blob: bd84ee23238d22599c416763dc6de45d538b7303 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""CQ related supporting structs and functions."""
load('@stdlib//internal/luci/', 'cq_pb')
load('@stdlib//internal/', 'validate')
# A struct returned by cq.refset(...).
# See cq.refset(...) function for all details.
# Fields (all private to discourage snooping):
# __repo: original 'repo' string as is.
# __refs: a list of regexps for refs in the repo, as is.
# __kind: currently always 'gob'.
# __repo_key: a tuple with the key to use to represent the repo in dicts.
# __gob_host: name of a gob host (e.g. 'chromium').
# __gob_proj: name of a project on this host (e.g. 'infra/luci-py').
_refset_ctor = __native__.genstruct('cq.refset')
# A struct returned by cq.retry_config(...).
_retry_config_ctor = __native__.genstruct('cq.retry_config')
def _refset(repo=None, *, refs=None):
"""Defines a repository and a subset of its refs.
Used in `watch` field of luci.cq_group(...) to specify what refs the CQ should
be monitoring.
*** note
**Note:** Gerrit ACLs must be configured such that the CQ has read access to
these refs, otherwise users will be waiting for the CQ to act on their CLs
repo: URL of a git repository to watch, starting with `https://`. Only
repositories hosted on `*` are supported currently.
refs: a list of regular expressions that define the set of refs to watch for
CLs, e.g. `refs/heads/.+`. If not set, defaults to `refs/heads/master`.
An opaque struct to be passed to `watch` field of luci.cq_group(...).
repo = validate.repo_url('repo', repo)
# Deconstruct GoB URL into a (host, repo) tuple. Support only public GoB URLs.
host, _, proj = repo[len('https://'):].partition('/')
if not host.endswith(''):
fail('bad "repo": only * repos are supported currently')
gob = host[:-len('')]
if gob.endswith('-review'):
gob = gob[:-len('-review')]
if not gob:
fail('bad "repo": not a valid repository URL')
if proj.startswith('a/'):
proj = proj[len('a/'):]
if proj.endswith('.git'):
proj = proj[:-len('.git')]
if not proj:
fail('bad "repo": not a valid repository URL')
refs = validate.list('refs', refs)
for r in refs:
validate.string('refs', r)
return _refset_ctor(
__repo = repo,
__refs = refs or ['refs/heads/master'],
__kind = 'gob',
__repo_key = ('gob', gob, proj),
__gob_host = gob,
__gob_proj = proj,
def _validate_refset(attr, val, *, default=None, required=True):
"""Validates that `val` was constructed via cq.refset(...)."""
return validate.struct(attr, val, _refset_ctor, default=default, required=required)
def _retry_config(
"""Collection of parameters for deciding whether to retry a single build.
All parameters are integers, with default value of 0. The returned struct
can be passed as `retry_config` field to luci.cq_group(...).
Some commonly used presents are available as `cq.RETRY_*` constants. See
[CQ](#cq_doc) for more info.
single_quota: retry quota for a single tryjob.
global_quota: retry quota for all tryjobs in a CL.
failure_weight: the weight assigned to each tryjob failure.
transient_failure_weight: the weight assigned to each transient (aka
"infra") failure.
timeout_weight: weight assigned to tryjob timeouts.
cq.retry_config struct.
val_int = lambda attr, val:, val, min=0, default=0, required=False)
return _retry_config_ctor(
single_quota = val_int('single_quota', single_quota),
global_quota = val_int('global_quota', global_quota),
failure_weight = val_int('failure_weight', failure_weight),
transient_failure_weight = val_int('transient_failure_weight', transient_failure_weight),
timeout_weight = val_int('timeout_weight', timeout_weight),
def _validate_retry_config(attr, val, *, default=None, required=True):
"""Validates that `val` was constructed via cq.retry_config(...)."""
return validate.struct(attr, val, _retry_config_ctor, default=default, required=required)
# CQ module exposes structs and enums useful when defining luci.cq_group(...)
# entities.
# `cq.ACTION_*` constants define possible values for
# `allow_owner_if_submittable` field of luci.cq_group(...):
# * **cq.ACTION_NONE**: don't grant additional rights to CL owners beyond
# permissions granted based on owner's roles `CQ_COMMITTER` or
# `CQ_DRY_RUNNER` (if any).
# * **cq.ACTION_DRY_RUN** grants the CL owner dry run permission, even if they
# don't have `CQ_DRY_RUNNER` role.
# * **cq.ACTION_COMMIT** grants the CL owner commit and dry run permissions,
# even if they don't have `CQ_COMMITTER` role.
# `cq.RETRY_*` constants define some commonly used values for `retry_config`
# field of luci.cq_group(...):
# * **cq.RETRY_NONE**: never retry any failures.
# * **cq.RETRY_TRANSIENT_FAILURES**: retry only transient (aka "infra")
# failures. Do at most 2 retries across all builders. Each individual
# builder is retried at most once. This is the default.
# * **cq.RETRY_ALL_FAILURES**: retry all failures: transient (aka "infra")
# failures, real test breakages, and timeouts due to lack of available bots.
# For non-timeout failures, do at most 2 retries across all builders. Each
# individual builder is retried at most once. Timeout failures are
# considered "twice as heavy" as non-timeout failures (e.g. one retried
# timeout failure immediately exhausts all retry quota for the CQ attempt).
# This is to avoid adding more requests to an already overloaded system.
# `cq.COMMENT_LEVEL_*` constants define possible values for `result_visibility`
# field of luci.cq_group(...):
# * **cq.COMMENT_LEVEL_UNSET**: Equivalent to cq.COMMENT_LEVEL_FULL for now.
# * **cq.COMMENT_LEVEL_FULL**: The CQ reports the summary markdown and a link
# to the buildbucket build id in Milo with the builder name in the URL in a
# Gerrit comment.
# * **cq.COMMENT_LEVEL_RESTRICTED**: The CQ reports a generic "Build failed:
#" with no summary markdown.
cq = struct(
refset = _refset,
retry_config = _retry_config,
ACTION_NONE = cq_pb.Verifiers.GerritCQAbility.UNSET,
ACTION_DRY_RUN = cq_pb.Verifiers.GerritCQAbility.DRY_RUN,
ACTION_COMMIT = cq_pb.Verifiers.GerritCQAbility.COMMIT,
RETRY_NONE = _retry_config(),
single_quota = 1,
global_quota = 2,
failure_weight = 100, # +inf
transient_failure_weight = 1,
timeout_weight = 100, # +inf
RETRY_ALL_FAILURES = _retry_config(
single_quota = 1,
global_quota = 2,
failure_weight = 1,
transient_failure_weight = 1,
timeout_weight = 2,
cqimpl = struct(
validate_refset = _validate_refset,
validate_retry_config = _validate_retry_config,