blob: 778a1c8da770761968209fc357d72e3cd5e92a22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package srcman;
option go_package = "";
import "";
import "";
// ManifestDiff holds basic difference information between two source manifests.
message ManifestDiff {
// The older of the two manifests.
srcman.Manifest old = 1;
// The newer of the two manifests.
srcman.Manifest new = 2;
// Stat indicates how a given item has changed.
enum Stat {
// These two items are identical
EQUAL = 0;
// The item was added in `new` compared to `old`
ADDED = 1;
// The item was removed in `new` compared to `old`
// The item is in both, but is incomparable (e.g. repo_url changed from
// `old` to `new`).
// The item is in both, and is directly comparable (e.g. different
// revisions of the same repo_url). This only applies to the revision fields
// of SCM messages.
// This is 0x8 | MODIFIED, so that users who don't care about DIFF v.
// MODIFIED can check `Status & MODIFIED`.
DIFF = 12;
// Indicates if there is some overall difference between old and new.
Stat overall = 3;
message GitCheckout {
// Indicates if there is some overall difference between old and new.
Stat overall = 1;
// Indicates the status for the `revision` field.
// If this is DIFF, it is sensible to compute
// `git log repo_url old.revision new.revision`
Stat revision = 2;
// Indicates the status for the `patch_revision` field. It evaluates
// the patch_fetch_ref values to ensure that old and new are different
// patches from the same CL.
// If this is DIFF, it is sensible to compute
// `git log repo_url old.patch_revision new.patch_revision`
Stat patch_revision = 3;
// The URL that should be used for RPCs. It may differ from the url in old
// or new if the service computing this ManifestDiff knows of e.g. a repo
// URL migration.
string repo_url = 4;
// If revision==DIFF, this may be populated with git history occurring
// between the two base revisions.
repeated git.Commit history = 5;
message Directory {
// This is the overall status for this Directory.
Stat overall = 1;
GitCheckout git_checkout = 2;
Stat cipd_server_host = 3;
// Note: this will only ever be MODIFIED, because we cannot (yet) determine
// if two versions of a cipd package are diffable. We may later implement
// DIFF detection (i.e. if both packages use `version:<sha1>` tags).
map<string, Stat> cipd_package = 4;
reserved 5, 6;
map<string, Directory> directories = 4;