blob: 29e717d5cb5bc554f105f724f1236d893e66f853 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package run
import (
// NewQueryWithLUCIProject returns a query for Run entities that belongs
// to the given LUCI Project.
func NewQueryWithLUCIProject(ctx context.Context, project string) *datastore.Query {
min, max := rangeOfProjectIDs(project)
return datastore.NewQuery(RunKind).
Gt("__key__", datastore.MakeKey(ctx, RunKind, min)).
Lt("__key__", datastore.MakeKey(ctx, RunKind, max))
// CLQueryBuilder builds datastore.Query for searching Runs of a given CL.
type CLQueryBuilder struct {
// CLID of the CL being searched for. Required.
CLID common.CLID
// Project optionally restricts Runs to the given LUCI project.
Project string
// Max restricts query to Runs with ID lexicographically smaller.
// This means query will return union of:
// * all Runs created after this Run in the same project,
// * all Runs in lexicographically smaller projects,
// unless .Project is set to the same project (recommended).
Max common.RunID
// Min restricts query to Runs with ID lexicographically larger.
// This means query will return union of:
// * all Runs created before this Run in the same project,
// * all Runs in lexicographically larger projects,
// unless .Project is set to the same project (recommended).
Min common.RunID
// Limit limits the number of results if positive. Ignored otherwise.
Limit int32
// AfterInProject constrains CLQueryBuilder to Runs created after this Run but
// belonging to the same LUCI project.
// Panics if CLQueryBuilder is already constrained to a different LUCI Project.
func (b CLQueryBuilder) AfterInProject(id common.RunID) CLQueryBuilder {
if p := id.LUCIProject(); p != b.Project {
if b.Project != "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid CLQueryBuilder.After(%q): .Project is already set to %q", id, b.Project))
b.Project = p
b.Max = id
return b
// BeforeInProject constrains CLQueryBuilder to Runs created before this Run but
// belonging to the same LUCI project.
// Panics if CLQueryBuilder is already constrained to a different LUCI Project.
func (b CLQueryBuilder) BeforeInProject(id common.RunID) CLQueryBuilder {
if p := id.LUCIProject(); p != b.Project {
if b.Project != "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid CLQueryBuilder.Before(%q): .Project is already set to %q", id, b.Project))
b.Project = p
b.Min = id
return b
// BuildKeysOnly returns keys-only query on RunCL entities.
// It's exposed primarily for debugging reasons.
func (b CLQueryBuilder) BuildKeysOnly(ctx context.Context) *datastore.Query {
q := datastore.NewQuery(RunCLKind).Eq("IndexedID", b.CLID).KeysOnly(true)
if b.Limit > 0 {
min := string(b.Min)
max := string(b.Max)
if b.Project != "" {
prMin, prMax := rangeOfProjectIDs(b.Project)
if min == "" || min < prMin {
min = prMin
if max == "" || max > prMax {
max = prMax
if min != "" {
q = q.Gt("__key__", datastore.MakeKey(ctx, RunKind, min, RunCLKind, int64(b.CLID)))
if max != "" {
q = q.Lt("__key__", datastore.MakeKey(ctx, RunKind, max, RunCLKind, int64(b.CLID)))
return q
func (b CLQueryBuilder) GetAllRunKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]*datastore.Key, error) {
// Fetch RunCL keys.
var keys []*datastore.Key
if err := datastore.GetAll(ctx, b.BuildKeysOnly(ctx), &keys); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch Runs IDs").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Replace each RunCL key with its parent (Run) key.
for i := range keys {
keys[i] = keys[i].Parent()
return keys, nil
// rangeOfProjectIDs returns (min..max) non-existent Run IDs, such that
// the following
// min < $RunID < max
// for all valid $RunID belonging to the given project.
func rangeOfProjectIDs(project string) (string, string) {
// ID starts with the LUCI Project name followed by '/' and a 13-digit
// number. So it must be lexicographically greater than "project/0" and
// less than "project/:" (int(':') == int('9') + 1).
return project + "/0", project + "/:"