blob: 6ca175f87d870f6c0e81f139d5e2773499409b35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package errors
import (
const (
// renderedStackDumpFormat is used as the prefix format when renderedStack is dumped to string.
renderedStackDumpFormat = "goroutine %d:\n"
// RenderedStackDumpRe is coupled with renderedStackDumpFormat to indicate its regex expression.
RenderedStackDumpRe = `goroutine \d+:\n`
type stack struct {
id goroutine.ID
frames []uintptr
func (s *stack) findPointOfDivergence(other *stack) int {
// TODO(iannucci): can we optimize this search routine to not overly penalize
// tail-recursive functions? Searching 'up' from both stacks doesn't work in
// the face of recursion because there will be multiple ambiguous stack
// frames. The algorithm below is correct, but it potentially collects and
// then throws away a bunch of data (e.g. if we could walk up from the current
// stack and then find the intersection in the captured stack, we could stop
// walking at that point instead of walking all the way back from the root on
// every Annotate call.
if != {
"finding intersection between unrelated stacks: %d v %d",,
myIdx := len(s.frames) - 1
oIdx := len(other.frames) - 1
for s.frames[myIdx] == other.frames[oIdx] {
return myIdx
// stackContexter is the interface that an error may implement if it has data
// associated with a specific stack frame.
type stackContexter interface {
stackContext() stackContext
// stackFrameInfo holds a stack and an index into that stack for association
// with stackContexts.
type stackFrameInfo struct {
frameIdx int
forStack *stack
// stackContext represents the annotation data associated with an error, or an
// annotation of an error.
type stackContext struct {
frameInfo stackFrameInfo
// publicly-facing reason, and will show up in the Error() string.
reason string
// used for printing tracebacks, but will not show up in the Error() string.
internalReason string
// tags are any data associated with this frame.
tags map[TagKey]interface{}
// renderPublic renders the public error.Error()-style string for this frame,
// combining this frame's Reason with the inner error.
func (s *stackContext) renderPublic(inner error) string {
switch {
case inner == nil:
return s.reason
case s.reason == "":
return inner.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", s.reason, inner.Error())
// render renders the frame as a single entry in a stack trace. This looks like:
// reason: "The literal content of the reason field: %(key2)d"
// internal reason: I am an internal reason formatted with key1: value
func (s *stackContext) render() lines {
siz := len(s.tags)
if s.internalReason != "" {
if s.reason != "" {
if siz == 0 {
return nil
ret := make(lines, 0, siz)
if s.reason != "" {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("reason: %s", s.reason))
if s.internalReason != "" {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("internal reason: %s", s.internalReason))
keys := make(tagKeySlice, 0, len(s.tags))
for key := range s.tags {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
if key != nil {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("tag[%q]: %#v", key.description, s.tags[key]))
} else {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("tag[nil]: %#v", s.tags[key]))
return ret
type terminalStackError struct {
finfo stackFrameInfo
tags map[TagKey]interface{}
var _ interface {
} = (*terminalStackError)(nil)
func (e *terminalStackError) stackContext() stackContext {
return stackContext{frameInfo: e.finfo, tags: e.tags}
type annotatedError struct {
inner error
ctx stackContext
var _ interface {
} = (*annotatedError)(nil)
func (e *annotatedError) Error() string { return e.ctx.renderPublic(e.inner) }
func (e *annotatedError) stackContext() stackContext { return e.ctx }
func (e *annotatedError) Unwrap() error { return e.inner }
// Annotator is a builder for annotating errors. Obtain one by calling Annotate
// on an existing error or using Reason.
// See the example test for Annotate to see how this is meant to be used.
type Annotator struct {
inner error
ctx stackContext
// InternalReason adds a stack-trace-only internal reason string (for humans) to
// this error.
// The text here will only be visible when using `errors.Log` or
// `errors.RenderStack`, not when calling the .Error() method of the resulting
// error.
// The `reason` string is formatted with `args` and may contain Sprintf-style
// formatting directives.
func (a *Annotator) InternalReason(reason string, args ...interface{}) *Annotator {
if a == nil {
return a
a.ctx.internalReason = fmt.Sprintf(reason, args...)
return a
// Tag adds a tag with an optional value to this error.
