blob: 0ba62480b256a57da537c100721df4bb57189909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lib
import (
type taskOutputOption int64
const (
taskOutputNone taskOutputOption = 0
taskOutputConsole taskOutputOption = 1 << 0
taskOutputJSON taskOutputOption = 1 << 1
taskOutputAll taskOutputOption = taskOutputConsole | taskOutputJSON
func (t *taskOutputOption) String() string {
switch *t {
case taskOutputJSON:
return "json"
case taskOutputConsole:
return "console"
case taskOutputAll:
return "all"
case taskOutputNone:
return "none"
func (t *taskOutputOption) Set(s string) error {
switch s {
case "json":
*t = taskOutputJSON
case "console":
*t = taskOutputConsole
case "all":
*t = taskOutputAll
case "", "none":
*t = taskOutputNone
return errors.Reason("invalid task output option: %s", s).Err()
return nil
func (t *taskOutputOption) includesJSON() bool {
return (*t & taskOutputJSON) != 0
func (t *taskOutputOption) includesConsole() bool {
return (*t & taskOutputConsole) != 0
// weightedSemaphore allows mocking semaphore.Weighted in tests.
type weightedSemaphore interface {
Acquire(context.Context, int64) error
TryAcquire(int64) bool
// taskResult is a consolidation of the results of packaging up swarming
// task results from collect.
type taskResult struct {
// taskID is the ID of the swarming task for which this results were retrieved.
taskID string
// result is the raw result structure returned by a swarming RPC call.
// result may be nil if err is non-nil.
result *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult
// output is the console output produced by the swarming task.
// output will only be populated if requested.
output string
// outputs is a list of file outputs from a task, downloaded from an isolate server.
// outputs will only be populated if requested.
outputs []string
// err is set if an operational error occurred while doing RPCs to gather the
// task result, which includes errors received from the server.
err error
func (t *taskResult) Print(w io.Writer) {
if t.err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: %v\n", t.taskID, t.err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: exit %d\n", t.taskID, t.result.ExitCode)
if t.output != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, t.output)
// CmdCollect returns an object for the `collect` subcommand.
func CmdCollect(authFlags AuthFlags) *subcommands.Command {
return &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "collect <options> (-requests-json file | task_id...)",
ShortDesc: "Waits on a set of Swarming tasks",
LongDesc: "Waits on a set of Swarming tasks.",
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
r := &collectRun{}
return r
type collectRun struct {
wait bool
timeout time.Duration
taskSummaryJSON string
taskSummaryPython bool
taskOutput taskOutputOption
outputDir string
eager bool
perf bool
jsonInput string
casAddr string
func (c *collectRun) Init(authFlags AuthFlags) {
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.wait, "wait", true, "Wait task completion.")
c.Flags.DurationVar(&c.timeout, "timeout", 0, "Timeout to wait for result. Set to 0 for no timeout.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.taskSummaryJSON, "task-summary-json", "", "Dump a summary of task results to a file as json.")
//TODO(tikuta): Remove this flag once is fixed.
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.taskSummaryPython, "task-summary-python", false, "Generate python client compatible task summary json.")
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.eager, "eager", false, "Return after first task completion.")
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.perf, "perf", false, "Includes performance statistics.")
c.Flags.Var(&c.taskOutput, "task-output-stdout", "Where to output each task's console output (stderr/stdout). (none|json|console|all)")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.outputDir, "output-dir", "", "Where to download isolated output to.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.jsonInput, "requests-json", "", "Load the task IDs from a .json file as saved by \"trigger -dump-json\"")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.casAddr, "cas-addr", casclient.AddrProd, "CAS address.")
func (c *collectRun) Parse(args *[]string) error {
var err error
if err := c.commonFlags.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
// Validate timeout duration.
if c.timeout < 0 {
return errors.Reason("negative timeout is not allowed").Err()
if !c.wait && c.timeout > 0 {
return errors.Reason("Do not specify -timeout with -wait=false.").Err()
// Validate arguments.
if c.jsonInput != "" {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.jsonInput)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "reading json input").Err()
input := TriggerResults{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &input); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "unmarshalling json input").Err()
// Modify args to contain all the task IDs.
