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// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package lru provides least-recently-used (LRU) cache.
package lru
import (
// snapshot is a snapshot of the contents of the Cache.
type snapshot map[interface{}]interface{}
type cacheEntry struct {
k, v interface{}
// expiry is the time when this entry expires. It will be 0 if the entry
// never expires.
expiry time.Time
// Item is a Cache item. It's used when interfacing with Mutate.
type Item struct {
// Value is the item's value. It may be nil.
Value interface{}
// Exp is the item's expiration.
Exp time.Duration
// Generator generates a new value, given the current value and its remaining
// expiration time.
// The returned value will be stored in the cache after the Generator exits,
// even if it is nil.
// The Generator is executed while the Cache's lock is held.
// If the returned Item is nil, no item will be retained, and the current
// value (if any) will be purged. If the returned Item's expiration is <=0,
// the returned Item will never expire. Otherwise, the Item will expire in the
// future.
type Generator func(it *Item) *Item
// Maker generates a new value. It is used by GetOrCreate, and is run while a
// lock on that value's key is held, but not while the larger Cache is locked,
// so it is safe for this to take some time.
// The returned value, v, will be stored in the cache after Maker exits.
// If the Maker returns an error, the returned value will not be cached, and
// the error will be returned by GetOrCreate.
type Maker func() (v interface{}, exp time.Duration, err error)
// Cache is a least-recently-used (LRU) cache implementation. The cache stores
// key-value mapping entries up to a size limit. If more items are added past
// that limit, the entries that have have been referenced least recently will be
// evicted.
// A Cache must be constructed using the New method.
// Cache is safe for concurrent access, using a read-write mutex to allow
// multiple non-mutating readers (Peek) or only one mutating reader/writer (Get,
// Put, Mutate).
type Cache struct {
// size, if >0, is the maximum number of elements that can reside in the LRU.
// If 0, elements will not be evicted based on count. This creates a flat
// cache that may never shrink.
size int
// lock is a lock protecting the Cache's members.
lock sync.RWMutex
// cache is a map of elements. It is used for lookup.
// Cache reads may be made while holding the read or write lock. Modifications
// to cache require the write lock to be held.
cache map[interface{}]*list.Element
// lru is a List of least-recently-used elements. Each time an element is
// used, it is moved to the beginning of the List. Consequently, items at the
// end of the list will be the least-recently-used items.
// Accesses to lru require the write lock to be held.
lru list.List
// mp is a Mutex pool used in GetOrCreate to lock around individual keys.
mp mutexpool.P
// New creates a new, locking LRU cache with the specified size.
// If size is <= 0, the LRU cache will have infinite capacity, and will never
// prune elements.
func New(size int) *Cache {
c := Cache{
size: size,
return &c
// Peek fetches the element associated with the supplied key without updating
// the element's recently-used standing.
// Peek uses the cache read lock.
func (c *Cache) Peek(ctx context.Context, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if e := c.cache[key]; e != nil {
ent := e.Value.(*cacheEntry)
if !c.isEntryExpired(now, ent) {
return ent.v, true
return nil, false
// Get fetches the element associated with the supplied key, updating its
// recently-used standing.
// Get uses the cache read/write lock.
func (c *Cache) Get(ctx context.Context, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
// We need a Read/Write lock here because if the entry is present, we are
// going to need to promote it "lru".
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if e := c.cache[key]; e != nil {
ent := e.Value.(*cacheEntry)
if !c.isEntryExpired(now, ent) {
return ent.v, true
return nil, false
// Put adds a new value to the cache. The value in the cache will be replaced
// regardless of whether an item with the same key already existed.
// If the supplied expiration is <=0, the item will not have a time-based
// expiration associated with it, although it still may be pruned if it is
// not used.
// Put uses the cache read/write lock.
// Returns whether not a value already existed for the key.
// The new item will be considered most recently used.
func (c *Cache) Put(ctx context.Context, key, value interface{}, exp time.Duration) (prev interface{}, had bool) {
c.Mutate(ctx, key, func(cur *Item) *Item {
if cur != nil {
prev, had = cur.Value, true
return &Item{value, exp}
// Mutate adds a value to the cache, using a Generator to create the value.
// Mutate uses the cache read/write lock.
// The Generator will receive the current value, or nil if there is no current
// value. It returns the new value, or nil to remove this key from the cache.
// The Generator is called while the cache's lock is held. This means that
// the Generator MUST NOT call any cache methods during its execution, as
// doing so will result in deadlock/panic.
// Returns the value that was put in the cache, which is the value returned
// by the Generator. "ok" will be true if the value is in the cache and valid.
// The key will be considered most recently used regardless of whether it was
// put.
func (c *Cache) Mutate(ctx context.Context, key interface{}, gen Generator) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Get the current entry.
var it *Item
var ent *cacheEntry
e := c.cache[key]
if e != nil {
// If "e" is expired, purge it and pretend that it doesn't exist.
ent = e.Value.(*cacheEntry)
if !c.isEntryExpired(now, ent) {
it = &Item{
Value: ent.v,
if !ent.expiry.IsZero() {
// Get remaining lifetime of this entry.
it.Exp = ent.expiry.Sub(now)
// Invoke our generator.
it = gen(it)
if it == nil {
// The generator indicated that no value should be stored, and any
// current value should be purged.
if e != nil {
return nil, false
// Generate our entry and calculate our expiration time.
if ent == nil {
ent = &cacheEntry{key, it.Value, time.Time{}}
} else {
ent.v = it.Value
// Set/update expiry.
if it.Exp <= 0 {
ent.expiry = time.Time{}
} else {
ent.expiry = now.Add(it.Exp)
if e == nil {
// The key doesn't currently exist. Create a new one and place it at the
// front.
e = c.lru.PushFront(ent)
c.cache[key] = e
// Because we added a new entry, we need to perform a pruning round.
