blob: 85d71f27fadf129e3f24f2276693afda224418e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
ds ""
. ""
var fakeKey = key("parentKind", "sid", "knd", 10)
var rgenComplexTime = time.Date(
1986, time.October, 26, 1, 20, 00, 00, time.UTC)
var rgenComplexKey = key("kind", "id")
var _, rgenComplexTimeInt = prop(rgenComplexTime).IndexTypeAndValue()
var rgenComplexTimeIdx = prop(rgenComplexTimeInt)
var rowGenTestCases = []struct {
name string
pmap ds.PropertyMap
withBuiltin bool
idxs []*ds.IndexDefinition
// These are checked in TestIndexRowGen. nil to skip test case.
expected []serialize.SerializedPslice
// just the collections you want to assert. These are checked in
// TestIndexEntries. nil to skip test case.
collections map[string][][]byte
name: "simple including builtins",
pmap: ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": ds.PropertySlice{propNI("thing"), prop("hat"), prop(100)},
"nerd": prop(103.7),
"spaz": propNI(false),
withBuiltin: true,
idxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{
indx("knd", "-wat", "nerd"),
expected: []serialize.SerializedPslice{
{cat(prop(fakeKey))}, // B:knd
{cat(prop(103.7), prop(fakeKey))}, // B:knd/nerd
{ // B:knd/wat
cat(prop(100), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), prop(fakeKey)),
{ // B:knd/-nerd
cat(icat(prop(103.7)), prop(fakeKey)),
{ // B:knd/-wat
cat(icat(prop("hat")), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(icat(prop(100)), prop(fakeKey)),
{ // C:knd/-wat/nerd
cat(icat(prop("hat")), prop(103.7), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(icat(prop(100)), prop(103.7), prop(fakeKey)),
collections: map[string][][]byte{
"idx": {
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(0)),
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(1), byte(0), "nerd", byte(0)),
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(1), byte(0), "nerd", byte(1), byte(1), "wat", byte(0)),
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(1), byte(0), "wat", byte(0)),
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(1), byte(1), "nerd", byte(0)),
cat("knd", byte(0), byte(1), byte(0), "__key__", byte(1), byte(1), "wat", byte(0)),
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd").PrepForIdxTable()): {
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(prop(100), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), prop(fakeKey)),
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "-wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(icat(prop("hat")), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(icat(prop(100)), prop(fakeKey)),
name: "complex",
pmap: ds.PropertyMap{
"yerp": ds.PropertySlice{prop("hat"), prop(73.9)},
"wat": ds.PropertySlice{
"spaz": ds.PropertySlice{prop(nil), prop(false), prop(true)},
idxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{
indx("knd", "-wat", "nerd", "spaz"), // doesn't match, so empty
indx("knd", "yerp", "-wat", "spaz"),
expected: []serialize.SerializedPslice{
{}, // C:knd/-wat/nerd/spaz, no match
{ // C:knd/yerp/-wat/spaz
// thank goodness the binary serialization only happens 1/val in the
// real code :).
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop("value")), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop("value")), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(prop("value")), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop("hat"), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop(rgenComplexKey)), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop("value")), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop("value")), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(prop("value")), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(nil), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(false), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(73.9), icat(rgenComplexTimeIdx), prop(true), prop(fakeKey)),
name: "ancestor",
pmap: ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop("sup"),
idxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{
indx("knd!", "wat"),
collections: map[string][][]byte{
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd!", "wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(prop(fakeKey.Parent()), prop("sup"), prop(fakeKey)),
cat(prop(fakeKey), prop("sup"), prop(fakeKey)),
func TestIndexRowGen(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Index Row Generation", t, func() {
for _, tc := range rowGenTestCases {
if tc.expected == nil {
Convey(, nil) // shows up as 'skipped'
Convey(, func() {
mvals := serialize.PropertyMapPartially(fakeKey, tc.pmap)
idxs := []*ds.IndexDefinition(nil)
if tc.withBuiltin {
idxs = append(defaultIndexes("coolKind", tc.pmap), tc.idxs...)
