blob: 2f664315b37f760ff7beea87268620b43f4cfcf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package authdb
import (
// UnconfiguredDB is an empty authdb.DB that logs and rejects most checks.
// What checks are logged are based on the following criteria: if a server has
// UnconfiguredDB installed, and it totally ignores authentication and
// authorization (for example, it is a localhost server), then no logging should
// be emitted. In practice it means we don't log in GetWhitelistForIdentity
// only (it is called for all incoming requests).
type UnconfiguredDB struct {
Error error // an error to return, must be non-nil
func (db UnconfiguredDB) log(ctx context.Context, method string) {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "UnconfiguredDB.%s: %s", method, db.Error)
if db.Error == nil {
panic("UnconfiguredDB.Error must not be nil")
func (db UnconfiguredDB) IsAllowedOAuthClientID(ctx context.Context, email, clientID string) (bool, error) {
db.log(ctx, "IsAllowedOAuthClientID")
return false, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) IsInternalService(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (bool, error) {
db.log(ctx, "IsInternalService")
return false, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) IsMember(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) (bool, error) {
db.log(ctx, "IsMember")
return false, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) CheckMembership(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) ([]string, error) {
db.log(ctx, "CheckMembership")
return nil, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) HasPermission(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, perm realms.Permission, realm string) (bool, error) {
db.log(ctx, "HasPermission")
return false, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) GetCertificates(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity) (*signing.PublicCertificates, error) {
db.log(ctx, "GetCertificates")
return nil, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) GetWhitelistForIdentity(ctx context.Context, ident identity.Identity) (string, error) {
// GetWhitelistForIdentity is called for ALL incoming requests. Let them pass.
return "", nil
func (db UnconfiguredDB) IsInWhitelist(ctx context.Context, ip net.IP, whitelist string) (bool, error) {
db.log(ctx, "IsInWhitelist")
return false, db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) GetAuthServiceURL(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
db.log(ctx, "GetAuthServiceURL")
return "", db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) GetTokenServiceURL(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
db.log(ctx, "GetTokenServiceURL")
return "", db.Error
func (db UnconfiguredDB) GetRealmData(ctx context.Context, realm string) (*protocol.RealmData, error) {
db.log(ctx, "GetRealmData")
return nil, db.Error