blob: 569280527f4c4a63d8c1abeb247319111e3ad3fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
api ""
// HashAlgoValidation is passed to ValidateObjectRef.
type HashAlgoValidation bool
const (
// KnownHash indicates that ValidateObjectRef should only accept refs that
// use hash algo known to the current version of the code.
// This is primarily useful on the backend, since it always needs to be sure
// that it can handle any ObjectRef that is passed to it.
KnownHash HashAlgoValidation = true
// AnyHash indicates that ValidateObject may accept refs that use algo number
// not known to the current version of the code (i.e. presumably from the
// future version of the protocol).
// This is useful on the client that for some operations just round-trips
// ObjectRef it received from the server, without trying to interpret it.
// Using AnyHash allows the client to be friendlier to future protocol
// changes. This is particularly important in self-update flow.
AnyHash HashAlgoValidation = false
// ValidateInstanceID returns an error if the string isn't a valid instance id.
// If v is KnownHash, will verify the current version of the code understands
// the hash algo encoded in idd. Otherwise (if v is AnyHash) will just validate
// that iid looks syntactically sane, and will accept any hash algo (even if the
// current code doesn't understand it). This is useful when round-tripping
// ObjectRefs and instance IDs through the (outdated) client code back to the
// server.
func ValidateInstanceID(iid string, v HashAlgoValidation) (err error) {
if len(iid) == 40 {
// Legacy SHA1-based instances use hex(sha1) as instance ID, 40 chars.
err = checkIsHex(iid)
// Refuse SHA1s if the binary doesn't have SHA1 support compiled in.
if err == nil && v == KnownHash {
err = ValidateHashAlgo(api.HashAlgo_SHA1)
} else {
var ref *api.ObjectRef
ref, err = decodeObjectRef(iid)
if err == nil && v == KnownHash {
err = ValidateObjectRef(ref, KnownHash)
if err == nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "not a valid package instance ID %q", iid).Err()
// ValidateObjectRef returns a grpc-annotated error if the given object ref is
// invalid.
// If v is KnownHash, will verify the current version of the code understands
// the hash algo. Otherwise (if v is AnyHash) will just validate that the hex
// digest looks sane, and will accept any hash algo (even if the current code
// doesn't understand it). This is useful when round-tripping ObjectRefs and
// instance IDs through the (outdated) client code back to the server.
// Errors have InvalidArgument grpc code.
func ValidateObjectRef(ref *api.ObjectRef, v HashAlgoValidation) error {
if ref == nil {
return validationErr("the object ref is not provided")
switch {
case ref.HashAlgo < 0:
return validationErr("bad negative hash algo")
case ref.HashAlgo == 0:
return validationErr("unspecified hash algo")
if err := checkIsHex(ref.HexDigest); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "invalid %s hex digest", ref.HashAlgo).Err()
if v {
if err := ValidateHashAlgo(ref.HashAlgo); err != nil {
return err
hexDigestLen := supportedAlgos[ref.HashAlgo].hexDigestLen
if len(ref.HexDigest) != hexDigestLen {
return validationErr("invalid %s digest: expecting %d chars, got %d", ref.HashAlgo, hexDigestLen, len(ref.HexDigest))
return nil
// ObjectRefToInstanceID returns an Instance ID that matches the given CAS
// object ref.
// Instance ID is a human readable string representation of ObjectRef used in
// higher level APIs (command line flags, ensure files, etc) and internally in
// the datastore.
// Its exact form depends on a hash being used:
// - SHA1: Instance IDs are hex encoded SHA1 digests, in lowercase.
// - Everything else: base64(digest + []byte{ref.HashAlgo}), where base64 is
// without padding and using URL-safe charset.
// The ref is not checked for correctness. Use ValidateObjectRef if this is
// a concern. Panics if something is not right.
func ObjectRefToInstanceID(ref *api.ObjectRef) string {
if err := ValidateObjectRef(ref, AnyHash); err != nil {
if ref.HashAlgo == api.HashAlgo_SHA1 {
return ref.HexDigest // legacy SHA1 instance ID format
return encodeObjectRef(ref)
// InstanceIDToObjectRef is a reverse of ObjectRefToInstanceID.
// Panics if the instance ID is incorrect. Use ValidateInstanceID if
// this is a concern.
func InstanceIDToObjectRef(iid string) *api.ObjectRef {
// Legacy SHA1-based instances use hex(sha1) as instance ID, 40 chars.
if len(iid) == 40 {
if err := checkIsHex(iid); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("not a valid package instance ID %q: %s", iid, err))
return &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1,
HexDigest: iid,
ref, err := decodeObjectRef(iid)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("not a valid package instance ID %q: %s", iid, err))
return ref
// encodeObjectRef returns a compact stable human-readable serialization of
// ObjectRef.
// It takes the digest blob, appends a byte with ref.HashAlgo value to it, and
// encodes the resulting blob using raw URL-safe base64 encoding.
// Panics if ref is invalid.
func encodeObjectRef(ref *api.ObjectRef) string {
switch {
case ref.HashAlgo < 0:
panic(fmt.Errorf("bad negative hash algo %d", ref.HashAlgo))
case ref.HashAlgo == 0:
panic(fmt.Errorf("unspecified hash algo"))
// If algo is known to us, make sure it is valid. Otherwise just encode what
// we've given, assuming the consumer will eventually understand it.
if int(ref.HashAlgo) < len(supportedAlgos) {
if prop := supportedAlgos[ref.HashAlgo]; len(ref.HexDigest) != prop.hexDigestLen {
panic(fmt.Errorf("wrong hex digest len %d for algo %s", len(ref.HexDigest), ref.HashAlgo))
blob, err := hex.DecodeString(ref.HexDigest)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("bad hex digest %q: %s", ref.HexDigest, err))
blob = append(blob, byte(ref.HashAlgo))
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(blob)
// decodeObjectRef is a reverse of encodeObjectRef.
func decodeObjectRef(iid string) (*api.ObjectRef, error) {
// Skip obviously wrong instance IDs faster and with a cleaner error message.
// We assume we use at least 160 bit digests here (which translates to at
// least 28 bytes of encoded iid).
if len(iid) < 28 {
return nil, validationErr("not a valid size for an encoded digest")
blob, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(iid)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, validationErr("cannot base64 decode: %s", err)
case len(blob) == 0:
return nil, validationErr("empty")
case len(blob)%2 != 1: // 1 byte for hashAlgo, the rest is the digest
return nil, validationErr("the digest can't be odd")
hashAlgo := api.HashAlgo(blob[len(blob)-1])
digest := blob[:len(blob)-1]
if hashAlgo == 0 {
return nil, validationErr("unspecified hash algo (0)")
// If algo is known to us, make sure it is valid. Otherwise just decode what
// we've given, assuming the caller will later verify the hash using
// ValidateHashAlgo, if really needed.
if int(hashAlgo) < len(supportedAlgos) {
if prop := supportedAlgos[hashAlgo]; len(digest)*2 != prop.hexDigestLen {
return nil, validationErr("wrong digest len %d for algo %s", len(digest), hashAlgo)
return &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: hashAlgo,
HexDigest: hex.EncodeToString(digest),
}, nil
// checkIsHex returns an error if a string is not a lowercase hex string.
// Empty string is rejected as invalid too.
func checkIsHex(s string) error {
switch {
case s == "":
return validationErr("empty hex string")
case len(s)%2 != 0:
return validationErr("uneven number of symbols in the hex string")
for _, c := range s {
if !((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) {
return validationErr("bad lowercase hex string %q, wrong char %c", s, c)
return nil