for _, task := range input.Tasks {
*args = append(*args, task.TaskId)
for _, arg := range *args {
if !regexp.MustCompile("^[a-f0-9]+$").MatchString(arg) {
return errors.Reason("task ID %q must be hex ([a-f0-9])", arg).Err()
if len(*args) == 0 {
return errors.Reason("must specify at least one task id, either directly or through -json").Err()
return err
func (c *collectRun) Run(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) int {
if err := c.Parse(&args); err != nil {
printError(a, err)
return 1
if err := c.main(a, args); err != nil {
printError(a, err)
return 1
return 0
func (c *collectRun) fetchTaskResults(ctx context.Context, taskID string, service swarmingService, downloadSem weightedSemaphore) taskResult {
defer logging.Debugf(ctx, "Finished fetching task result: %s", taskID)
var result *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult
var output string
var outputs []string
err := retry.Retry(ctx, transient.Only(retry.Default), func() error {
var err error
// Fetch the result details.
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Fetching task result: %s", taskID)
result, err = service.TaskResult(ctx, taskID, c.perf)
if err != nil {
return tagTransientGoogleAPIError(err)
result, err = preserveEmptyFieldsOnTaskResult(result)
if err != nil {
return tagTransientGoogleAPIError(err)
// Signal that we want to start downloading outputs. We'll only proceed
// to download them if another task has not already finished and
// triggered an eager return.
if !downloadSem.TryAcquire(1) {
return errors.New("canceled by first task")
defer downloadSem.Release(1)
// TODO(mknyszek): Fetch output and outputs in parallel.
// If we got the result details, try to fetch stdout if the
// user asked for it.
if c.taskOutput != taskOutputNone {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Fetching task output: %s", taskID)
taskOutput, err := service.TaskOutput(ctx, taskID)
if err != nil {
return tagTransientGoogleAPIError(err)
output = taskOutput.Output
// Download the result isolated if available and if we have a place to put it.
if c.outputDir != "" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Fetching task outputs: %s", taskID)
outdir, err := prepareOutputDir(c.outputDir, taskID)
if err != nil {
return err
if result.OutputsRef != nil && result.CasOutputRoot != nil {
return errors.Reason("Invalid TaskResult: both OutputsRef and CasOutputRoot exist").Err()
if result.OutputsRef != nil {
outputs, err = service.FilesFromIsolate(ctx, outdir, result.OutputsRef)
if err != nil {
return tagTransientGoogleAPIError(err)
if result.CasOutputRoot != nil {
cascli, err := c.authFlags.NewRBEClient(ctx, c.casAddr, result.CasOutputRoot.CasInstance)
if err != nil {
return err
outputs, err = service.FilesFromCAS(ctx, outdir, cascli, result.CasOutputRoot)
if err != nil {
return tagTransientGoogleAPIError(err)
return nil
}, func(err error, d time.Duration) {
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(ctx, "Transient error while making request, retrying in %s...", d)
if err != nil {
return taskResult{taskID: taskID, err: err}
return taskResult{
taskID: taskID,
result: result,
output: output,
outputs: outputs,
func preserveEmptyFieldsOnTaskResult(tr *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult) (*swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult, error) {
state, err := parseTaskState(tr.State)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.ForceSendFields = append(tr.ForceSendFields, "CurrentTaskSlice")
// Keep ExitCode=0 only if the task has completed.
if state.Completed() {
tr.ForceSendFields = append(tr.ForceSendFields, "ExitCode")
if tr.PerformanceStats != nil {
casStatsForceSendFields := []string{
ps := tr.PerformanceStats
if ps.IsolatedDownload != nil && ps.IsolatedDownload.Duration > 0 {
ps.IsolatedDownload.ForceSendFields = append(ps.IsolatedDownload.ForceSendFields, casStatsForceSendFields...)
if ps.IsolatedUpload != nil && ps.IsolatedUpload.Duration > 0 {
ps.IsolatedUpload.ForceSendFields = append(ps.IsolatedUpload.ForceSendFields, casStatsForceSendFields...)
return tr, nil
func prepareOutputDir(outputDir, taskID string) (string, error) {
// Create a task-id-based subdirectory to house the outputs.
dir := filepath.Join(filepath.Clean(outputDir), taskID)
// This function can be retried when the RPC returned an HTTP 500. In this case,
// the directory will already exist and may contain partial results. Take no chance
// and restart from scratch.
