blob: a1dbc1c8896cbb91efc183f2afff780d3dd56af2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package auth
import (
var cfgContextKey = "auth.Config context key"
// DBProvider is a callback that returns most recent DB instance.
// DB represents a snapshot of user groups used for authorization checks.
type DBProvider func(ctx context.Context) (authdb.DB, error)
// AccessTokenProvider knows how to generate OAuth2 access tokens for the
// service account belonging to the server itself.
type AccessTokenProvider func(ctx context.Context, scopes []string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
// IDTokenProvider knows how to generate ID tokens for the service account
// belonging to the server itself.
type IDTokenProvider func(ctx context.Context, audience string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
// AnonymousTransportProvider returns http.RoundTriper that can make
// unauthenticated HTTP requests.
// The returned round tripper is assumed to be bound to the context and won't
// outlive it.
type AnonymousTransportProvider func(ctx context.Context) http.RoundTripper
// ActorTokensProvider knows how to produce OAuth and ID tokens for service
// accounts the server "acts as".
// `serviceAccount` and `delegates` should just be service account email
// addresses (no need to prefix them with `projects/-/serviceAccounts/`).
// Errors returned by its method may be tagged with transient.Tag to indicate
// they are transient. All other errors are assumed to be fatal.
type ActorTokensProvider interface {
// GenerateAccessToken generates an access token for the given account.
GenerateAccessToken(ctx context.Context, serviceAccount string, scopes, delegates []string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
// GenerateIDToken generates an ID token for the given account.
GenerateIDToken(ctx context.Context, serviceAccount, audience string, delegates []string) (string, error)
// Config contains global configuration of the auth library.
// This configuration adjusts the library to the particular execution
// environment (GAE, Flex, whatever). It contains concrete implementations of
// various interfaces used by the library.
// It lives in the context and must be installed there by some root middleware
// (via ModifyConfig call).
type Config struct {
// DBProvider is a callback that returns most recent DB instance.
DBProvider DBProvider
// Signer possesses the service's private key and can sign blobs with it.
// It provides the bundle with corresponding public keys and information about
// the service account they belong too (the service's own identity).
// Used to implement '/auth/api/v1/server/(certificates|info)' routes.
Signer signing.Signer
// AccessTokenProvider knows how to generate OAuth2 access tokens for the
// service account belonging to the server itself.
AccessTokenProvider AccessTokenProvider
// IDTokenProvider knows how to generate ID tokens for the service account
// belonging to the server itself.
// Optional. If not set the server will fall back to using the generateIdToken
// IAM RPC targeting its own account. This fallback requires the service
// account to have iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role on *itself*, which is
// a bit weird and not default.
IDTokenProvider IDTokenProvider
// ActorTokensProvider knows how to produce OAuth and ID tokens for service
// accounts the server "act as".
// If nil, a default generic implementation based on HTTP POST request to
// Cloud IAM Credentials service will be used.
ActorTokensProvider ActorTokensProvider
// AnonymousTransport returns http.RoundTriper that can make unauthenticated
// HTTP requests.
// The returned round tripper is assumed to be bound to the context and won't
// outlive it.
AnonymousTransport AnonymousTransportProvider
// EndUserIP takes a request and returns IP address of a user that sent it.
// If nil, a default implementation is used. It simply returns r.RemoteAddr().
// A custom implementation may parse X-Forwarded-For header (or other headers)
// depending on how load balancers and proxies in front the server populate
// them.
EndUserIP func(r RequestMetadata) string
// FrontendClientID returns an OAuth 2.0 client ID to use from the frontend.
// It will be served via /auth/api/v1/server/client_id endpoint (so that the
// frontend can grab it), and the auth library will permit access tokens with
// this client as an audience when authenticating requests.
// May return an empty string if the client ID is not configured. All errors
// are treated as transient.
// Should be fast. Will be called each time a token needs to be authenticated.
FrontendClientID func(context.Context) (string, error)
// FrontendOAuthScopes returns the OAuth scopes to use from the frontend.