// `value` is a unary optional argument, and must be a simple type (i.e. has
// a reflect.Kind which is a base data type like bool, string, or int).
func (a *Annotator) Tag(tags ...TagValueGenerator) *Annotator {
if a == nil {
return a
tagMap := make(map[TagKey]interface{}, len(tags))
for _, t := range tags {
v := t.GenerateErrorTagValue()
tagMap[v.Key] = v.Value
if len(tagMap) > 0 {
if a.ctx.tags == nil {
a.ctx.tags = tagMap
} else {
for k, v := range tagMap {
a.ctx.tags[k] = v
return a
// Err returns the finalized annotated error.
func (a *Annotator) Err() error {
if a == nil {
return nil
return (*annotatedError)(a)
// maxLogEntrySize limits log messages produced by Log.
// It is modified in tests of this package.
var maxLogEntrySize = 64 * 1024
// Log logs the full error. If this is an Annotated error, it will log the full
// stack information as well.
// This is a shortcut for logging the output of RenderStack(err).
// If resulting log message is large, splits it into log entries of at most
// 64KiB.
func Log(c context.Context, err error, excludePkgs ...string) {
log := logging.Get(c)
r := renderStack(err)
buf := strings.Builder{}
_, _ = r.dumpTo(&buf, excludePkgs...) // no errors can happen, only panics.
s := strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), "\n")
preamble := ""
for len(s) > 0 {
chunk := s
if maxLen := maxLogEntrySize - len(preamble); maxLen < len(chunk) {
// Make chunk end with '\n' and be smaller than maxLen.
chunk = strings.TrimRightFunc(chunk[:maxLen], func(r rune) bool { return r != '\n' })
if len(chunk) == 0 {
// Chunk is 1 very long line, can't be nice about splitting it.
chunk = s[:maxLen]
s = s[len(chunk):]
chunk = strings.TrimSuffix(chunk, "\n")
log.Errorf("%s%s", preamble, chunk)
preamble = "(continuation of error log)\n"
// lines is just a list of printable lines.
// It's a type because it's most frequently used as []lines, and [][]string
// doesn't read well.
type lines []string
// renderedFrame represents a single, rendered stack frame.
type renderedFrame struct {
pkg string
file string
lineNum int
funcName string
// wrappers is any frame-info-less errors.Wrapped that were encountered when
// rendering that didn't have any associated frame info: this is the closest
// frame to where they were added to the error.
wrappers []lines
// annotations is any Annotate context associated directly with this Frame.
annotations []lines
var nlSlice = []byte{'\n'}
// dumpWrappersTo formats the wrappers portion of this renderedFrame.
func (r *renderedFrame) dumpWrappersTo(w io.Writer, from, to int) (n int, err error) {
return iotools.WriteTracker(w, func(rawWriter io.Writer) error {
w := &indented.Writer{Writer: rawWriter, UseSpaces: true}
fmt.Fprintf(w, "From frame %d to %d, the following wrappers were found:\n", from, to)
for i, wrp := range r.wrappers {
if i != 0 {
w.Level = 2
for i, line := range wrp {
if i == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", line)
w.Level += 2
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", line)
return nil
// dumpTo formats the Header and annotations for this renderedFrame.
func (r *renderedFrame) dumpTo(w io.Writer, idx int) (n int, err error) {
return iotools.WriteTracker(w, func(rawWriter io.Writer) error {
w := &indented.Writer{Writer: rawWriter, UseSpaces: true}
fmt.Fprintf(w, "#%d %s/%s:%d - %s()\n", idx, r.pkg, r.file,
r.lineNum, r.funcName)
w.Level += 2
switch len(r.annotations) {
case 0:
// pass
case 1:
for _, line := range r.annotations[0] {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", line)
for i, ann := range r.annotations {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "annotation #%d:\n", i)
w.Level += 2
for _, line := range ann {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", line)
w.Level -= 2
return nil
// renderedStack is a single rendered stack from one goroutine.
type renderedStack struct {
goID goroutine.ID
frames []*renderedFrame
// dumpTo formats the full stack.
func (r *renderedStack) dumpTo(w io.Writer, excludePkgs ...string) (n int, err error) {
excludeSet := stringset.NewFromSlice(excludePkgs...)
