blob: a56ccc10f282858a2ed836d5cb2071904624a889 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package prod
import (
bs ""
ds ""
type typeFilter struct {
ctx context.Context
pm ds.PropertyMap
var _ datastore.PropertyLoadSaver = &typeFilter{}
func maybeIndexValue(val interface{}) interface{} {
// It may be the SDK's datastore.indexValue structure (in datastore/load.go).
// Since this is a private type with no methods, we need to use reflection
// to get the data out. Ick.
rv := reflect.ValueOf(val)
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct && rv.Type().String() == "datastore.indexValue" {
rv = rv.FieldByName("value")
if rv.IsValid() && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// TODO(riannucci): determine if this is how nil IndexValues are stored.
// Maybe they're encoded as a PropertyValue with all-nil fields instead?
if rv.IsNil() {
return nil
rv = rv.Elem()
// we're in protobuf land now.
if rv.Type().Name() == "PropertyValue" {
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
field := rv.Field(i)
if field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if field.IsNil() {
field = field.Elem()
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.Int64:
return field.Int()
case reflect.String:
return field.String()
case reflect.Bool:
return field.Bool()
case reflect.Float64:
return field.Float()
switch field.Type().Name() {
case "PropertyValue_PointValue":
// Lat == X, Lng == Y b/c historical resons.
return ds.GeoPoint{
Lat: field.FieldByName("X").Float(),
Lng: field.FieldByName("Y").Float()}
case "PropertyValue_ReferenceValue":
aid := field.FieldByName("App").Elem().String()
ns := ""
if nsf := field.FieldByName("NameSpace"); !nsf.IsNil() {
ns = nsf.Elem().String()
elems := field.FieldByName("Pathelement")
toks := make([]ds.KeyTok, elems.Len())
for i := range toks {
e := elems.Index(i).Elem()
toks[i].Kind = e.FieldByName("Type").Elem().String()
if iid := e.FieldByName("Id"); !iid.IsNil() {
toks[i].IntID = iid.Elem().Int()
if sid := e.FieldByName("Name"); !sid.IsNil() {
toks[i].StringID = sid.Elem().String()
return ds.MkKeyContext(aid, ns).NewKeyToks(toks)
"UNKNOWN datastore.indexValue field type: %s", field.Type()))
// there's also the `XXX_unrecognized []byte` field, so don't panic
// here.
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot decode datastore.indexValue (no recognized field): %v", val))
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot decode datastore.indexValue (wrong inner type): %v", val))
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot decode datastore.indexValue: %v", val))
} else {
return val
func dsR2FProp(in datastore.Property) (ds.Property, error) {
val := in.Value
switch x := val.(type) {
case datastore.ByteString:
val = []byte(x)
case *datastore.Key:
val = dsR2F(x)
case appengine.BlobKey:
val = bs.Key(x)
case appengine.GeoPoint:
val = ds.GeoPoint(x)
case time.Time:
// "appengine" layer instantiates with Local timezone.
if x.IsZero() {
val = time.Time{}
} else {
val = x.UTC()
val = maybeIndexValue(val)
ret := ds.Property{}
is := ds.ShouldIndex
if in.NoIndex {
is = ds.NoIndex
err := ret.SetValue(val, is)
return ret, err
func dsF2RProp(ctx context.Context, in ds.Property) (datastore.Property, error) {
err := error(nil)
ret := datastore.Property{
NoIndex: in.IndexSetting() == ds.NoIndex,
switch in.Type() {
case ds.PTBytes:
v := in.Value().([]byte)
if in.IndexSetting() == ds.ShouldIndex {
ret.Value = datastore.ByteString(v)
} else {
ret.Value = v
case ds.PTKey:
ret.Value, err = dsF2R(ctx, in.Value().(*ds.Key))
case ds.PTBlobKey:
ret.Value = appengine.BlobKey(in.Value().(bs.Key))
case ds.PTGeoPoint:
ret.Value = appengine.GeoPoint(in.Value().(ds.GeoPoint))
ret.Value = in.Value()
return ret, err
func (tf *typeFilter) Load(props []datastore.Property) error { = make(ds.PropertyMap, len(props))
for _, p := range props {
prop, err := dsR2FProp(p)
if err != nil {
return err
pdata :=[p.Name]
if p.Multiple {
var pslice ds.PropertySlice
if pdata != nil {
var ok bool
if pslice, ok = pdata.(ds.PropertySlice); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("mixed Multiple/non-Multiple properties for %q", p.Name)
}[p.Name] = append(pslice, prop)
} else {
if pdata != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("multiple properties for non-Multiple %q", p.Name)
}[p.Name] = prop
return nil
func (tf *typeFilter) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
props := []datastore.Property{}
for name, pdata := range {
if len(name) != 0 && name[0] == '$' {
var (
pslice ds.PropertySlice
multiple bool
switch t := pdata.(type) {
case ds.Property:
pslice = ds.PropertySlice{t}
case ds.PropertySlice:
pslice, multiple = t, true
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown PropertyData type %T", t)
for _, prop := range pslice {
toAdd, err := dsF2RProp(tf.ctx, prop)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toAdd.Name = name
toAdd.Multiple = multiple
props = append(props, toAdd)
return props, nil