blob: 9956b647c35a7ab25fce1b16d170dfc390bb1951 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package python
import (
// LookPathResult is the result of LookPathFunc.
type LookPathResult struct {
// Path, if not zero, is the absolute path to the identified target
// executable.
Path string
// Version, if not zero, is the Python version string. The most common (only?)
// LookPathFunc implementation (in
// calls the candidate Python to determine its version, and then stashes the
// result here to void redundant lookups if this LookPathResult ends up being
// selected.
Version Version
// LookPathFilter is given a candidate python interpreter, and returns nil
// if that interpreter passes the filter, and an error explaining why it
// failed otherwise
type LookPathFilter func(c context.Context, i *Interpreter) error
// LookPathFunc attempts to find a file identified by "target", similar to
// exec.LookPath.
// "target" will be the name of the program being looked up. It will NOT be a
// path, relative or absolute. It also should not include an extension where
// otherwise applicable (e.g., "python" instead of "python.exe"); the lookup
// function is responsible for trying known extensions as part of the lookup.
// A nil LookPathFunc will use exec.LookPath.
type LookPathFunc func(c context.Context, target string, filter LookPathFilter) (*LookPathResult, error)
// Find attempts to find a Python interpreter matching the supplied version
// using PATH.
// In order to accommodate multiple configurations on operating systems, Find
// will attempt to identify versions that appear on the path
func Find(c context.Context, vers Version, lookPath LookPathFunc) (*Interpreter, error) {
// pythonM.m, pythonM, python
searches := make([]string, 0, 3)
pv := vers
pv.Patch = 0
if pv.Minor > 0 {
searches = append(searches, pv.PythonBase())
pv.Minor = 0
if pv.Major > 0 {
searches = append(searches, pv.PythonBase())
pv.Major = 0
searches = append(searches, pv.PythonBase())
lookErrs := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(searches))
for i, s := range searches {
interp, err := findInterpreter(c, s, vers, lookPath)
if err == nil {
// Resolve to absolute path.
if err := filesystem.AbsPath(&interp.Python); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "could not get absolute path for: %q", interp.Python).Err()
return interp, nil
logging.WithError(err).Debugf(c, "Could not find Python for: %q.", s)
lookErrs.Assign(i, err)
// No Python interpreter could be identified.
return nil, errors.Annotate(lookErrs.Get(), "no Python found").Err()
func findInterpreter(c context.Context, name string, vers Version, lookPath LookPathFunc) (*Interpreter, error) {
if lookPath == nil {
lookPath = osExecLookPath
versionCheck := func(c context.Context, i *Interpreter) error {
if err := i.Normalize(); err != nil {
return err
iv, err := i.GetVersion(c)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get version for: %q", i.Python).Err()
if !vers.IsSatisfiedBy(iv) {
return errors.Reason("interpreter %q version %q does not satisfy %q", i.Python, iv, vers).Err()
return nil
lpr, err := lookPath(c, name, versionCheck)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "could not find appropriate executable for: %q", name).Err()
i := Interpreter{
Python: lpr.Path,
// If our LookPathResult included a target version, install that into the
// Interpreter, allowing it to use this cached value when GetVersion is
// called instead of needing to perform an additional lookup.
// Note that our LookPathResult may not populate Version, in which case we
// will not pre-cache it.
if !lpr.Version.IsZero() {
i.cachedVersion = &lpr.Version
return &i, nil
func osExecLookPath(c context.Context, target string, filter LookPathFilter) (*LookPathResult, error) {
v, err := exec.LookPath(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = filter(c, &Interpreter{Python: v})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LookPathResult{Path: v}, nil