blob: 3530552eb41daaab7e7a361466992b7694eb5c39 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import collections
from infra_libs import infra_types
class TestFreeze(unittest.TestCase):
def testDict(self):
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d['cat'] = 100
d['dog'] = 0
f = infra_types.freeze(d)
self.assertEqual(d, f)
self.assertIsInstance(f, infra_types.FrozenDict)
hash((0, ('cat', 100))) ^ hash((1, ('dog', 0)))
self.assertEqual(len(d), len(f))
# Cover equality
self.assertEqual(f, f)
self.assertNotEqual(f, 'dog')
self.assertNotEqual(f, {'bob': 'hat'})
self.assertNotEqual(f, {'cat': 20, 'dog': 10})
def testList(self):
l = [1, 2, {'bob': 100}]
f = infra_types.freeze(l)
self.assertSequenceEqual(l, f)
self.assertIsInstance(f, tuple)
def testSet(self):
s = {1, 2, infra_types.freeze({'bob': 100})}
f = infra_types.freeze(s)
self.assertEqual(s, f)
self.assertIsInstance(f, frozenset)
class TestThaw(unittest.TestCase):
def testDict(self):
d = {
'cat': 100,
'dog': 0,
f = infra_types.freeze(d)
t = infra_types.thaw(f)
self.assertEqual(d, f)
self.assertEqual(t, f)
self.assertEqual(d, t)
self.assertIsInstance(t, collections.OrderedDict)
def testOrderedDictRetainsOrder(self):
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d['cat'] = 100
d['dog'] = 0
f = infra_types.freeze(d)
t = infra_types.thaw(f)
self.assertEqual(d, f)
self.assertEqual(t, f)
self.assertEqual(d, t)
self.assertIsInstance(t, collections.OrderedDict)
def testList(self):
l = [1, 2, {'bob': 100}]
f = infra_types.freeze(l)
t = infra_types.thaw(f)
self.assertSequenceEqual(l, f)
self.assertSequenceEqual(f, t)
self.assertSequenceEqual(l, t)
self.assertIsInstance(t, list)
def testSet(self):
s = {1, 2, 'cat'}
f = infra_types.freeze(s)
t = infra_types.thaw(f)
self.assertEqual(s, f)
self.assertEqual(f, t)
self.assertEqual(t, s)
self.assertIsInstance(t, set)