} else {
idxs = tc.idxs
m := matcher{}
for i, idx := range idxs {
Convey(idx.String(), func() {
iGen, ok := m.match(idx.GetFullSortOrder(), mvals)
if len(tc.expected[i]) > 0 {
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
actual := make(serialize.SerializedPslice, 0, len(tc.expected[i]))
iGen.permute(func(row, _ []byte) {
actual = append(actual, row)
So(len(actual), ShouldEqual, len(tc.expected[i]))
for j, act := range actual {
So(act, ShouldResemble, tc.expected[i][j])
} else {
So(ok, ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("default indexes", t, func() {
Convey("nil collated", func() {
Convey("defaultIndexes (nil)", func() {
idxs := defaultIndexes("knd", ds.PropertyMap(nil))
So(len(idxs), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(idxs[0].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd")
Convey("indexEntries", func() {
sip := serialize.PropertyMapPartially(fakeKey, nil)
s := indexEntries(fakeKey, sip, defaultIndexes("knd", ds.PropertyMap(nil)))
So(countItems(s.Snapshot().GetCollection("idx")), ShouldEqual, 1)
itm := s.GetCollection("idx").MinItem()
So(itm.key, ShouldResemble, cat(indx("knd").PrepForIdxTable()))
So(countItems(s.Snapshot().GetCollection("idx:ns:"+string(itm.key))), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("defaultIndexes", func() {
pm := ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": ds.PropertySlice{propNI("thing"), prop("hat"), prop(100)},
"nerd": prop(103.7),
"spaz": propNI(false),
idxs := defaultIndexes("knd", pm)
So(len(idxs), ShouldEqual, 5)
So(idxs[0].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd")
So(idxs[1].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd/nerd")
So(idxs[2].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd/wat")
So(idxs[3].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd/-nerd")
So(idxs[4].String(), ShouldEqual, "B:knd/-wat")
func TestIndexEntries(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test indexEntriesWithBuiltins", t, func() {
for _, tc := range rowGenTestCases {
if tc.collections == nil {
Convey(, nil) // shows up as 'skipped'
Convey(, func() {
store := (memStore)(nil)
if tc.withBuiltin {
store = indexEntriesWithBuiltins(fakeKey, tc.pmap, tc.idxs)
} else {
sip := serialize.PropertyMapPartially(fakeKey, tc.pmap)
store = indexEntries(fakeKey, sip, tc.idxs)
for colName, vals := range tc.collections {
i := 0
coll := store.Snapshot().GetCollection(colName)
So(countItems(coll), ShouldEqual, len(tc.collections[colName]))
coll.ForEachItem(func(k, _ []byte) bool {
So(k, ShouldResemble, vals[i])
return true
So(i, ShouldEqual, len(vals))
type dumbItem struct {
key *ds.Key
props ds.PropertyMap
var updateIndexesTests = []struct {
name string
idxs []*ds.IndexDefinition
data []dumbItem
expected map[string][][]byte
name: "basic",
data: []dumbItem{
{key("knd", 1), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(10),
"yerp": prop(10)},
{key("knd", 10), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(1),
"yerp": prop(200)},
{key("knd", 1), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(10),
"yerp": prop(202)},
expected: map[string][][]byte{
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(prop(1), prop(key("knd", 10))),
cat(prop(10), prop(key("knd", 1))),
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "-wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(icat(prop(10)), prop(key("knd", 1))),
cat(icat(prop(1)), prop(key("knd", 10))),
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "yerp").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(prop(200), prop(key("knd", 10))),
cat(prop(202), prop(key("knd", 1))),
name: "compound",
idxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{indx("knd", "yerp", "-wat")},
data: []dumbItem{
{key("knd", 1), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(10),
"yerp": prop(100)},
{key("knd", 10), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(1),
"yerp": prop(200)},
{key("knd", 11), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(20),
"yerp": prop(200)},
{key("knd", 14), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(20),
"yerp": prop(200)},
{key("knd", 1), ds.PropertyMap{
"wat": prop(10),
"yerp": prop(202)},
expected: map[string][][]byte{
"idx:ns:" + sat(indx("knd", "yerp", "-wat").PrepForIdxTable()): {
cat(prop(200), icat(prop(20)), prop(key("knd", 11))),
cat(prop(200), icat(prop(20)), prop(key("knd", 14))),
cat(prop(200), icat(prop(1)), prop(key("knd", 10))),
cat(prop(202), icat(prop(10)), prop(key("knd", 1))),
func TestUpdateIndexes(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test updateIndexes", t, func() {
for _, tc := range updateIndexesTests {
Convey(, func() {
store := newMemStore()
idxColl := store.GetOrCreateCollection("idx")
for _, i := range tc.idxs {
idxColl.Set(cat(i.PrepForIdxTable()), []byte{})
tmpLoader := map[string]ds.PropertyMap{}
for _, itm := range {
ks := itm.key.String()
prev := tmpLoader[ks]
updateIndexes(store, itm.key, prev, itm.props)
tmpLoader[ks] = itm.props
tmpLoader = nil
for colName, data := range tc.expected {
coll := store.Snapshot().GetCollection(colName)
So(coll, ShouldNotBeNil)
i := 0
coll.ForEachItem(func(k, _ []byte) bool {
So(data[i], ShouldResemble, k)
return true
So(i, ShouldEqual, len(data))