// May return an empty slice if the OAuth scopes are not configured. All
// errors are treated as transient.
// Should be fast. Will be called each time a token needs to be authenticated.
FrontendOAuthScopes func(context.Context) ([]string, error)
// IsDevMode is true when running the server locally during development.
// Setting this to true changes default deadlines. For instance, GAE dev
// server is known to be very slow and deadlines tuned for production
// environment are too limiting.
IsDevMode bool
// Initialize inserts authentication configuration into the context.
// An initialized context is required by any other function in the package. They
// return ErrNotConfigured otherwise.
// Calling Initialize twice causes a panic.
func Initialize(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) context.Context {
if getConfig(ctx) != nil {
panic("auth.Initialize is called twice on same context")
return setConfig(ctx, cfg)
// ModifyConfig makes a context with a derived configuration.
// It grabs current configuration from the context (if any), passes it to the
// callback, and puts whatever callback returns into a derived context.
func ModifyConfig(ctx context.Context, cb func(Config) Config) context.Context {
var cfg Config
if cur := getConfig(ctx); cur != nil {
cfg = *cur
cfg = cb(cfg)
return setConfig(ctx, &cfg)
// adjustedTimeout returns `t` if IsDevMode is false or >=1 min if true.
func (cfg *Config) adjustedTimeout(t time.Duration) time.Duration {
if !cfg.IsDevMode {
return t
if t > time.Minute {
return t
return time.Minute
// actorTokensProvider returns an actual ActorTokensProvider implementation.
func (cfg *Config) actorTokensProvider() ActorTokensProvider {
if cfg.ActorTokensProvider != nil {
return cfg.ActorTokensProvider
return defaultActorTokensProviderImpl
// setConfig completely replaces the configuration in the context.
func setConfig(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, &cfgContextKey, cfg)
// getConfig returns the config stored in the context (or nil if not there).
func getConfig(ctx context.Context) *Config {
val, _ := ctx.Value(&cfgContextKey).(*Config)
return val
// Helpers that extract stuff from the config.
// GetDB returns most recent snapshot of authorization database using DBProvider
// installed in the context via 'Initialize' or 'ModifyConfig'.
// If no factory is installed, returns DB that forbids everything and logs
// errors. It is often good enough for unit tests that do not care about
// authorization, and still not horribly bad if accidentally used in production.
func GetDB(ctx context.Context) (authdb.DB, error) {
if cfg := getConfig(ctx); cfg != nil && cfg.DBProvider != nil {
return cfg.DBProvider(ctx)
return authdb.ErroringDB{Error: ErrNotConfigured}, nil
// GetSigner returns the signing.Signer instance representing the service.
// It is injected into the context as part of Config. It can be used to grab
// a service account the service is running as or its current public
// certificates.
// Returns nil if the signer is not available.
func GetSigner(ctx context.Context) signing.Signer {
if cfg := getConfig(ctx); cfg != nil {
return cfg.Signer
return nil
// GetFrontendClientID returns an OAuth 2.0 client ID to use from the frontend.
// If it is not configured returns an empty string. May return an error if
// it could not be fetched. Such error should be treated as transient.
// This client ID is served via /auth/api/v1/server/client_id endpoint (so that
// the frontend can grab it), and the auth library permits access tokens with
// this client as an audience when authenticating requests.
func GetFrontendClientID(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if cfg := getConfig(ctx); cfg != nil && cfg.FrontendClientID != nil {
return cfg.FrontendClientID(ctx)
return "", nil
// GetFrontendOAuthScope returns the OAuth 2.0 scope to use from the frontend.
// If it is not configured returns an empty string. May return an error if
// it could not be fetched. Such error should be treated as transient.
func GetFrontendOAuthScope(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
if cfg := getConfig(ctx); cfg != nil && cfg.FrontendOAuthScopes != nil {
return cfg.FrontendOAuthScopes(ctx)
return nil, nil