blob: 6f05f30928d382baa545bb2411aff83d165b57fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package acl
import (
// Role allows certain actions on a Job or a Trigger.
type Role string
const (
// Reader role allows listing invocations and config of a job/trigger.
Reader = Role("READER")
// Triggerer role allows sending triggers to a job/trigger.
// Implies read access.
Triggerer = Role("TRIGGERER")
// Owner role provides full control of a job/trigger.
Owner = Role("OWNER")
// GrantsByRole can answer questions who can READ, TRIGGER, or who OWNs the task.
type GrantsByRole struct {
Owners []string `gae:",noindex"`
Triggerers []string `gae:",noindex"`
Readers []string `gae:",noindex"`
// CallerHasRole does what it says and returns only transient errors.
func (g *GrantsByRole) CallerHasRole(c context.Context, role Role) (bool, error) {
switch role {
case Owner:
return hasGrant(c, g.Owners, groupsAdministrators)
case Triggerer:
return hasGrant(c, g.Owners, g.Triggerers, groupsAdministrators)
case Reader:
return hasGrant(c, g.Owners, g.Readers, g.Triggerers, groupsAdministrators)
panic(errors.New("unknown role, bug in code"))
// Equal returns true if both security descriptors are equivalent.
func (g *GrantsByRole) Equal(o *GrantsByRole) bool {
eqSlice := func(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
return eqSlice(g.Owners, o.Owners) && eqSlice(g.Triggerers, o.Triggerers) && eqSlice(g.Readers, o.Readers)
// Sets are parsed and indexed `AclSet` of a project.
type Sets map[string][]*messages.Acl
// ValidateACLSets validates list of AclSet of a project and returns Sets.
// Errors are returned via validation.Context.
func ValidateACLSets(ctx *validation.Context, sets []*messages.AclSet) Sets {
as := make(Sets, len(sets))
reportedDups := stringset.New(len(sets))
for _, s := range sets {
_, isDup := as[s.Name]
validName := false
switch {
case s.Name == "":
ctx.Errorf("missing 'name' field'")
case !aclSetNameRe.MatchString(s.Name):
ctx.Errorf("%q is not valid value for 'name' field", s.Name)
case isDup:
if reportedDups.Add(s.Name) {
// Report only first dup.
ctx.Errorf("aclSet name %q is not unique", s.Name)
validName = true
// record this error regardless of whether name is valid or not
if len(s.GetAcls()) == 0 {
ctx.Errorf("aclSet %q has no entries", s.Name)
} else if validName {
// add if and only if it is valid
as[s.Name] = s.GetAcls()
return as
// ValidateTaskACLs validates task's ACLs and returns TaskAcls.
// Errors are returned via validation.Context.
func ValidateTaskACLs(ctx *validation.Context, pSets Sets, tSets []string, tAcls []*messages.Acl) *GrantsByRole {
grantsLists := make([][]*messages.Acl, 0, 1+len(tSets))
validateGrants(ctx, tAcls)
grantsLists = append(grantsLists, tAcls)
for _, set := range tSets {
if grantsList, exists := pSets[set]; exists {
grantsLists = append(grantsLists, grantsList)
} else {
ctx.Errorf("referencing AclSet %q which doesn't exist", set)
mg := mergeGrants(grantsLists...)
if n := len(mg.Owners) + len(mg.Readers) + len(mg.Triggerers); n > maxGrantsPerJob {
ctx.Errorf("Job or Trigger can have at most %d acls, but %d given", maxGrantsPerJob, n)
if len(mg.Owners) == 0 {
ctx.Errorf("Job or Trigger must have OWNER acl set")
return mg
var (
// aclSetNameRe is used to validate AclSet Name field.
aclSetNameRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9A-Za-z_\-\.]{1,100}$`)
// maxGrantsPerJob is how many different grants are specified for a job.
maxGrantsPerJob = 32
groupsAdministrators = []string{"group:administrators"}
// validateGrants validates the fields of the provided grants.
// Errors are returned via validation.Context.
func validateGrants(ctx *validation.Context, gs []*messages.Acl) {
for _, g := range gs {
switch {
case g.GetRole() != messages.Acl_OWNER && g.GetRole() != messages.Acl_READER && g.GetRole() != messages.Acl_TRIGGERER:
ctx.Errorf("invalid role %q", g.GetRole())
case g.GetGrantedTo() == "":
ctx.Errorf("missing granted_to for role %s", g.GetRole())
case strings.HasPrefix(g.GetGrantedTo(), "group:"):
if g.GetGrantedTo()[len("group:"):] == "" {
ctx.Errorf("invalid granted_to %q for role %s: needs a group name", g.GetGrantedTo(), g.GetRole())
id := g.GetGrantedTo()
if !strings.ContainsRune(g.GetGrantedTo(), ':') {
id = "user:" + g.GetGrantedTo()
if _, err := identity.MakeIdentity(id); err != nil {
ctx.Error(errors.Annotate(err, "invalid granted_to %q for role %s", g.GetGrantedTo(), g.GetRole()).Err())
// mergeGrants merges valid grants into GrantsByRole, removing and sorting duplicates.
func mergeGrants(grantsLists ...[]*messages.Acl) *GrantsByRole {
all := map[messages.Acl_Role]stringset.Set{
messages.Acl_OWNER: stringset.New(maxGrantsPerJob),
messages.Acl_TRIGGERER: stringset.New(maxGrantsPerJob),
messages.Acl_READER: stringset.New(maxGrantsPerJob),
for _, grantsList := range grantsLists {
for _, g := range grantsList {
sortedSlice := func(s stringset.Set) []string {
r := s.ToSlice()
return r
return &GrantsByRole{
Owners: sortedSlice(all[messages.Acl_OWNER]),
Triggerers: sortedSlice(all[messages.Acl_TRIGGERER]),
Readers: sortedSlice(all[messages.Acl_READER]),
// hasGrant is current user is covered by any given grants.
func hasGrant(c context.Context, grantsList ...[]string) (bool, error) {
currentIdentity := auth.CurrentIdentity(c)
var groups []string
for _, grants := range grantsList {
for _, grant := range grants {
if strings.HasPrefix(grant, "group:") {
groups = append(groups, grant[len("group:"):])
grantedIdentity := identity.Identity(grant)
if !strings.ContainsRune(grant, ':') {
// Just email.
grantedIdentity = identity.Identity("user:" + grant)
if grantedIdentity == currentIdentity {
return true, nil
isMember, err := auth.IsMember(c, groups...)
if err != nil {
return false, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return isMember, nil