blob: 918506ada37782631b5a12bc6359bcac74ef8ba8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import re
# third_party/
import colorama
UNITS = ('', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', 'z', 'y')
def get_console_width(default=80):
"""Returns the console width, if available."""
# TODO(maruel): Implement Windows.
_, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
except (IOError, OSError, ValueError):
columns = default
return int(columns)
def generate_histogram(data, buckets):
"""Generates an histogram out of a list of floats.
The data is bucketed into |buckets| buckets.
dict of bucket: size
if not data:
return {}
minimum = min(data)
maximum = max(data)
if minimum == maximum:
return {data[0]: len(data)}
buckets = min(len(data), buckets)
bucket_size = (maximum-minimum)/buckets
out = dict((i, 0) for i in range(buckets))
for i in data:
out[min(int((i-minimum)/bucket_size), buckets-1)] += 1
return dict(((k*bucket_size)+minimum, v) for k, v in out.items())
def print_histogram(data, columns=0, key_format=None):
"""Prints ASCII art representing an histogram.
data: as formatted by generate_histogram().
columns: width of the graph.
key_format: printf like format for the keys.
# TODO(maruel): Add dots for tens.
if not data:
# Nothing to print.
columns = columns or get_console_width()
key_format = key_format or '%s'
max_key_width = max(len(key_format % k) for k in data)
# 3 == 1 for ' ' prefix, 2 for ': ' suffix.
width = columns - max_key_width - 3
assert width > 1
maxvalue = max(data.values())
if all(isinstance(i, int) for i in data.values()) and maxvalue < width:
width = maxvalue
norm = float(maxvalue) / width
form = '%s: %s%s%s'
for k in sorted(data):
line = '*' * int(data[k] / norm)
key = (key_format % k).rjust(max_key_width)
print(form % (key, colorama.Fore.GREEN, line, colorama.Fore.RESET))
def to_units(number):
"""Convert a string to numbers."""
unit = 0
while number >= 1024.:
unit += 1
number = number / 1024.
if unit == len(UNITS) - 1:
if unit:
return '%.2f%s' % (number, UNITS[unit])
return '%d' % number
def from_units(text):
"""Convert a text to numbers.
Example: from_unit('0.1k') == 102
match = re.match(r'^([0-9\.]+)(|[' + ''.join(UNITS[1:]) + r'])$', text)
if not match:
return None
number = float(
unit =
return int(number * 1024**UNITS.index(unit))
def unit_arg(option, opt, value, parser):
"""OptionParser callback that supports units like 10.5m or 20k."""
actual = from_units(value)
if actual is None:
parser.error('Invalid value \'%s\' for %s' % (value, opt))
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, actual)
def unit_option(parser, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add an option that uses unit_arg()."""
*args, type='str', metavar='N', action='callback', callback=unit_arg,
nargs=1, **kwargs)