blob: 4575805713ae43080dffcdcf1283bd0b44913492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package errors
import "sort"
type (
tagDescription struct {
description string
// TagKey objects are used for applying tags and finding tags/values in
// errors. See NewTag for details.
TagKey *tagDescription
tagKeySlice []TagKey
// TagValue represents a (tag, value) to be used with Annotate.Tag, or may be
// applied to an error directly with the Apply method.
// Usually tag implementations will have a typesafe With method that generates
// these. Avoid constructing these ad-hoc so that a given tag definition can
// control the type safety around these.
TagValue struct {
Key TagKey
Value interface{}
// TagValueGenerator generates (TagKey, value) pairs, for use with Annoatator.Tag
// and New().
TagValueGenerator interface {
GenerateErrorTagValue() TagValue
var _ sort.Interface = tagKeySlice(nil)
func (s tagKeySlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s tagKeySlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s tagKeySlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].description < s[j].description }
// TagValueIn will retrieve the tagged value from the error that's associated
// with this key, and a boolean indicating if the tag was present or not.
func TagValueIn(t TagKey, err error) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
Walk(err, func(err error) bool {
if sc, isSC := err.(stackContexter); isSC {
if value, ok = sc.stackContext().tags[t]; ok {
return false
return true
// GenerateErrorTagValue implements TagValueGenerator
func (t TagValue) GenerateErrorTagValue() TagValue { return t }
// Apply applies this tag value (key+value) directly to the error. This is
// a shortcut for `errors.Annotate(err, "").Tag(t).Err()`.
func (t TagValue) Apply(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
a := &Annotator{err, stackContext{frameInfo: stackFrameInfoForError(1, err)}}
return a.Tag(t).Err()
// BoolTag is an error tag implementation which holds a boolean value.
// It should be constructed like:
// var myTag = errors.BoolTag{Key: errors.NewTagKey("some description")}
type BoolTag struct{ Key TagKey }
// GenerateErrorTagValue implements TagValueGenerator, and returns a default
// value for the tag of `true`. If you want to set this BoolTag value to false,
// use BoolTag.Off().
func (b BoolTag) GenerateErrorTagValue() TagValue { return TagValue{b.Key, true} }
// Off allows you to "remove" this boolean tag from an error (by setting it to
// false).
func (b BoolTag) Off() TagValue { return TagValue{b.Key, false} }
// Apply is a shortcut for With(true).Apply(err)
func (b BoolTag) Apply(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
a := &Annotator{err, stackContext{frameInfo: stackFrameInfoForError(1, err)}}
return a.Tag(b).Err()
// In returns true iff this tag value has been set to true on this error.
func (b BoolTag) In(err error) bool {
v, ok := TagValueIn(b.Key, err)
if !ok {
return false
return v.(bool)
// NewTagKey creates a new TagKey.
// Use this with a BoolTag or your own custom tag implementation.
// Example (bool tag):
// var myTag = errors.BoolTag{Key: errors.NewTagKey("this error is a user error")}
// err = myTag.Apply(err)
// myTag.In(err) // == true
// err2 := myTag.Off().Apply(err)
// myTag.In(err2) // == false
// Example (custom tag)
// type SomeType int
// type myTag struct { Key errors.TagKey }
// func (m myTag) With(value SomeType) errors.TagValue {
// return errors.TagValue{Key: m.Key, Value: value}
// }
// func (m myTag) In(err error) (v SomeType, ok bool) {
// d, ok := errors.TagValueIn(m.Key, err)
// if ok {
// v = d.(SomeType)
// }
// return
// }
// var MyTag = myTag{errors.NewTagKey("has a SomeType")}
// You could then use it like:
// err = MyTag.With(100).Apply(err)
// MyTag.In(err) // == true
// errors.ValueIn(err) // == (SomeType(100), true)
func NewTagKey(description string) TagKey {
return &tagDescription{description}
// GetTags returns a map of all TagKeys set in this error to their value.
// A nil value means that the tag is present, but has a nil associated value.
// This is done in a depth-first traversal of the error stack, with the
// most-recently-set value of the tag taking precedence.
func GetTags(err error) map[TagKey]interface{} {
ret := map[TagKey]interface{}{}
Walk(err, func(err error) bool {
if sc, ok := err.(stackContexter); ok {
ctx := sc.stackContext()
for k, v := range ctx.tags {
if _, ok := ret[k]; !ok {
ret[k] = v
return true
return ret