blob: 003ab950a824cb21b28fb9af72eb3a58ab6abcd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cipd
import (
api ""
// Helper structs and functions for working with JSON representation of CIPD
// domain objects.
// See also acl.go for ACL-related structs and action_plan.go structs related
// to EnsurePackages call.
// These structs largely define public API of 'cipd ... -json-output ...'.
// UnixTime is time.Time that serializes to integer unix timestamp in JSON
// (represented as a number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC).
type UnixTime time.Time
// String is needed to be able to print UnixTime.
func (t UnixTime) String() string {
return time.Time(t).String()
// Before is used to compare UnixTime objects.
func (t UnixTime) Before(t2 UnixTime) bool {
return time.Time(t).Before(time.Time(t2))
// IsZero reports whether t represents the zero time instant.
func (t UnixTime) IsZero() bool {
return time.Time(t).IsZero()
// MarshalJSON is used by JSON encoder.
func (t UnixTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if t.IsZero() {
return []byte("0"), nil
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", time.Time(t).Unix())), nil
// JSONError is wrapper around Error that serializes it as string.
type JSONError struct {
// MarshalJSON is used by JSON encoder.
func (e JSONError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if e.error == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
return json.Marshal(e.Error())
// InstanceInfo is information about single package instance.
type InstanceInfo struct {
// Pin identifies package instance.
Pin common.Pin `json:"pin"`
// RegisteredBy is identity of whoever uploaded this instance.
RegisteredBy string `json:"registered_by"`
// RegisteredTs is when the instance was registered.
RegisteredTs UnixTime `json:"registered_ts"`
// TagInfo is returned by DescribeInstance.
type TagInfo struct {
// Tag is actual tag name ("key:value" pair).
Tag string `json:"tag"`
// RegisteredBy is identity of whoever attached this tag.
RegisteredBy string `json:"registered_by"`
// RegisteredTs is when the tag was registered.
RegisteredTs UnixTime `json:"registered_ts"`
// RefInfo is returned by DescribeInstance and FetchPackageRefs.
type RefInfo struct {
// Ref is the ref name.
Ref string `json:"ref"`
// InstanceID is ID of a package instance the ref points to.
InstanceID string `json:"instance_id"`
// ModifiedBy is identity of whoever modified this ref last time.
ModifiedBy string `json:"modified_by"`
// ModifiedTs is when the ref was modified last time.
ModifiedTs UnixTime `json:"modified_ts"`
// Metadata is a metadata entry that can be attached to an instance.
type Metadata struct {
// Key is a lowercase string matching [a-z0-9_\-]{1,400}.
Key string `json:"key"`
// Value is an arbitrary byte blob smaller than 512 Kb.
Value []byte `json:"value,omitempty"`
// Optional MIME content type of the metadata value, primarily for UI.
ContentType string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`
// MetadataInfo describes an already attached metadata entry.
type MetadataInfo struct {
// Fingerprint identifies this particular metadata entry.
// It is derived from the key+value via common.InstanceMetadataFingerprint.
Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"`
// Key is a lowercase string matching [a-z0-9_\-]{1,400}.
Key string `json:"key"`
// Value is an arbitrary byte blob smaller than 512 Kb.
Value []byte `json:"value,omitempty"`
// Optional MIME content type of the metadata value, primarily for UI.
ContentType string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`
// AttachedBy is identity of whoever attached this metadata.
AttachedBy string `json:"attached_by"`
// AttachedTs is when the metadata was attached.
AttachedTs UnixTime `json:"attached_ts"`
// InstanceDescription contains extended information about an instance as
// returned by DescribeInstance.
type InstanceDescription struct {
// Refs is a list of refs pointing to the instance, sorted by modification
// timestamp (newest first)
// Present only if DescribeRefs in DescribeInstanceOpts is true.
Refs []RefInfo `json:"refs,omitempty"`
// Tags is a list of tags attached to the instance, sorted by tag key and
// creation timestamp (newest first).
