blob: 95e321c4abd2638714b3ea161e161902ed01f834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package srcman
import (
// zeroCmpTwo compares two objects of the same type where the objects could be
// pointers, slices or strings.
// It generates a Stat value of:
// * EQUAL if they're both nil/empty/zero
// * ADDED if a is nil and b is not
// * REMOVED if b is nil and a is not
// * For strings:
// * EQUAL/MODIFIED depending on string equality
// * For slices:
// * MODIFIED if they have differing lengths
// * Whatever the callback method returns
// * For others
// * Whatever the callback method returns
// The callback method is required for non-string types.
func zeroCmpTwo(a, b interface{}, modCb func() ManifestDiff_Stat) ManifestDiff_Stat {
av, bv := reflect.ValueOf(a), reflect.ValueOf(b)
t := av.Type()
if t != bv.Type() {
panic("inconsistent types")
var az, bz bool
if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice || t.Kind() == reflect.String {
az, bz = av.Len() == 0, bv.Len() == 0
} else {
z := reflect.Zero(t)
az, bz = av == z, bv == z
switch {
case az && bz:
return ManifestDiff_EQUAL
case az && !bz:
return ManifestDiff_ADDED
case !az && bz:
return ManifestDiff_REMOVED
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
if av.String() == bv.String() {
return ManifestDiff_EQUAL
return ManifestDiff_MODIFIED
case reflect.Slice:
if av.Len() != bv.Len() {
return ManifestDiff_MODIFIED
return modCb()
// modifiedTracker is a simplistic structure. It:
// * tracks the status of anything you feed to add(). If you feed a status
// other than EQUAL, it flips to true.
// * returns MODIFIED from status() if its bool value is true, otherwise EQUAL.
// It's used for semi-transparently computing `Overall` Stat values for diff
// entries containing many interesting fields.
type modifiedTracker bool
// add incorporates `st` into this modifiedTracker's state.
func (c *modifiedTracker) add(st ManifestDiff_Stat) ManifestDiff_Stat {
*c = *c || st != ManifestDiff_EQUAL
return st
// status returns MODIFIED or EQUAL, depending on if the tracked state is true
// or false.
func (c modifiedTracker) status() ManifestDiff_Stat {
if c {
return ManifestDiff_MODIFIED
return ManifestDiff_EQUAL
func parseChangeRef(ref string) (cl string) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/changes/") {
return ""
parts := strings.Split(ref, "/")[2:] // remove refs/changes
// should be NN/YYYYYNN/ZZ
if len(parts) != 3 {
return ""
return parts[1]
// Diff generates a Stat reflecting the difference between the `old`
// GitCheckout and the `new` one.
// This will generate a Stat of `DIFF` if the two GitCheckout's are non-nil and
// share the same RepoUrl.
// This only calculates the pure-data differences. Notably, this will not reach
// out to any remote services to populate the git_history field.
func (old *Manifest_GitCheckout) Diff(new *Manifest_GitCheckout) *ManifestDiff_GitCheckout {
if old == nil && new == nil {
return nil
ret := &ManifestDiff_GitCheckout{}
ret.Overall = zeroCmpTwo(old, new, func() ManifestDiff_Stat {
if old.RepoUrl == new.RepoUrl {
// For now, the canonical 'diff' URL is always the new URL. If we add
// support for source-of-truth migrations, this could change.
ret.RepoUrl = new.RepoUrl
// FetchRef doesn't matter for comparison purposes for now.
ret.Revision = zeroCmpTwo(old.Revision, new.Revision, nil)
if ret.Revision == ManifestDiff_MODIFIED {
ret.Revision = ManifestDiff_DIFF
// We calculate DIFF for PatchRevision iff the two checkouts both include
// patches from the same CL.
ret.PatchRevision = zeroCmpTwo(old.PatchRevision, new.PatchRevision, nil)
if ret.PatchRevision == ManifestDiff_MODIFIED {
oldCL, newCL := parseChangeRef(old.PatchFetchRef), parseChangeRef(new.PatchFetchRef)
if oldCL != "" && newCL != "" && oldCL == newCL {
ret.PatchRevision = ManifestDiff_DIFF
// If all the revisions are the same and the repo url is the same, that's
// good enough for the whole checkout to be equal.
if ret.Revision == ManifestDiff_EQUAL && ret.PatchRevision == ManifestDiff_EQUAL {
return ManifestDiff_EQUAL
return ManifestDiff_MODIFIED
return ret
// Diff generates a ManifestDiff_Stat reflecting the difference between the `old`
// CIPDPackage and the `new` one.
func (old *Manifest_CIPDPackage) Diff(new *Manifest_CIPDPackage) ManifestDiff_Stat {
return zeroCmpTwo(old, new, func() ManifestDiff_Stat {
// Version and PackagePattern don't matter for diff purposes.
return zeroCmpTwo(old.InstanceId, new.InstanceId, nil)
// Diff generates a ManifestDiff_Directory object which shows what changed
// between the `old` manifest directory and the `new` manifest directory.
func (old *Manifest_Directory) Diff(new *Manifest_Directory) *ManifestDiff_Directory {
ret := &ManifestDiff_Directory{}
ret.Overall = zeroCmpTwo(old, new, func() ManifestDiff_Stat {
var dirChanged modifiedTracker
if ret.GitCheckout = old.GitCheckout.Diff(new.GitCheckout); ret.GitCheckout != nil {
ret.CipdServerHost = dirChanged.add(zeroCmpTwo(old.CipdServerHost, new.CipdServerHost, nil))
if ret.CipdServerHost == ManifestDiff_EQUAL && new.CipdServerHost != "" {
cipdPackages := map[string]ManifestDiff_Stat{}
for name, pkg := range old.CipdPackage {
cipdPackages[name] = dirChanged.add(pkg.Diff(new.CipdPackage[name]))
for name, pkg := range new.CipdPackage {
if _, ok := cipdPackages[name]; !ok {
cipdPackages[name] = dirChanged.add(old.CipdPackage[name].Diff(pkg))
if len(cipdPackages) > 0 {
ret.CipdPackage = cipdPackages
return dirChanged.status()
return ret
// Diff generates a ManifestDiff object which shows what changed between the
// `old` manifest and the `new` manifest.
// This only calculates the pure-data differences. Notably, this will not reach
// out to any remote services to populate the git_history field.
func (old *Manifest) Diff(new *Manifest) *ManifestDiff {
ret := &ManifestDiff{
Old: old,
New: new,
Directories: map[string]*ManifestDiff_Directory{},
ret.Overall = zeroCmpTwo(old, new, func() ManifestDiff_Stat {
var anyChanged modifiedTracker
for path, olddir := range old.Directories {
dir := olddir.Diff(new.Directories[path])
ret.Directories[path] = dir
for path, newdir := range new.Directories {
if _, ok := ret.Directories[path]; !ok {
dir := old.Directories[path].Diff(newdir)
ret.Directories[path] = dir
return anyChanged.status()
return ret