return iotools.WriteTracker(w, func(w io.Writer) error {
fmt.Fprintf(w, renderedStackDumpFormat, r.goID)
lastIdx := 0
needNL := false
skipCount := 0
skipPkg := ""
flushSkips := func(extra string) {
if skipCount != 0 {
if needNL {
needNL = false
fmt.Fprintf(w, "... skipped %d frames in pkg %q...\n%s", skipCount, skipPkg, extra)
skipCount = 0
skipPkg = ""
for i, f := range r.frames {
if needNL {
needNL = false
pkg := dropVersionSuffix(f.pkg)
if excludeSet.Has(pkg) {
if skipPkg == pkg {
} else {
skipPkg = pkg
if len(f.wrappers) > 0 {
f.dumpWrappersTo(w, lastIdx, i)
if len(f.annotations) > 0 {
lastIdx = i
needNL = true
f.dumpTo(w, i)
return nil
// dropVersionSuffix takes "a/b@zzz" and returns "a/b".
func dropVersionSuffix(pkg string) string {
if i := strings.LastIndexAny(pkg, "@"); i != -1 {
return pkg[:i]
return pkg
// renderedError is a series of RenderedStacks, one for each goroutine that the
// error was annotated on.
type renderedError struct {
originalError string
stacks []*renderedStack
// toLines renders a full-information stack trace as a series of lines.
func (r *renderedError) toLines(excludePkgs ...string) lines {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
r.dumpTo(&buf, excludePkgs...)
return strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), "\n"), "\n")
// dumpTo writes the full-information stack trace to the writer.
func (r *renderedError) dumpTo(w io.Writer, excludePkgs ...string) (n int, err error) {
return iotools.WriteTracker(w, func(w io.Writer) error {
if r.originalError != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "original error: %s\n\n", r.originalError)
for i := len(r.stacks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i != len(r.stacks)-1 {
r.stacks[i].dumpTo(w, excludePkgs...)
return nil
func frameHeaderDetails(frm uintptr) (pkg, filename, funcName string, lineno int) {
// this `frm--` is to get the correct line/function information, since the
// Frame is actually the `return` pc. See runtime.Callers.
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(frm)
file, lineno := fn.FileLine(frm)
var dirpath string
dirpath, filename = filepath.Split(file)
pkgTopLevelName := filepath.Base(dirpath)
fnName := fn.Name()
lastSlash := strings.LastIndex(fnName, "/")
if lastSlash == -1 {
funcName = fnName
pkg = pkgTopLevelName
} else {
funcName = fnName[lastSlash+1:]
pkg = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", fnName[:lastSlash], pkgTopLevelName)
// RenderStack renders the error to a list of lines.
func RenderStack(err error, excludePkgs ...string) []string {
return renderStack(err).toLines(excludePkgs...)
func renderStack(err error) *renderedError {
ret := &renderedError{}
lastAnnotatedFrame := 0
var wrappers []lines
getCurFrame := func(fi *stackFrameInfo) *renderedFrame {
if len(ret.stacks) == 0 || ret.stacks[len(ret.stacks)-1].goID != {
lastAnnotatedFrame = len(fi.forStack.frames) - 1
toAdd := &renderedStack{
frames: make([]*renderedFrame, len(fi.forStack.frames)),
for i, frm := range fi.forStack.frames {
pkgPath, filename, functionName, line := frameHeaderDetails(frm)
toAdd.frames[i] = &renderedFrame{
pkg: pkgPath, file: filename, lineNum: line, funcName: functionName}
ret.stacks = append(ret.stacks, toAdd)
curStack := ret.stacks[len(ret.stacks)-1]
if fi.frameIdx < lastAnnotatedFrame {
lastAnnotatedFrame = fi.frameIdx
frm := curStack.frames[lastAnnotatedFrame]
frm.wrappers = wrappers
wrappers = nil
return frm
return curStack.frames[lastAnnotatedFrame]
for err != nil {
if sc, ok := err.(stackContexter); ok {
ctx := sc.stackContext()
if stk := ctx.frameInfo.forStack; stk != nil {
frm := getCurFrame(&ctx.frameInfo)
if rendered := ctx.render(); len(rendered) > 0 {
frm.annotations = append(frm.annotations, rendered)
} else {
wrappers = append(wrappers, ctx.render())
} else {
wrappers = append(wrappers, lines{fmt.Sprintf("unknown wrapper %T", err)})
switch x := err.(type) {
case MultiError:
// TODO(riannucci): it's kinda dumb that we have to walk the MultiError
// twice (once in its stackContext method, and again here).
