blob: f7d88fd37af0abede752858e643d97c18e2635a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lucictx
import (
. ""
. ""
// shouldWaitForNotDone tests if the context's .Done() channel is still blocked.
func shouldWaitForNotDone(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if len(expected) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("shouldWaitForNotDone requires 0 values, got %d", len(expected))
if actual == nil {
return ShouldNotBeNil(actual)
ctx, ok := actual.(context.Context)
if !ok {
return ShouldHaveSameTypeAs(actual, context.Context(nil))
if ctx == nil {
return ShouldNotBeNil(actual)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return "Expected context NOT to be Done(), but it was."
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
return ""
var mockSigMu = sync.Mutex{}
var mockSigSet = make(map[chan<- os.Signal]struct{})
func mockGenerateInterrupt() {
defer mockSigMu.Unlock()
if len(mockSigSet) == 0 {
"mockGenerateInterrupt but no handlers registered; Would have terminated program"))
for ch := range mockSigSet {
select {
case ch <- os.Interrupt:
func assertEmptySignals() {
defer mockSigMu.Unlock()
So(mockSigSet, ShouldBeEmpty)
func init() {
interrupts := signals.Interrupts()
checkSig := func(sig os.Signal) {
for _, okSig := range interrupts {
if sig == okSig {
panic(errors.Reason("unsupported mock signal: %s", sig).Err())
signalNotify = func(ch chan<- os.Signal, sigs ...os.Signal) {
for _, sig := range sigs {
mockSigSet[ch] = struct{}{}
signalStop = func(ch chan<- os.Signal) {
delete(mockSigSet, ch)
func TestDeadline(t *testing.T) {
// not Parallel because this uses the global mock signalNotify.
// t.Parallel()
Convey(`TrackSoftDeadline`, t, func() {
t0 := testclock.TestTimeUTC
ctx, tc := testclock.UseTime(context.Background(), t0)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer assertEmptySignals()
// we explicitly remove the section to make these tests work correctly when
// run in a context using LUCI_CONTEXT.
ctx = Set(ctx, "deadline", nil)
Convey(`Empty context`, func() {
ac, shutdown := TrackSoftDeadline(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer shutdown()
deadline, ok := ac.Deadline()
So(ok, ShouldBeFalse)
So(deadline.IsZero(), ShouldBeTrue)
// however, Interrupt/SIGTERM handler is still installed
// soft deadline will happen, but context.Done won't.
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, InterruptEvent)
So(ac, shouldWaitForNotDone)
// Advance the clock by 25s, and presto
tc.Add(25 * time.Second)
Convey(`deadline context`, func() {
ctx, cancel := clock.WithDeadline(ctx, t0.Add(100*time.Second))
defer cancel()
ac, shutdown := TrackSoftDeadline(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer shutdown()
hardDeadline, ok := ac.Deadline()
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
// hard deadline is still 95s because we the presumed grace period for the
// context was 30s, but we reserved 5s for cleanup. Thus, this should end
// 5s before the overall deadline,
So(hardDeadline, ShouldEqual, t0.Add(95*time.Second))
got := GetDeadline(ac)
expect := &Deadline{GracePeriod: 25}
// SoftDeadline is always GracePeriod earlier than the hard (context)
// deadline.
expect.SetSoftDeadline(t0.Add(70 * time.Second))
So(got, ShouldResembleProto, expect)
<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac) // force monitor to make timer before we increment the clock
tc.Add(25 * time.Second)
Convey(`deadline context reserve`, func() {
ctx, cancel := clock.WithDeadline(ctx, t0.Add(95*time.Second))
defer cancel()
ac, shutdown := TrackSoftDeadline(ctx, 0)
defer shutdown()
deadline, ok := ac.Deadline()
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
// hard deadline is 95s because we reserved 5s.
So(deadline, ShouldEqual, t0.Add(95*time.Second))
got := GetDeadline(ac)
expect := &Deadline{GracePeriod: 30}
// SoftDeadline is always GracePeriod earlier than the hard (context)
// deadline.
expect.SetSoftDeadline(t0.Add(65 * time.Second))
So(got, ShouldResembleProto, expect)
<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac) // force monitor to make timer before we increment the clock
tc.Add(30 * time.Second)
Convey(`Deadline in LUCI_CONTEXT`, func() {
externalSoftDeadline := t0.Add(100 * time.Second)
// Note, LUCI_CONTEXT asserts that non-zero SoftDeadlines must be enforced
// by 'an external process', so we mock that with the goroutine here.
// Must do clock.After outside goroutine to force this time calculation to
// happen before we start manipulating `tc`.
externalTimeout := clock.After(ctx, 100*time.Second)
go func() {
if (<-externalTimeout).Err == nil {
dl := &Deadline{GracePeriod: 40}
dl.SetSoftDeadline(externalSoftDeadline) // 100s into the future
ctx := SetDeadline(ctx, dl)
Convey(`no deadline in context`, func() {
ac, shutdown := TrackSoftDeadline(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer shutdown()
softDeadline := GetDeadline(ac).SoftDeadlineTime()
So(softDeadline, ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, externalSoftDeadline)
hardDeadline, ok := ac.Deadline()
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
// hard deadline is soft deadline + adjusted grace period.
// Cleanup reservation of 5s means that the adjusted grace period is
// 35s.
So(hardDeadline, ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, externalSoftDeadline.Add(35*time.Second))
Convey(`natural expiration`, func() {
tc.Add(100 * time.Second)
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, TimeoutEvent)
So(ac, shouldWaitForNotDone)
tc.Add(35 * time.Second)
// We should have ended right around the deadline; there's some slop
// in the clock package though, and this doesn't seem to be zero.
So(tc.Now(), ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, hardDeadline)
Convey(`signal`, func() {
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, InterruptEvent)
So(ac, shouldWaitForNotDone)
tc.Add(35 * time.Second)
// should still have 65s before the soft deadline
So(tc.Now(), ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, softDeadline.Add(-65*time.Second))
Convey(`cancel context`, func() {
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, ClosureEvent)
Convey(`earlier deadline in context`, func() {
ctx, cancel := clock.WithDeadline(ctx, externalSoftDeadline.Add(-50*time.Second))
defer cancel()
ac, shutdown := TrackSoftDeadline(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer shutdown()
hardDeadline, ok := ac.Deadline()
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(hardDeadline, ShouldEqual, externalSoftDeadline.Add(-55*time.Second))
Convey(`natural expiration`, func() {
tc.Add(10 * time.Second)
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, TimeoutEvent)
So(ac, shouldWaitForNotDone)
tc.Add(35 * time.Second)
// We should have ended right around the deadline; there's some slop
// in the clock package though, and this doesn't seem to be zero.
So(tc.Now(), ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, hardDeadline)
Convey(`signal`, func() {
So(<-SoftDeadlineDone(ac), ShouldEqual, InterruptEvent)
So(ac, shouldWaitForNotDone)
tc.Add(35 * time.Second)
// Should have about 10s of time left before the deadline.
So(tc.Now(), ShouldHappenWithin, time.Millisecond, hardDeadline.Add(-10*time.Second))