blob: 0e80d6b626ee223788db9e814e92d38bee30b01f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package logdog;
option go_package = ";logdog";
import "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
// GetRequest is the request structure for the user Get endpoint.
// If the requested log stream exists, a valid GetRequest will succeed
// regardless of whether the requested log range was available.
// Note that this endpoint may return fewer logs than requested due to either
// availability or internal constraints.
message GetRequest {
// The request project to request.
string project = 1;
// The path of the log stream to get.
// This can either be a LogDog stream path or the SHA256 hash of a LogDog
// stream path.
// Some utilities may find passing around a full LogDog path to be cumbersome
// due to its length. They can opt to pass around the hash instead and
// retrieve logs using it.
string path = 2;
// If true, requests that the log stream's state is returned.
bool state = 3;
// The initial log stream index to retrieve.
int64 index = 4;
// The maximum number of bytes to return. If non-zero, it is applied as a
// constraint to limit the number of logs that are returned.
// This only returns complete logs. Assuming logs are available, it will
// return at least one log (even if it violates the size constraint) and as
// many additional logs as it can without exceeding this constraint.
int32 byte_count = 5;
// The maximum number of log records to request.
// If this value is zero, no count constraint will be applied. If this value
// is less than zero, no log entries will be returned. This can be used to
// fetch log stream descriptors without fetching any log records.
int32 log_count = 6;
// If true, allows the range request to return non-contiguous records.
// A contiguous request (default) will iterate forwards from the supplied
// Index and stop if either the end of stream is encountered or there is a
// missing stream index. A NonContiguous request will remove the latter
// condition.
// For example, say the log stream consists of:
// [3, 4, 6, 7]
// A contiguous request with Index 3 will return: [3, 4], stopping because
// 5 is missing. A non-contiguous request will return [3, 4, 6, 7].
bool non_contiguous = 7;
// If supplied, the response will contain a SignedUrls message with the
// requested signed URLs. If signed URLs are not supported by the log's
// current storage system, the response message will be empty.
message SignURLRequest {
// The lifetime that the signed URL will be bound to.. The
google.protobuf.Duration lifetime = 1;
// Return a signed URL for the log's RecordIO protobuf data.
bool stream = 2;
// Return a signed URL for the log's LogIndex protobuf.
bool index = 3;
SignURLRequest get_signed_urls = 8;
// TailRequest is the request structure for the user Tail endpoint. It returns
// the last log in a given log stream at the time of the request.
message TailRequest {
// The request project to request.
string project = 1;
// The path of the log stream to get.
// This can either be a LogDog stream path or the SHA256 hash of a LogDog
// stream path.
// Some utilities may find passing around a full LogDog path to be cumbersome
// due to its length. They can opt to pass around the hash instead and
// retrieve logs using it.
string path = 2;
// If true, requests that the log stream's state is returned.
bool state = 3;
// GetResponse is the response structure for the user Get endpoint.
message GetResponse {
// Project is the project name that these logs belong to.
string project = 1;
// Realm is the realm (within the project) the stream is associated with.
string realm = 6;
// The log stream descriptor and state for this stream.
// It can be requested by setting the request's State field to true. If the
// Proto field is true, the State's Descriptor field will not be included.
LogStreamState state = 2;
// The expanded LogStreamDescriptor protobuf. It is intended for JSON
// consumption.
// If the GetRequest's Proto field is false, this will be populated;
// otherwise, the serialized protobuf will be written to the DescriptorProto
// field.
logpb.LogStreamDescriptor desc = 3;
// Log represents the set of retrieved log records.
repeated logpb.LogEntry logs = 4;
// Holds information about the log stream's signed entry URL.
message SignedUrls {
// The time when this signed URL will expire.
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiration = 1;
// The signed log stream URL, if requested.
string stream = 2;
// The signed log index URL, if requested.
string index = 3;
// An optional signed log entry RecordIO protobuf URL, if requested via
// "sign_entry_url_lifetime".
SignedUrls signed_urls = 5;
// QueryRequest is the request structure for the user Query endpoint.
message QueryRequest {
// Trinary represents a trinary value.
enum Trinary {
// Both positive and negative results will be returned.
BOTH = 0;
// Only positive results will be returned.
YES = 1;
// Only negative results will be returned.
NO = 2;
// (required) The project to query from.
string project = 1;
// (required) The stream query parameter.
// Paths are of the form "full/path/prefix/+/stream/name", where the
// "stream/name" portion can contain glob-style "*" and "**" operators.
// If this is just "full/path/prefix", then the stream/name is assumed to be
// "**" (meaning all streams).
// Omitting the full path prefix is an error (no wildcards are permitted).
string path = 2;
// If true, returns that the streams' full state is returned instead of just
// its Path.
bool state = 3;
// If true, causes the requested state to be returned as serialized protobuf
// data instead of deserialized JSON structures.
bool proto = 4;
// Next, if not empty, indicates that this query should continue at the point
// where the previous query left off.
string next = 5;
// MaxResults is the maximum number of query results to return.
// If MaxResults is zero, no upper bound will be indicated. However, the
// returned result count is still be subject to internal constraints.
int32 max_results = 6;
// ContentType, if not empty, restricts results to streams with the supplied
// content type.
string content_type = 10;
// The stream type to filter on.
message StreamTypeFilter {
// The StreamType value to filter on.
logpb.StreamType value = 1;
StreamTypeFilter stream_type = 11;
// Newer restricts results to streams created after the specified date.
google.protobuf.Timestamp newer = 12;
// Older restricts results to streams created before the specified date.
google.protobuf.Timestamp older = 13;
// [DEPRECATED] If not empty, constrains the results to those whose protobuf
// version string matches the supplied version.
reserved "proto_version";
reserved 14;
// Tags is the set of tags to constrain the query with.
// A Tag entry may either be:
// - A key/value query, in which case the results are constrained by logs
// whose tag includes that key/value pair.
// - A key with an missing (nil) value, in which case the results are
// constraints by logs that have that tag key, regardless of its value.
map<string, string> tags = 15;
// Purged restricts the query to streams that have or haven't been purged.
Trinary purged = 16;
// QueryResponse is the response structure for the user Query endpoint.
message QueryResponse {
// Project is the project name that all responses belong to.
string project = 1;
// Realm is the realm (within the project) all streams are associated with.
string realm = 4;
// Stream represents a single query response stream.
message Stream {
// Path is the log stream path.
string path = 1;
// State is the log stream descriptor and state for this stream.
// It can be requested by setting the request's State field to true. If the
// Proto field is true, the State's Descriptor field will not be included.
LogStreamState state = 2;
// The JSON-packed log stream descriptor protobuf.
// A Descriptor entry corresponds to the Path with the same index.
// If the query request's State field is set, the descriptor will be
// populated. If the Proto field is false, Descriptor will be populated;
// otherwise, DescriptorProto will be populated with the serialized descriptor
// protobuf.
logpb.LogStreamDescriptor desc = 3;
// The serialized log stream Descriptor protobuf.
bytes desc_proto= 4;
// The list of streams that were identified as the result of the query.
repeated Stream streams = 2;
// If not empty, indicates that there are more query results available.
// These results can be requested by repeating the Query request with the
// same Path field and supplying this value in the Next field.
string next = 3;
// Logs is the user-facing log access and query endpoint service.
service Logs {
// Get returns state and log data for a single log stream.
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);
// Tail returns the last log in the log stream at the time of the request.
rpc Tail(TailRequest) returns (GetResponse);
// Query returns log stream paths that match the requested query.
rpc Query(QueryRequest) returns (QueryResponse);