version: str
# An optional callback to invoke once the package has been
# installed. The callback is passed the install directory
# and a mutable dictionary of environment variables that
# will be passed to the wheel build process.
setup_cb: Optional[Callable[[str, Dict[str, str]], None]] = None
class TppTool(object):
"""Represents a reference to a 3pp tool in CIPD."""
# The package name in CIPD, such as infra/3pp/some_tool.
# The correct platform suffix is automatically appended.
name: str
# The CIPD tag to fetch, such as version:2@1.2.3.
version: str
# An optional callback to invoke once the package has been
# installed. The callback is passed the install directory
# and a mutable dictionary of environment variables that
# will be passed to the wheel build process.
setup_cb: Optional[Callable[[str, Dict[str, str]], None]] = None
def BuildPackageFromSource(system,
"""Creates Python wheel from src.
system (dockerbuild.runtime.System): Represents the local system.
wheel (dockerbuild.wheel.Wheel): The wheel to build.
src (dockerbuild.source.Source): The source to build the wheel from.
output_dir (str): The wheel output directory.
deps (dockerbuild.builder.BuildDependencies|None): Dependencies required
to build the wheel.
tpp_libs (List[TppLibrary]|None): 3pp libraries to install in the build
tpp_tools (List[TppTool]|None): 3pp tools (for the build platform) which
are needed to build the wheel.
env (Dict[str, str]|None): Additional envvars to set while building the
skip_auditwheel (bool): See SourceOrPrebuilt documentation.
dx = system.dockcross_image(wheel.plat)
with system.temp_subdir('%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
build_dir = system.repo.ensure(src, tdir, unpack_file_filter=src_filter)
for patch in src.get_patches():'Applying patch %s', os.path.basename(patch))
cmd = ['git', 'apply', '-p1', patch]
subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=build_dir)
interpreter, extra_env = SetupPythonPackages(system, wheel, build_dir, tdir)
if dx.platform:
'host_alias': dx.platform.cross_triple,
if env:
with util.tempdir(tdir, 'deps') as tdeps:
env_prefix = []
# Install the given package and return the path to it.
def install_pkg(pkg, version, plat, build_dir=build_dir):
pkg_name = '%s/%s' % (pkg, plat)
pkg_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, '%s_%s_cipd' % (pkg, plat))
system.cipd.install(pkg_name, version, pkg_dir)
return pkg_dir
if tpp_libs:
tpp_include_dirs = []
tpp_lib_dirs = []
for l in tpp_libs:
pkg_dir = install_pkg(, l.version, wheel.plat.cipd_platform)
if l.setup_cb:
l.setup_cb(pkg_dir, extra_env)
tpp_include_dirs.append(os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'include'))
tpp_lib_dirs.append(os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'lib'))
# Prepend the bin/ directory of each package to PATH.
env_prefix.append(('PATH', os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'bin')))
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
# Make sure the lib/ directory is also in LD_LIBRARY PATH in case
# of shared libraries. This can be needed below when running
# auditwheel.
env_prefix.append(('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'lib')))
if sys.platform == 'win32':
env_prefix.extend(('INCLUDE', d) for d in tpp_include_dirs)
env_prefix.extend(('LIB', d) for d in tpp_lib_dirs)
cflags = extra_env.get('CFLAGS', '')
cxxflags = extra_env.get('CXXFLAGS', '')
ldflags = extra_env.get('LDFLAGS', '')
for d in tpp_include_dirs:
cflags += ' -I' + d
cxxflags += ' -I' + d
for d in tpp_lib_dirs:
ldflags += ' -L' + d
extra_env['CFLAGS'] = cflags.lstrip()
extra_env['CXXFLAGS'] = cxxflags.lstrip()
extra_env['LDFLAGS'] = ldflags.lstrip()
if tpp_tools:
host_plat = HostCipdPlatform()
for t in tpp_tools:
pkg_dir = install_pkg(, t.version, host_plat)
if t.setup_cb:
t.setup_cb(pkg_dir, extra_env)
# Prepend the bin/ directory of each package to PATH.
env_prefix.append(('PATH', os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'bin')))
if deps:
util.copy_to(util.resource_path(''), build_dir)
cmd = PrepareBuildDependenciesCmd(system, wheel, build_dir, tdeps, deps)
system, dx, tdir, [interpreter] + cmd, cwd=build_dir, env=extra_env)
util.copy_to(util.resource_path('constraints.txt'), build_dir)
# Use the environment variable, rather than the --constraint flag,
# otherwise the constraints are not passed through when pip installs
# dependencies (
extra_env['PIP_CONSTRAINT'] = 'constraints.txt'
# Use the per-thread pip cache, see comments in
extra_env['PIP_CACHE_DIR'] = system.pip_cache_dir
# TODO: Perhaps we should pass --build-option --universal for universal
# py2.py3 wheels, to ensure the filename is right even if the wheel
# setup.cfg isn't configured correctly.
cmd = [
wheel_dir = tdir
if not skip_auditwheel and wheel.plat.wheel_plat[0].startswith('manylinux'):
wheel_dir = os.path.join(tdir, 'auditwheel-out')
tdir, [
StageWheelForPackage(system, wheel_dir, wheel, output_dir)
def PrepareBuildDependenciesCmd(system, wheel, build_dir, deps_dir, deps):
local_wheels = []
# For build requirements, we should install wheels corresponding to the host
# environment. Currently this only matters on Linux, where we cross-compile.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
host_plat = build_platform.ALL.get({
'cp38': 'manylinux-x64-py3.8',
'cp311': 'manylinux-x64-py3.11',
host_plat = wheel.plat
for dep in deps.local:
dep_wheel = dep.wheel(system, host_plat)
# build_wheel may return sub wheels different from the original wheel.
# e.g. the result of a MultiWheel's build is a list of all included wheels.
subs = dep.build_wheel(dep_wheel, system, deps_dir, rebuild=True)
for sub in subs:
sub_path = sub.path(deps_dir)
sub_rel = os.path.relpath(sub_path, build_dir)
local_wheels.append('{}@{}'.format(, sub_rel))
# Generate pyproject.toml to control build dependencies
cmd = ['']
if deps.remote:
if deps.local:
return cmd