// Present only if DescribeTags in DescribeInstanceOpts is true.
Tags []TagInfo `json:"tags,omitempty"`
// ClientDescription contains extended information about a CIPD client binary
// at some version for some platform, as returned by DescribeClient.
type ClientDescription struct {
// Size of the client binary file in bytes.
Size int64 `json:"size"`
// SignedURL is URL of the client binary.
SignedURL string `json:"signed_url"`
// Digest is the client binary digest using the best hash algo understood by
// the current process.
// May potentially be nil if the current process doesn't understand any of
// the algos, but this is an extreme situation and it is OK to panic in this
// case. At very least all client binaries have SHA1 digests, and it should
// be understood by all clients.
Digest *api.ObjectRef `json:"digest"`
// AlternativeDigests is a list of digest calculated using hash algos other
// than the one used by Digest.
// This may include both old hash algos (obsoleted by the algo in Digest), as
// well as a new ones, not supported by the current process.
// Not all client versions have all digests calculated. Older versions have
// only SHA1 digest, which means for them Digest will be SHA1 and
// AlternativeDigests list will be empty.
AlternativeDigests []*api.ObjectRef `json:"alternative_digests"`
// Converters from proto API to JSON output structs.
func apiInstanceToInfo(inst *api.Instance) InstanceInfo {
var t time.Time
if inst.RegisteredTs.IsValid() {
t = inst.RegisteredTs.AsTime()
return InstanceInfo{
Pin: common.Pin{
PackageName: inst.Package,
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(inst.Instance),
RegisteredBy: inst.RegisteredBy,
RegisteredTs: UnixTime(t),
func apiRefToInfo(r *api.Ref) RefInfo {
var t time.Time
if r.ModifiedTs.IsValid() {
t = r.ModifiedTs.AsTime()
return RefInfo{
Ref: r.Name,
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(r.Instance),
ModifiedBy: r.ModifiedBy,
ModifiedTs: UnixTime(t),
func apiTagToInfo(t *api.Tag) TagInfo {
return TagInfo{
Tag: common.JoinInstanceTag(t),
RegisteredBy: t.AttachedBy,
RegisteredTs: UnixTime(t.AttachedTs.AsTime()),
func apiDescToInfo(d *api.DescribeInstanceResponse) *InstanceDescription {
desc := &InstanceDescription{
InstanceInfo: apiInstanceToInfo(d.Instance),
if len(d.Refs) != 0 {
desc.Refs = make([]RefInfo, len(d.Refs))
for i, r := range d.Refs {
desc.Refs[i] = apiRefToInfo(r)
if len(d.Tags) != 0 {
desc.Tags = make([]TagInfo, len(d.Tags))
for i, t := range d.Tags {
desc.Tags[i] = apiTagToInfo(t)
return desc
func apiClientDescToInfo(d *api.DescribeClientResponse) *ClientDescription {
desc := &ClientDescription{
InstanceInfo: apiInstanceToInfo(d.Instance),
Size: d.ClientSize,
SignedURL: d.ClientBinary.SignedUrl,
AlternativeDigests: make([]*api.ObjectRef, 0, len(d.ClientRefAliases)),
// Fallback value if the server doesn't support ClientRefAliases yet.
desc.Digest = &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1,
HexDigest: d.LegacySha1,
// Pick the best supported algo as 'Digest'.
for _, ref := range d.ClientRefAliases {
_, supported := api.HashAlgo_name[int32(ref.HashAlgo)]
if supported && ref.HashAlgo > desc.Digest.HashAlgo {
desc.Digest = ref
// Put everything else into 'AlternativeDigests'.
for _, ref := range d.ClientRefAliases {
if ref.HashAlgo != desc.Digest.HashAlgo {
desc.AlternativeDigests = append(desc.AlternativeDigests, ref)
return desc