blob: 765c803240185600bdaca4478c1bff9e9db8c673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package job;
option go_package = ";job";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "";
import "";
// Buildbucket is, ideally, just a BBAgentArgs, but there are bits of data that
// led needs to track which aren't currently contained in BBAgentArgs.
// Where it makes sense, this additional data should be moved from this
// Buildbucket message into BBAgentArgs, but for now we store it separately to
// get led v2 up and running.
message Buildbucket {
buildbucket.v2.BBAgentArgs bbagent_args = 1;
// Deprecated for Buildbucket v2 builds.
repeated swarming.v2.CipdPackage cipd_packages = 2;
repeated swarming.v2.StringPair env_vars = 3;
repeated swarming.v2.StringListPair env_prefixes = 4;
// Deprecated.
// TODO( remove this.
repeated string extra_tags = 5;
google.protobuf.Duration bot_ping_tolerance = 7;
swarming.v2.Containment containment = 8;
// Indicates that this build should be generated as a legacy kitchen task when
// launched.
bool legacy_kitchen = 9;
// Eventually becomes the name of the launched swarming task.
string name = 10;
// This field contains the path relative to ${ISOLATED_OUTDIR} for the final
// build.proto result. If blank, will cause the job not to emit any build
// proto to the output directory.
// For bbagent-based jobs this must have the file extension ".pb", ".textpb"
// or ".json", to get the respective encoding.
// For legacy kitchen jobs this must have the file extension ".json".
// By default, led will populate this with "build.proto.json".
string final_build_proto_path = 11;
// Indicates that this build should be generated as a real buildbucket build
// instead of a raw swarming task.
bool real_build = 12;
// Swarming is the raw TaskRequest. When a Definition is in this form, the
// user's ability to manipulate it via `led` subcommands is extremely limited.
message Swarming {
swarming.v2.NewTaskRequest task = 1;
string hostname = 2;
// If set, this holds the CASReference to use with the job, when launched.
// At the time of launch, this will be merged with
// swarming.task_slice[*].properties.cas_input_root, if any.
swarming.v2.CASReference cas_user_payload = 3;
message Definition {
oneof job_type {
// Represents a buildbucket-native task; May be recovered from a swarming
// task, or provided directly via buildbucket.
Buildbucket buildbucket = 1;
// Represents a swarming task. This will be filled for jobs sourced directly
// from swarming which weren't recognized as a buildbucket task.
// A limited subset of the edit and info functionality is available for
// raw swarming jobs.
Swarming swarming = 2;