blob: af9ade59adedbc8a3cb0de98742e570801e0a72a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graph
import (
// Node is an element of the graph.
type Node struct {
Key *Key // unique ID of the node
Index int // index of the node in the graph
Props *starlarkstruct.Struct // struct(...) with frozen properties
Trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace // where the node was defined
Idempotent bool // true if it's fine to redeclare this node
children []*Edge // edges from us (the parent) to the children
parents []*Edge // edges from the parents to us (the child)
childrenList []*Node // memoized result of listChildren()
parentsList []*Node // memoised result of listParents()
// Edge is a single 'Parent -> Child' edge in the graph.
type Edge struct {
Parent *Node
Child *Node
Title string // arbitrary title for error messages
Trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace // where it was defined
// declare marks the node as declared.
// Freezes properties as a side effect.
func (n *Node) declare(idx int, props *starlarkstruct.Struct, idempotent bool, trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace) {
n.Index = idx
n.Props = props
n.Idempotent = idempotent
n.Trace = trace
// BelongsTo returns true if the node was declared in the given graph.
func (n *Node) BelongsTo(g *Graph) bool {
return n.Key.set == &g.KeySet
// Declared is true if the node was fully defined via AddNode and false if
// it was only "predeclared" by being referenced in some edge (via AddEdge).
// In a finalized graph there are no dangling edges: all nodes are guaranteed to
// be declared.
func (n *Node) Declared() bool {
return n.Props != nil
// visitDescendants calls cb(n, path) and then recursively visits all
// descendants of 'n' in depth first order until a first error.
// If a descendant is reachable through multiple paths, it is visited multiple
// times.
// 'path' contains a path being explored now, defined as a list of visited
// edges. The array backing this slice is mutated by 'visitDescendants', so if
// 'cb' wants to preserve it, it needs to make a copy.
// Assumes the graph has no cycles (as verified by AddEdge).
func (n *Node) visitDescendants(path []*Edge, cb func(*Node, []*Edge) error) error {
if err := cb(n, path); err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range n.children {
if err := e.Child.visitDescendants(append(path, e), cb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// listChildren returns a slice with a set of direct children of the node, in
// order corresponding edges were declared.
// Must be used only with finalized graphs, since the function caches its result
// internally on a first call. Returns a copy of the cached result.
func (n *Node) listChildren() []*Node {
if n.childrenList == nil {
// Note: we want to allocate a new slice even if it is empty, so that
// n.childrenList is not nil anymore (to indicate we did the calculation
// already).
n.childrenList = make([]*Node, 0, len(n.children))
seen := make(map[*Key]struct{}, len(n.children))
for _, edge := range n.children {
if _, ok := seen[edge.Child.Key]; !ok {
seen[edge.Child.Key] = struct{}{}
n.childrenList = append(n.childrenList, edge.Child)
return append([]*Node(nil), n.childrenList...)
// listParents returns a slice with a set of direct parents of the node, in
// order corresponding edges were declared.
// Must be used only with finalized graphs, since the function caches its result
// internally on a first call. Returns a copy of the cached result.
func (n *Node) listParents() []*Node {
if n.parentsList == nil {
// Note: we want to allocate a new slice even if it is empty, so that
// n.parentsList is not nil anymore (to indicate we did the calculation
// already).
n.parentsList = make([]*Node, 0, len(n.parents))
seen := make(map[*Key]struct{}, len(n.parents))
for _, edge := range n.parents {
if _, ok := seen[edge.Parent.Key]; !ok {
seen[edge.Parent.Key] = struct{}{}
n.parentsList = append(n.parentsList, edge.Parent)
return append([]*Node(nil), n.parentsList...)
// String is a part of starlark.Value interface.
// Returns a node title as derived from the kind of last component of its key
// and IDs of all key components. It's not 1-to-1 mapping to the full info in
// the key, but usually good enough to identify the node in error messages.
// Key components with kinds that start with '_' are skipped.
// If the kind of the first key component starts with '@' and its ID ("<id>") is
// not empty, the final string will have a form 'kind("<id>:a/b/c")'.
func (n *Node) String() string {
ids := make([]string, 0, 5) // overestimate
// Traverse the (kind, id) list starting from tail.
p := n.Key
kind := ""
for p != nil {
if kind = p.Kind(); !strings.HasPrefix(kind, "_") {
ids = append(ids, p.ID())
p = p.Container()
// Reverse the result to get head-to-tail order.
for l, r := 0, len(ids)-1; l < r; l, r = l+1, r-1 {
ids[l], ids[r] = ids[r], ids[l]
// Deal with namespaced keys. Their root container kind (last visited) has
// form "@...".
pfx := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(kind, "@") {
if ns := ids[0]; ns != "" {
pfx = ns + ":"
ids = ids[1:]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%q)", n.Key.Kind(), pfx+strings.Join(ids, "/"))
// Type is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (n *Node) Type() string { return "graph.node" }
// Freeze is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (n *Node) Freeze() {}
// Truth is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (n *Node) Truth() starlark.Bool { return starlark.True }
// Hash is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (n *Node) Hash() (uint32, error) { return n.Key.Hash() }
// AttrNames is a part of starlark.HasAttrs interface.
func (n *Node) AttrNames() []string {
return []string{"key", "props", "trace"}
// Attr is a part of starlark.HasAttrs interface.
func (n *Node) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) {
switch name {
case "key":
return n.Key, nil
case "props":
return n.Props, nil
case "trace":
return n.Trace, nil
return nil, nil