if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "failed to remove directory: %s", dir).Err()
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create directory: %s", dir).Err()
return dir, nil
func (c *collectRun) pollForTaskResult(ctx context.Context, taskID string, service swarmingService, downloadSem weightedSemaphore) taskResult {
var result taskResult
startedTime := clock.Now(ctx)
for {
result = c.fetchTaskResults(ctx, taskID, service, downloadSem)
if result.err != nil {
// If we received an error from fetchTaskResults, it either hit a fatal
// failure, or it hit too many transient failures.
return result
// Only stop if the swarming bot is "dead" (i.e. not running).
state, err := parseTaskState(result.result.State)
if err != nil {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Task %s failed with error: %v", taskID, err)
return taskResult{taskID: taskID, err: err}
if !state.Alive() {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Task completed successfully: %s", taskID)
return result
if !c.wait {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Task %s fetched", taskID)
return result
currentTime := clock.Now(ctx)
// Start with a 1 second delay and for each 30 seconds of waiting
// add another second until hitting a 15 second ceiling.
delay := time.Second + (currentTime.Sub(startedTime) / 30)
if delay >= 15*time.Second {
delay = 15 * time.Second
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Waiting %s for task: %s", delay.Round(time.Millisecond), taskID)
timerResult := <-clock.After(ctx, delay)
// timerResult should have an error if the context's deadline was exceeded,
// or if the context was cancelled.
if timerResult.Err != nil {
err := timerResult.Err
if result.err != nil {
result.err = errors.Annotate(result.err, "%v", timerResult.Err).Err()
} else {
result.err = err
return result
// summarizeResultsPython generates summary JSON file compatible with python's
// swarming client.
func summarizeResultsPython(results []taskResult) ([]byte, error) {
shards := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(results))
for i, result := range results {
buf, err := json.Marshal(result.result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var jsonResult map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &jsonResult); err != nil {
return nil, err
if jsonResult != nil {
jsonResult["output"] = result.output
shards[i] = jsonResult
return json.MarshalIndent(map[string]interface{}{
"shards": shards,
}, "", " ")
// summarizeResults generate a marshalled JSON summary of the task results.
func (c *collectRun) summarizeResults(results []taskResult) ([]byte, error) {
if c.taskSummaryPython {
return summarizeResultsPython(results)
jsonResults := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, result := range results {
jsonResult := map[string]interface{}{}
if result.err != nil {
jsonResult["error"] = result.err.Error()
if result.result != nil {
jsonResult["results"] = result.result
if c.taskOutput.includesJSON() {
jsonResult["output"] = result.output
jsonResult["outputs"] = result.outputs
jsonResults[result.taskID] = jsonResult
return json.MarshalIndent(jsonResults, "", " ")
func (c *collectRun) pollForTasks(ctx context.Context, taskIDs []string, service swarmingService, downloadSem weightedSemaphore) []taskResult {
if len(taskIDs) == 0 {
return nil
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if c.timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = clock.WithTimeout(ctx, c.timeout)
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Aggregate results by polling and fetching across multiple goroutines.
results := make([]taskResult, len(taskIDs))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
taskFinished := make(chan int, len(taskIDs))
for i := range taskIDs {
go func(i int) {
defer func() {
taskFinished <- i
results[i] = c.pollForTaskResult(ctx, taskIDs[i], service, downloadSem)
if c.eager {
go func() {
// After the first task finishes, block any new tasks from starting
// to download outputs, but let any in-progress downloads complete.
downloadSem.Acquire(ctx, int64(len(taskIDs)))
return results
func (c *collectRun) main(_ subcommands.Application, taskIDs []string) error {
// Set up swarming service.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(c.defaultFlags.MakeLoggingContext(os.Stderr))
defer cancel()
defer signals.HandleInterrupt(func() {
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stderr, 1)
service, err := c.createSwarmingClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
downloadSem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(len(taskIDs)))
results := c.pollForTasks(ctx, taskIDs, service, downloadSem)
// Summarize and write summary json if applicable.
if c.taskSummaryJSON != "" {
jsonSummary, err := c.summarizeResults(results)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(c.taskSummaryJSON, jsonSummary, 0644); err != nil {
return err
for _, result := range results {
if c.taskOutput.includesConsole() || result.err != nil {
return nil