} else {
// The element already exists. Visit it.
return it.Value, true
// Remove removes an entry from the cache. If the key is present, its current
// value will be returned; otherwise, nil will be returned.
// Remove uses the cache read/write lock.
func (c *Cache) Remove(key interface{}) (val interface{}, has bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if e, ok := c.cache[key]; ok {
val, has = e.Value.(*cacheEntry).v, true
// GetOrCreate retrieves the current value of key. If no value exists for key,
// GetOrCreate will lock around key and invoke the supplied Maker to generate
// a new value.
// If multiple concurrent operations invoke GetOrCreate at the same time, they
// will serialize, and at most one Maker will be invoked at a time. If the Maker
// succeeds, it is more likely that the first operation will generate and
// install a value, and the other operations will all quickly retrieve that
// value once unblocked.
// If the Maker returns an error, the error will be returned by GetOrCreate and
// no modifications will be made to the Cache. If Maker returns a nil error, the
// value that it returns will be added into the Cache and returned to the
// caller.
// Note that the Cache's lock will not be held while the Maker is running.
// Operations on to the Cache using other methods will not lock around
// key. This will not interfere with GetOrCreate.
func (c *Cache) GetOrCreate(ctx context.Context, key interface{}, fn Maker) (v interface{}, err error) {
// First, check if the value is the cache. We don't need to hold the item's
// Mutex for this.
var ok bool
if v, ok = c.Get(ctx, key); ok {
return v, nil
// The value is currently not cached, so we will generate it., func() {
// Has the value been cached since we obtained the key's lock?
if v, ok = c.Get(ctx, key); ok {
// Generate a new value.
var exp time.Duration
if v, exp, err = fn(); err != nil {
// The Maker returned an error, so do not add the value to the cache.
// Add the generated value to the cache.
c.Put(ctx, key, v, exp)
// Create write-locks around key and invokes the supplied Maker to generate a
// new value.
// If multiple concurrent operations invoke GetOrCreate or Create at the same
// time, they will serialize, and at most one Maker will be invoked at a time.
// If the Maker succeeds, it is more likely that the first operation will
// generate and install a value, and the other operations will all quickly
// retrieve that value once unblocked.
// If the Maker returns an error, the error will be returned by Create and
// no modifications will be made to the Cache. If Maker returns a nil error, the
// value that it returns will be added into the Cache and returned to the
// caller.
// Note that the Cache's lock will not be held while the Maker is running.
// Operations on to the Cache using other methods will not lock around
// key. This will not interfere with Create.
func (c *Cache) Create(ctx context.Context, key interface{}, fn Maker) (v interface{}, err error) {, func() {
// Generate a new value.
var exp time.Duration
if v, exp, err = fn(); err != nil {
// The Maker returned an error, so do not add the value to the cache.
// Add the generated value to the cache.
c.Put(ctx, key, v, exp)
// Prune iterates through entries in the Cache and prunes any which are
// expired.
func (c *Cache) Prune(ctx context.Context) {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Reset clears the full contents of the cache.
// Purge uses the cache read/write lock.
func (c *Cache) Reset() {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
c.cache = make(map[interface{}]*list.Element)
// Len returns the number of entries in the cache.
// Len uses the cache read lock.
func (c *Cache) Len() (size int) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
return len(c.cache)
// snapshot returns a snapshot map of the cache's entries.
func (c *Cache) snapshot() (ss snapshot) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if len(c.cache) > 0 {
ss = make(snapshot)
for k, e := range c.cache {
ss[k] = e.Value.(*cacheEntry).v
// pruneSizeLocked prunes LRU elements until its heuristic is satisfied. Its
// write lock must be held by the caller.
func (c *Cache) pruneSizeLocked() {
// There is no size constraint.
if c.size <= 0 {
// Prune the oldest entries until we're within our size constraint.
for e := c.lru.Back(); e != nil; e = c.lru.Back() {
if len(c.cache) <= c.size {
func (c *Cache) pruneExpiryLocked(now time.Time) {
// Iterate front-to-back and prune any entries that have expired.
var cur *list.Element
e := c.lru.Front()
for e != nil {
// Advance to the next element before pruning the current. Otherwise,
// the Next() pointer may be invalid.
cur, e = e, e.Next()
if c.isEntryExpired(now, cur.Value.(*cacheEntry)) {
// isEntryExpired returns whether this entry is expired given the current time.
// An entry is expired if it has an expiration time, and the current time is >=
// the expiration time.
// Will return false if the entry has no expiration, or if the entry is not
// expired.
func (c *Cache) isEntryExpired(now time.Time, ent *cacheEntry) bool {
return !(ent.expiry.IsZero() || now.Before(ent.expiry))
func (c *Cache) evictEntryLocked(e *list.Element) {
delete(c.cache, e.Value.(*cacheEntry).k)