err = x.First()
case Wrapped:
err = x.Unwrap()
ret.originalError = err.Error()
err = nil
return ret
// Annotate captures the current stack frame and returns a new annotatable
// error, attaching the publicly readable `reason` format string to the error.
// You can add additional metadata to this error with the 'InternalReason' and
// 'Tag' methods, and then obtain a real `error` with the Err() function.
// If this is passed nil, it will return a no-op Annotator whose .Err() function
// will also return nil.
// The original error may be recovered by using Wrapped.Unwrap on the
// returned error.
// Rendering the derived error with Error() will render a summary version of all
// the public `reason`s as well as the initial underlying error's Error() text.
// It is intended that the initial underlying error and all annotated reasons
// only contain user-visible information, so that the accumulated error may be
// returned to the user without worrying about leakage.
// You should assume that end-users (including unauthenticated end users) may
// see the text in the `reason` field here. To only attach an internal reason,
// leave the `reason` argument blank and don't pass any additional formatting
// arguments.
// The `reason` string is formatted with `args` and may contain Sprintf-style
// formatting directives.
func Annotate(err error, reason string, args ...interface{}) *Annotator {
if err == nil {
return nil
return &Annotator{err, stackContext{
frameInfo: stackFrameInfoForError(1, err),
reason: fmt.Sprintf(reason, args...),
// Reason builds a new Annotator starting with reason. This allows you to use
// all the formatting directives you would normally use with Annotate, in case
// your originating error needs tags or an internal reason.
// errors.Reason("something bad: %d", value).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Prefer this form to errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("..."))
func Reason(reason string, args ...interface{}) *Annotator {
currentStack := captureStack(1)
frameInfo := stackFrameInfo{0, currentStack}
return (&Annotator{nil, stackContext{
frameInfo: frameInfo,
reason: fmt.Sprintf(reason, args...),
// New is an API-compatible version of the standard errors.New function. Unlike
// the stdlib errors.New, this will capture the current stack information at the
// place this error was created.
func New(msg string, tags ...TagValueGenerator) error {
tse := &terminalStackError{
errors.New(msg), stackFrameInfo{forStack: captureStack(1)}, nil}
if len(tags) > 0 {
tse.tags = make(map[TagKey]interface{}, len(tags))
for _, t := range tags {
v := t.GenerateErrorTagValue()
tse.tags[v.Key] = v.Value
return tse
func captureStack(skip int) *stack {
fullStk := stack{goroutine.CurID(), nil}
stk := make([]uintptr, 16)
offset := skip + 2
for n := len(stk); n == len(stk); {
n = runtime.Callers(offset, stk)
offset += n
fullStk.frames = append(fullStk.frames, stk[:n]...)
return &fullStk
func getCapturedStack(err error) (ret *stack) {
Walk(err, func(err error) bool {
if sc, ok := err.(stackContexter); ok {
ret = sc.stackContext().frameInfo.forStack
return false
return true
// stackFrameInfoForError returns a stackFrameInfo suitable for use to implement
// the stackContexter interface.
// It skips the provided number of frames when collecting the current trace
// (which should be equal to the number of functions between your error library
// and the user's code).
// The returned stackFrameInfo will find the appropriate frame in the error's
// existing stack information (if the error was created with errors.New), or
// include the current stack if it was not.
func stackFrameInfoForError(skip int, err error) stackFrameInfo {
currentStack := captureStack(skip + 1)
currentlyCapturedStack := getCapturedStack(err)
if currentlyCapturedStack == nil || != {
// This is the very first annotation on this error OR
// We switched goroutines.
return stackFrameInfo{forStack: currentStack}
return stackFrameInfo{
frameIdx: currentlyCapturedStack.findPointOfDivergence(currentStack),
forStack: currentlyCapturedStack,